Thursday 26 July 2018

Week 2 - Term 3 - 2018

Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha

It is the thought that counts

Week 2
30 Hōngongoi - 3 Ākuhata

Mukogawa Visit - All week

LEF and Estimated Credits due Wednesday 4th at 12.55pm

Year 9 DIT Paparoa Trip - Mon 30 and Thurs 2

12TOU Akaroa - Tues 31

ICAS English - Tues 31

FWRs 13ENG class - Anne Frank exhibition - p 1 and 2. 10PIW at exhibition p 3 and 4. - Thurs 2

FWR 12ENG class - p 1 and 2 - Anne Frank Exhibition - Fri 3

Music Concert (Evening) - Thurs 2

Complete Referee reports for students who have requested - Fri 3

Chamber Music Final - Fri 3 - Sat 4

Squash - NZ Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

Jazz Quest - Sat 4 - Sun 5

Week 3
 6 Ākuhata - 10 Ākuhata

Late Start - Mon 6 (See below for details) 

English Classes in PAC throughout the day as move is made into Level 4.

School Gala Production (Opening of the PAC) Tues 7 and Wed 8 - 7pm start.

Vivianne Spiegel, Holocaust survivor speaking to invited classes in PAC - p2, Tues 7

Southern Jam - Wed 8 - Sun 12

12PHY Investigation from 1 - 4pm - Thurs 9

Australian Maths Competition p 1 & 2 - Thurs 9

Mufti Day - Thurs 9

Senior Speech Competitions p4 - Thurs 9

12TOU trip - Fri 10

Assembly - WED

Full School - International Assembly

Assembly - WED

House Assemblies - rooms to be advised


Learning and Teaching - Tues


Learning Area - Tues

Information for Staff

1. Late Start - Mon 6 August. The focus for this late start is a return to eLearning and our end of year junior program. Please select using the LINK, one of the following options.

a. Use of Clickview and ETV: The school has invested in these video platforms. The session will involve how to use the interactive tools that are offered in order to make viewing of clips interactive rather than passive. The session will also touch upon the use of EdPuzzle and FlipGrid.

b. Games for Learning - You may use a number of these already in your teaching program, but this will be a chance to check out some of the new features available, as well as look at other tools to use to enhance learning. Platforms include: Kahoot, Quizlet, Socrative and others.

c. The use of Team Drive and Google Sites: A number of learning areas have begun using these tools. This is a chance to create a Google site, examine tools and features that sites offers as well as how you might use them with your classes. If time, will touch on the use of Team Drives.

d. Google Tourbuilder and Google Expeditions: An introduction to both of these tools. Google Expeditions is an experience in VR using Google Cardboard, and Tourbuilder is how to integrate resources into maps.

e. End of year Curriculum - this year MDC has taken over the end of year curriculum with our Year 9's and 10's. Catherine has developed a new outline, taking on board feedback from 2017. She is going to share her plans, and would like a group of staff to discuss next steps.

2. The Education Hub, have just released their website with research and information directly related to New Zealand schools - see

3. Upcoming PD through Core Education on Culturally responsive Practice . Different courses are available starting from mid August.

4. We had 4 of our students attend the Youth Leadership Summit in Christchurch this week where survivors from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting had a day inspiring youth to  pursue their own causes.
Aria Carroll and Ruby Lange from Year 11 and  Jacinda Yee and Belle Pankhurst from Year 12 joined other students from around Christchurch to attend the day.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Week 1 - Term 3 - 2018

Qualify for the Future World 

Kia Noho Takatū Ki Tō Āmua Ao

Week 1
23 Hōngongoi - 27 Hōngongoi

Year 12 Loves Me Not Seminar - Thurs 26

Music Tour Primary Schools - Fri 27

Badminton Canterbury Champs - Sat 28 - Sun 29

Week 2
30 Hōngongoi - 3 Ākuhata

LEF and Estimated Credits due this week

Year 9 DIT Paparoa Trip - Mon 30 and Thurs 2

12TOU Akaroa - Tues 31

ICAS English - Tues 31

Music Concert (Evening) - Thurs 2

Chamber Music Final - Fir 3 - Sat 4

Squash - NZ Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

Jazz Quest - Sat 4 - Sun 5

Assembly - WED

Year 11 - PAC

Assembly - WED

Full School - International Assembly


Staff Meeting - Tues


Learning and Teaching - Tues

Information for Staff

NZQA have released their vision for digital assessment now that they see schools as being 'digital ready', by embedding the use of technology into their teaching and learning programs. The time frame for NZQA is still 2020, to have all examinations available online.

NZQA are creating the change to how we assess in the future and state that "the current approach of once-a-year, paper based external examinations does not afford the flexibility to respond to, and take advantage of 21st century teaching and learning approaches that are occurring. In fact, the current assessment approach may act as a brake on further innovation in teaching and learning, and constrains students to be ready at a point in time, irrespective of their learning journey." The link above goes through their full vision statement.

2. New Additions announced for Google Classroom:

If you are a google classroom user, then you will soon get the new 'Classwork' feature. This new aspect that will be included will enable you to organise the work you post into Classroom into 'units', rather than having to scroll through a large number of posts. See the 'Google Blog' or 'Classroom Help' for further updates and information.

3. Wellbeing tip for Term 3 - check out the TED talk by Alison Ledgerwood - 'A simple trick to improve positive thinking'.