Thursday 6 December 2018

Week 9 - Term 4 - 2018

Ka rongo, ka wareware
Ka kite, ka mahara
Ka hangaia, ka marama ahau

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

Week 9
10 Hakihea - 14 Hakihea

Junior Curriculum Project - Mon - Wed

Juniors finish at 12.20 - Mon 10

Senior Prizegiving (CBHS at 6pm) - Mon10

Year 13 Testimonials available - Mon 10

Openside performance at Lunchtime - Tues 11

Junior Prizegiving - Thurs 13 at 9.00am

Staff Farewells - Thurs 13 at 11am

Staff lunch - Thurs 13 at 1pm

Holiday Break

Assembly - WED


Assembly - WED





Staff Information

1. NCEA review - what we are hearing so far: 
Some interesting themes and new questions are emerging and it is well worth keeping up to date with where the country is at with regards to NCEA perceptions.

2. CGHS Start Dates for 2019

The following start dates have been advertised to our community. Just a reminder you will be required to attend an Ako teacher meeting at 8.30am on the day your Ako group is due for enrolment.

Monday 21 January     Office Opens for Enquiries
Friday 25 January        New Staff Orientation
                                     Peer Support Leader Training (10am-2pm)    

Week 1                                School runs from 9am through to 2.30pm
Monday, 28 January            Teacher Only Day

Tuesday, 29 January          Year 9 Orientation and Year 13 prefects only (9am – 2.30pm)
Year 10-13 New Student and International Student Orientation (10 –2.30pm)
Year 13 Peer Support Leaders (11am-1.30pm)
Sports and Cultural Roadshow

Wednesday, 30 January     Year 9 Orientation (9am - 2.30pm)
Year 13   (9am - 11.30am)
Sports and Cultural Roadshow

Thursday, 31 January         Year 9 Orientation (9am - 2.30pm)
Year 11 (9am - 11am)
Year 12 (1pm - 2.30pm)
Year 13 Peer Support Leaders (11am-1.30pm)
Sports and Cultural Roadshow

Friday, 1 February              Year 9 Orientation (9am - 2.30pm)
Year 10 (9am-2.30pm)
Year 13 Peer Support Leaders (11am-1.30pm)
Sports and Cultural Roadshow

Week 2                               School runs on normal times (8.40am-3.10pm)
Monday, 4 February        All Years Extended Ako Time (Timetables)
Powhiri / Whole School Assembly
Timetabled Classes from Period 3
Tuesday, 5 February           Timetabled Classes
Wednesday, 6 February      Waitangi Day

3. Liz presented a number of online tools that students could access and use in any technology presentation. If you are a Microsoft user then could be of use.

Other tools included:
  • Pixabay - free images
  • BBC Sound effects - free sound effects that you are allowed to use for educational reasons
  • Fugue - free music BUT you must use the link to their website in your product
  • App makers - these are to create apps without having to know code. Kodular and Thunkable

4. Two Professional Learning Opportunities that have been released:

a. PCT, OTT and Mentor Workshop Series for 2019

If you are a PCT, Overseas trained teacher (new to teaching in NZ) or a Mentor in 2019, the dates for workshops for teachers have just been released. Go to for more information.

b. Tuahiwi Education Workshops:

Thursday 29 November 2018

Week 8 - Term 4 - 2018

E Tu‐rau‐ngā‐tao e, pewhea tāua e whiti ai? Tēnā anō kei ona roratanga

Difficult obstacles can be surmounted if one perseveres and all avenues are explored

Week 8
Hakihea - 7 Hakihea

Junior Curriculum Project - All Week

National Cricket Champs - Mon 3 - Wed 5

Year 10 Camps Begin

Senior Clearance ends - Mon 3

Year 13 Leavers Ball at Wigram - Mon 3

Touch - NZ Champs - Fri 7 - Sun 9

Week 9
10 Hakihea - 14 Hakihea

Junior Curriculum Project - Mon - Wed

Juniors finish at 12.20 - Mon 10

Senior Prizegiving (CBHS at 6pm) - Mon10

Year 13 Testimonials available - Mon 10

Openside performance at Lunchtime - Tues 11

Junior Prizegiving - Thurs 13 at 9.00am

Staff Farewells - Thurs 13 at 11am

Staff lunch - Thurs 13 at 1pm

Assembly - WED


Assembly - WED





Information for Staff

1. Beginners Guide to the Hour of Code: Next week is the hour of code week. The Blog post 'Shake up Learning' has a number of resources you can use to start your coding journey.

2. The education hub has recently uploaded an article on the 'Seven Principles to effectively support Māori students as Māori'
The seven principles identified are:
  • Accepting professional responsibility for, and making a commitment to, improving Māori students’ educational achievement 
  • Caring for Māori students as Māori 
  • Developing relationships with whānau and iwi 
  • Transforming power relations in the classroom 
  • Developing discursive and co-constructive pedagogies 
  • Managing classrooms to promote learning 
  • Having high expectations of Māori students and reflecting on learning outcomes and goals with students and whānau 
See link above for more detail as to what this might look like in the classroom.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Week 7 - Term 4 - 2018

Maori Proverb

Week 7
26 Noema - 30 Noema

NZQA Examinations Continue - All Week

NZ Tallblacks training in Gym - Tues 27, 10am - 12pm

Duke of Edinburgh training Year 10 - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Duke of Edinburgh training Year 9 - Wed 28 - Fri 30

Tennis - Canterbury Junior Champs - Tues 27 - Wed 28

Whanau Hui - Wed 28

Volleyball - SI Junior Champs - Tues 27 - Fri 30

Athletics National Champs - Thurs 29 - Sun 2

Cricket NZ - Fri 30 - Sun 2

Kapa Haka rehearsal - Fri 30

Last day for internal NZQA entries - Fri 30

Week 8
Hakihea - 7 Hakihea

Junior Curriculum Project - All Week

National Cricket Champs - Mon 3 - Wed 5

Year 10 Camps Begin

Senior Clearance ends - Mon 3

Year 13 Leavers Ball at Wigram - Mon 3

Touch - NZ Champs - Fri 7 - Sun 9

Assembly - WED

Junior Assembly - Silver awards

Assembly - WED



Staff Meeting - Special Prizes and Reporting - Monday 26

HOLA/ HOD Mentor meeting with BYS (TBC)


Information for Staff

1. Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu - The correspondence school: Something you might like to consider if you or your children would like to learn te reo. Te Kura offer free online classes that anyone can enrol in. See for more information.

In 2019 Te Kura will also be offering to students for the first time level 1 Samoan. So if you are aware of anyone that this could be relevant for, then let them know.

2. Assessment for Learning: Many of you are planning for 2019, revising units and planning new material is how to incorporate assessment for learning into your everyday lesson plans.
The table below outlines the difference between traditional and authentic assessment methods as outlined in Lombardi 2008. Take time now to critique your practice and think about the following questions:
a. What are some of the things that you do in your class with regards to assessment?
b. Are they characteristics of effective assessment practice?

‘The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students’ learning and teachers’ teaching as both student and teacher respond to the information that it provides’.
NZ National Curriculum Document 2007 p.39
The Assessment and student outcomes template may also be of use as part of your planning review for 2019.
Traditional Assessment

Authentic Assessment
Generally relies on forced-choice, written measures
Promotes integration of various written and performance measures
Relies on proxy measures of student learning to represent target skills
Relies on direct measures of target skills
Encourages memorisation of correct answers
Encourages divergent thinking in generating possible answers
Goal is to measure acquisition of knowledge
Goal is to enhance development of meaningful skills
Curriculum directs assessment
Assessment for learning directs curriculum
Emphasis on developing a body of knowledge
Emphasis on ensuring proficiency at real-world tasks
Promotes "what" knowledge
Promotes "how" knowledge
Provides a one-time snapshot of student understanding
Provides an examination of learning over time
Emphasises competition
Emphasises cooperation
Targets simplistic skills or tasks in a concrete, singular fashion
Prepares students for ambiguities and exceptions that are found in realistic problem settings
Priority on summative outcomes or product
Priority on the learning sequence or process

Adapted from Lombardi (2008) Making the Grade: The role of assessment in authentic learning (pg. 8)