Thursday 19 November 2020

Week 7 - Term 4 - 2020

 Ka mahi te tawa uho ki te riri

Well done you whose courage is like the heart of the tawa tree

Week 7
23 Noema - 27 Noema

NCEA and Scholarship Examinations continue - all week

SSIS Junior Volleyball - Mon 23 - Wed 25

Junior Prize winners due - Mon 23

Year 10 Camp Rotation Continues

Junior EOY reports Completed - Wed 25

Badminton - SISS Junior Cup - tues 24 - Thurs 26

Tennis - Cant Junior Champs - Tues 24 - Wed 25

Junior Excursion Day - Wed 25

Waterpolo - SI Junior Champs - Thurs 26 - Sun 29

Puhoro Stem Academy - Thurs 26

Staff 1st Aid Course - Fri 27

Week 8
30 Noema - 4 Tihema

NCEA and Scholarship Examinations continue - all week

Cricket NZ - Mon 30 - Wed 2

Year 10 Camps continue 

Junior Prizegiving - Fri 4


No Assemblies this week.


No Assemblies this week.


Learning and Teaching - 104
Te Whare Haora - S4 


Learning Area meetings

Information for Staff

1. Following on from last weeks initial summary of the Year 13 Exit survey, I have collated some of the feedback into a summary. Further information can be found HERE

2.The Education Hub have summarised recent research on the impact of streaming, setting and attainment grouping on students. Worth a read - HERE

3. Grit - the power of Passion and perseverance

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Week 6 - Term 4 - 2020


Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu

Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.

Whether you are young or old, there’s always room to grow. Learning a new skill, solving problems, and helping others are just some of the many “feathers” you can wear in order to soar high. The more strengths you have, the higher you’ll fly! Give your tamariki those feathers (experiences) so they may soar. 

Week 6
16 Noema - 20 Noema

NCEA and Scholarship examinations begin - Mon 16

Year 9 & 10 Rank lists due - Mon 16

Year 10 Camp rotations begin - Mon 16

Summer Sports end - Wed 18

Teacher Only Day - MOE - Thurs 19

Week 6
23 Noema - 27 Noema

NCEA and Scholarship Examinations continue - all week

SSIS Junior Volleyball - Mon 23 - Wed 25

Junior Prize winners due - Mon 23

Year 10 Camp Rotation Continues

Junior EOY reports Completed - Wed 25

Badminton - SISS Junior Cup - tues 24 - Thurs 26

Tennis - Cant Junior Champs - Tues 24 - Wed 25

Junior Excursion Day - Wed 25

Waterpolo - SI Junior Champs - Thurs 26 - Sun 29

Puhoro Stem Academy - Thurs 26

Staff 1st Aid Course - Fri 27


No Assemblies this week.


No Assemblies this week.


Learning Area 


Learning and Teaching - 104
Te Whare Haora - S4

Information for Staff

1. Over the last couple of weeks, the Year 13 students were asked to complete an exit survey regarding their experience at CGHS over the last 5 years.

A number of questions have been asked - you may be interested in the first summary that has been downloaded from the survey tool 'Ask your team'. Students were asked to either disagree or agree with the statements. The percentages refer to the number who do agree. See the first section of the data HERE.
Further summaries of the written responses will be available over the next few weeks.

2. NZQA are looking for part-time moderators is a wide variety of areas. Check out the list on the NZQA website for subjects HERE.

3. A couple of infographics sent through from our Counselling Team.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Week 5 - Term 4 - 2020

 Poipoia te kakano, Kia puawai

Nurture the seed and it will blossom

Week 5
9 Noema - 13 Noema

L2 Art Portfolio Marking - Mon 9 - Tues 10

Junior Maths Exam - Mon 9

Whanau and Pacifika farewell - Mon 9

Staff 1st Aid course - Tues 10 and Wed 11

Aukaha Tau 10 - UC with HUI - Tues 10

Year 10 French Akaroa Trip - Tues 10

Exeat Day (no school) - Thurs 12

Show Day - Fri 13

Week 6
16 Noema - 20 Noema

NCEA and Scholarship examinations begin - Mon 16

Year 10 Camp rotations begin - Mon 16

Summer Sports end - Wed 18

Teacher Only Day - MOE - Thurs 19


No Assemblies this week.


No Assemblies this week.




Learning Area 

Information for Staff

1. Wow, what a week it has been - how we have managed to fit in a Leavers Ball, Prizegiving and the final assemblies I do not know. A big thank you for all the work you have done getting our students to this point, exams will be over before we know it.

2. Pacific Values - you may wish to check out these clips about Pasifika Education.

Thursday 29 October 2020

Week 4 - Term 4 - 2020

 Mā te kimi ka kite, Mā te kite ka mōhio, Mā te mōhio ka mārama. Seek and discover. Discover and know. Know and become enlightened.

Week 4
2 Noema - 6 Noema

School closes at end of p4 - Wed 4

Senior Prizegiving - 6pm start - Wed 4
(see outline HERE)

Acland High Tea - Thurs 5

Volleyball - Canterbury Junior Champs - Fri 6 - Sun 8

Final Assembly for Seniors - See Below - Fri 6

Junior Chirnside - Fri 6

Week 5
9 Noema - 13 Noema

L2 Art Portfolio Marking - Mon 9 - Tues 10

Junior Maths Exam - Mon 9

Whanau and Pacifika farewell - Mon 9

Staff 1st Aid course - Tues 10 and Wed 11

Aukaha Tau 10 - UC with HUI - Tues 10

Year 10 French Akaroa Trip - Tues 10

Exeat Day (no school) - Thurs 12

Show Day - Fri 13


Junior exam Briefing in Gym - Wed


No Assemblies this week.


Learning and Teaching - 104
Te Whare Hauora - S4



Wednesday 21 October 2020

Week 3 - Term 4 - 2020

 Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pūmanawa o tāngata

Together we'll weave the realisation of potential

Week 3
 26 Oketopa - 30 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 26

Senior Grade Report - Tues 27

Senior Prizewinners and Year 13 Rank lists due - Tues 27

Special Awards due - Tues 27

Gillette Cup Cricket - Wed 28 - Thurs 29

Pink Day Carnival - Wed 28

Year 13 Leavers Function at Wigram - Sat 31

Week 4
2 Noema - 6 Noema

School closes at end of p4 - Wed 4

Senior Prizegiving - 6pm start - Wed 4

Acland High Tea - Thurs 5

Volleyball - Canterbury Junior Champs - Fri 6 - Sun 8

Final Assembly for Seniors - See Below - Fri 6

Junior Chirnside - Fri 6


Wed - Year 9 - Gym
Year 12 - PAC

Friday - Sports Colours Assembly (P1 and 2 - 5 min shorter)


See below for structure of the day 


Learning Area


Learning and Teaching - 104
Te Whare Hauora - S4

Information for Staff

1. The structure of the day for Seniors on Friday 6 November will be the following

Period 1 - Year 13 will be in NZQA Assembly in PAC 
Period 2 - Year 12 NZQA Assembly in PAC and Year 13 in GYM with ORC

Morning tea - Quad - Year 13 and Staff

Period 3 - Full School Assembly - Year 12 and 13 will leave at the end of the assembly.

Period 4 - Year 11 NZQA Assembly in PAC - they will then leave after this.

2. NZQA are looking for new School Relationship Managers - if you are interested in assessment - check out

3. I have just recently listened to this podcast from 'Habits of Leadership. Episode 34, is on 'What can school Leaders learn from Learning through Covid19" - have a listen, and consider/ reflect upon the following as you move from exam prep and marking into planning for 2021.

a. What things did you consider changing post lockdown?
b. How many of these did you actually put in place?
c. What would you like to reconsider now?

4. An interesting article - Are we Measuring What matters?

5. Free book access "A Learner's Paradise - How New Zealand is Reimagining Education" by Richard Wells.

Description: Do you think education works? Does it meet the needs of future society, business and most importantly, the average school leaver? In this book, Richard Wells explains his amazement at how all the components of New Zealand education collaborate in creating an ever forward-moving system better prepared for the 21st century than any other. After teaching in the UK, Wells moved to New Zealand in 2006 to find there was no prescribed curriculum and teachers were trusted to run the whole system, including writing high school graduation assessments themselves. 
The Government is appreciated by teachers as a supportive aide to them as they hold each other to account in a positive and collaborative nationally networked system. In New Zealand, teachers are proud of the education system they operate and develop with their students, some being unaware of how lucky they are.
Wells explains each of the elements and organisations that jointly form the world’s leading 21st Century education system.  He describes the developments and decisions that were made in achieving this and how it is moving into a phase of using student-negotiated national assessments that few other countries’ educators could even contemplate. The book is filled with useful diagrams and posters to illustrate key themes and pedagogies. Wells paints a picture of what happens when young people are measured by their depth of thinking and understanding and can personalise their approach to doing so. The book introduces you to a country where the leading people and schools shape the future of world public education.