Wednesday 29 July 2020

Week 3 - Term 3 - 2020

He iti te mokoroa nāna te kahikatea i kakati 
(Even the small can make a big impact on the big)

Week 3
 3 Akuhata - 7 Akuhata
International Week - all week

LEF Reports and EC due this week

QUAD Tournament - Mon 3

Senior Speech Competition p4 - Tues 4

Week 4
  10 Akuhata - 14 Akuhata
Book Week - all week

Otago University Open Day - Mon 10

Junior Alison Harper p3-4 Tues 11

Ako - Subject selection + Parent portal opens for subject choices - Wed 12

Ski/snow - Canterbury Champs - Thurs 13

Year 12/13 Art History to UC


Wed: Year 9 (PAC)
          Year 11 (Gym)

Fri: Full School Assembly (International)

Wed: Year 13 (PAC)

Fri: Full School Assembly (Book week)


Learning and Teaching



Information for Staff

1. Survey regarding Professional Learning. Jacky Young, who has been working with the school around the implementation of Digital Technology progressions in learning areas is undertaking research on Professional learning.
If you are able to spare a few minutes to fill in her survey regarding the use of PLGs - here is the link

2. Two new documents have been released this week, the Action Plan for Pacific Education and the refreshed 'Ka Hikitia'

3 Contract NZQA vacancies:  There are a number of contract vacancies available with NZQA, including markers, verifiers, panel leaders and examiner and materials developer roles for several NCEA and NZ Scholarship subjects. These are currently advertised on the NZQA website.

4. Innovative assessment case studies for internally assessed standards: 
NZQA is showcasing examples of innovative approaches to assessment, as described by teachers, students, and senior managers. NZQA has collected video evidence from teachers, students, and management in schools where innovative assessment is happening. 

It is presented as a series of case studies in three strands: 
 teachers talking about what they do differently, 
 students reflecting on what the style of assessment meant for them, and 
 management saying how they made the changes in their schools to accommodate this. 

Research and discussion tools are included so that schools or departments can use them to instigate change. An introduction to the case studies can be found

5. And finally, nice to see Alice Daizell from 2019 on the Lincoln Uni scholarship advertising.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Week 2 - Term 3 - 2020

He kotuku rerenga tahi

A white heron flies once

This is used on an occasion when something very special and unusual takes place.

Week 2
 27 Hōngongoi - 31 Hōngongoi

Fire Evac - P2 Wed 29

Me and My School Survey - Year 9 and 10 only - Wed in Ako. (shortened p2 class)

Australian Maths Competition, p1 &2 - Thurs 

Aukaha Tau 12 - UC Thurs

Music Concert - PAC @ 6.30pm on Thurs

Week 3
 3 Akuhata - 7 Akuhata
International Week - all week

LEF Reports and EC due this week

QUAD Tournament - Mon 3

Senior Speech Competition p4 - Tues 4


Wed: Year 12 Assembly

Fri: Full School Assembly 

Wed: Year 9 (PAC)
          Year 11 (Gym)

Fri: Full School Assembly (International)


Staff Meeting


Learning and Teaching

Information for Staff

1. Staff meeting on Tuesday will be focused around starting to create our Year 10 Graduate profile. Student voice has been collected in Term 2. This is a heads up for you all to think about what attributes/skills/dispositions you think are key.

2. PLD Opportunities: 
a. Courageous Leadership through the Growth Culture Leadership Academy (see They are currently advertising three levels of courses. Some of you may be interested in Whāinga, for teachers or emerging leaders seeking a career development pathway.

b. Techweek - From Monday 27 there is a large number of 'Technical' training/ information sessions available. Check out the link to find more information.

c. The Anywhere school -  The Anywhere School, is an online event to celebrate educators and explore the future of education with thought-provoking panels, keynotes. This event is online on August 12. To register click HERE. This is a Google for Education event.

Saturday 18 July 2020

Week 1 - Term 3 - 2020

He rangai maomao ka taka ki tua o Nukutaurua, e kore a muri e hokia.

“When a shoal of maomao fish has passed to seaward of Nukutaurua rock (off Mangonui harbour) it will never return.”

We are on a mission together, there is no turning back.

Week 1
20 - Hōngongoi - 24 Hōngongoi

Week 2
 27 Hōngongoi - 31 Hōngongoi

Fire Evac - P2 Wed 29

Me and My School Survey - Year 9 and 10 only - Wed in Ako. (shortened p2 class)

Australian Maths Competition, p1 &2 - Thurs

Aukaha Tau 12 - UC Thurs

Music Concert - PAC @ 6.30pm on Thurs

Poetry in Action Performance - 


Wed: Nil - all students in Ako

Fri: Full School Assembly 

Wed: Year 12 Assembly

Fri: Full School Assembly 




Staff Meeting

Information for Staff

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you have had a relaxing term break.

1. This term is te wiki o te reo Māori (14 - 20 September/ Mahuru). What will your goal be? Improving your pronunciation to impress your students when taking the roll? Adding more kupu reo (Māori words) into your daily life? (check out the 100 Te reo words that all NZers should know) Starting to differentiate the pronunciation from an iwi to the other?
If you would like some ideas as to where you could put your focus - check out

2. Agentic Engagement: If you are a follower of Educational Podcasts, the latest from Ollie Lovell touches on self-effacy, achievement vs mastery goals and something he calls the 'cycle of protection'. Some great food for thought around the perception from some students that if you change the focus to enable students to see that they "are not the only one who doesn't understand this", learning is more likely to happen.