Monday 25 January 2021

January 2021 - Start of Year

 Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi 

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

This whakatauki talks to community, to collaboration and a strengths-based approach. It acknowledges that everybody has something to offer, a piece of the puzzle, and by working together we can all flourish.

 1 Hui-tanguru - 5 Hui-tanguru

Start of Year Intro and Welcome back - Staff - Mon 1, 9am - 11am in Staffroom

Year 10 – 13 New Student and New International Student Orientation, 10 - 11.30am  - Mon 1

Year 9 begins 9am in PAC - Tues 2

Prefect Leadership Orientation Day - Tues 2

Year 11 - 13 re-enrolment  - Wed 3

Year 10 Enrolment (9am -2pm) - Thurs 4

Year 9 Parents Evening - Thurs 4

Teacher Only Day - Fri 5

Waitangi Day - Sat 6

Week 1
Hui-tanguru - 12 Hui-tanguru

Waitangi Day Observed - Mon 8

Powhiri - 9am in Gym - Tues 9

Timetabled classes begin - p3 Tues 9

Peer Support - Year 9 p1

Women in Defence Forces - Wed 10

School Photos - Thurs 11 - Fri 12

Assembly - 


Assembly - WED

Friday - Leadership


Department/ Learning Area - Mon 1 @ 11.30 and Tuesday 2nd at 2pm

Teaching and Learning - Mon 1 @ 2pm

Te Whare Haoura - Mon 1 @ 2pm


Learning Area Meeting - Tues 9
Information for Staff
1. Welcome back for 2021. Hope you have all had a fantastic break. There have been a few changes onsite at CGHS over the break, most notably the gym and it is looking amazing.
On Monday, we will start with a welcome in the staff room at 9am, with meeting scheduled throughout the day. As our Teacher Only Day is on Friday, the welcome back lunch will be on Friday - so just a heads up.

  • Welcome back
  • New Staff Introductions
  • Goals, Directions and Updates - ONC
  • Start of Year Survey
  • Powhiri and Waiata 
A big change you will see, is the updated Kamar platform - I suggest you all watch the tips and tricks video before you login as there is definitely new learning for everyone.

You may also be interested in the following presentation, which is about tidying up your GSuite.
2. Links to the annual Secondary Examinations NCEA and Scholarship Teacher Survey for 2020 is available. 
Scholarship survey link:
NCEA survey link:
The surveys close on 27 February 2021.
3. Resubmissions: With the NCEA review, there will be an updated Assessment Rule on 1 Feb 2021. From this point forward, schools will only be able to offer a resubmission opportunity to students only when a minor error prevents them from reaching an 'Achieved' grade.
The only change in grade boundary available for resubmissions is from 'Not Achieved' to 'Achieved'. On this basis, the highest grade that can be awarded as a result of a resubmission of an internal assessment is limited to 'Achieved'.
We are to continue to offer only one resubmission for each assessment event against an Assessment Standard.
More information can be found in this NCEA mythbuster #4