Thursday 25 February 2021

Week 4 - Term 1 - 2021

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere.
Engari, ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao

The one who partakes of the flora and fauna, that will be their domain

The one who engages in education, opportunities are boundless.

Week 4
Maehe - 5 Maehe

BIO 201 to Temple Basin - All week

UC Students in classes observing - All week

Victoria University Visit - Mon 1

Peer Support p3 - Wed 3

SISS Rowing champs - Thurs 4 - Sun 7

Polyfest Camp - Fri 5 - Sat 6

Canterbury Champs Dragon Boating - Sun 7

SI Multisport champs - Sun 7

Week 5
Maehe - 12 Maehe

Athletic Sports - Mon 8

Gateway First Aid - Mon 8 - Tues 9

Auckland University Visit - Tues 9

Polyfest Fa'aliga Evening - Tues 9 at 6pm

Geo 101 Trip to Queenstown - Wed 10 - Fri 12

CGHS Swimming Sports - Thurs 11

Lincoln University Visit - Thurs 11

Ugly Shakespeare - Thurs 11 p2

Rowing - pre Maadi camp  - Fri 12 - Sun 14

SI schools MTB champs - Fri 12 - Sun 14

Volleyball Canterbury Champs - Fri 12 - Sun 14

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 PAC
Year 13 - Gym

Friday - House Assemblies

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 Gym
Year 12 - PAC (NCEA)

Friday - Full School (Polyfest group will perform)

PLG groups - see below for rooms



Information for staff

1. How we can better prepare students to be thoughtful, responsible, and critical consumers and creators? Why and how to Use YouTube Video Essays in your Classroom. - the website explains how they can be used in the classroom.

2. Thank you for taking the time to choose your PLG for the year, the rooms for PLG groups on Tuesday at 2.50pm are:

Relational Culture - Staff - Staffroom
Relational Culture - Student - A201
Curriculum - 402
Timetable - 126
Assessment & Reporting - 217

3. Just in case you have missed the announcement - the NZ curriculum is undergoing an update - you can find out more from the latest Education Gazette - 'Curriculum refresh to enhance learning'. The Social Science Learning Area will the be the first to get a change to their achievement objectives, which will incorporate the new 'Histories' content that is mandated for 2022. The review to Mathematics, English and Science will occur in 2022 for implementation in 2023.

Thursday 18 February 2021

Week 3 - Term 1 - 2021

 Whāngai i tō tāua tuahine, hei tangi i a tāua 

Let us nurture our sister and she will mourn for us

This whakataukī encourages people to nurture, love and care for whānau members, as they will do the same for you, even after death. Embedded within aroha is the idea of collective responsibility which emphasises the importance of whānau to the emotional and physical wellbeing of an individual. 

Week 3
22 Hui-tanguru - 26 Hui-tanguru

School Closed after 1 minute silence at 12.51pm - Mon 22

Canterbury University Visit - Mon 22

13DVC Research Trip - Wed 24

Canterbury Show Jumping - Wed 24

Peer Support p2 Wed 24

T1 Evacuation Drill p2 Thurs 25

Volleyball - SI Champs - Fri 26 - Sun 28

Week 4
Maehe - 5 Maehe

BIO 201 to Temple Basin - All week

Victoria University Visit - Mon 1

Peer Support p3 - Wed 3

SISS Rowing champs - Thurs 4 - Sun 7

Polyfest Camp - Fri 5 - Sat 6

Canterbury Champs Dragon Boating - Sun 7

SI Multisport champs - Sun 7

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 - PAC
Year 12 - Gym

Friday - Full School

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 PAC
Year 13 - Gym

Friday - House Assemblies


Learning Area Meeting


PLG groups - rooms to be advised

Information for Staff

1. Removal of streaming at CGHS - FYI - this is the information and links that we are putting in our school newsletter, please take a moment to read. If you do have queries coming your way, this is a document that you can refer parents to. Interesting today, there is an article that has come out in Education HQ - 'Conscious cruelty': ability streaming in schools sustains covert structural racism.

You may also be interested in 'Edcuation isn't complicated - it's complex'.

2. Screencastify is now integrated with Google Classroom allowing students to be given a video assignment and submit their work.

There is a free version. The paid version allows unlimited student videos.

Thursday 11 February 2021

Week 2 - Term 1 - 2021

 I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho 

A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions 

This whakatauki refers to the need for creative thinking, adaptability and perseverance. In order to solve a problem you need to have all of these.

Week 2
15 Hui-tanguru - 19 Hui-tanguru

Tennis - Canterbury Senior Champs - Mon 15 - Tues 16

Year 9 Camps - All Week

Volleyball starts - Mon 15

Year 9 Attitude presentation p2 - Mon 15

Prefect Meeting - Tues 16 p4

Art101 to Wigram - Tues 16

Wednesday Summer Sport begins - Wed 17

Rowing NZ Champs - Fri 19 - Sat 20

Touch Canterbury Champs - Sat 20

Week 3
22 Hui-tanguru - 26 Hui-tanguru

Canterbury University Visit - Mon 22

13DVC Research Trip - Wed 24

Canterbury Show Jumping - Wed 24

Peer Support p2 Wed 24

T1 Evacuation Drill p2 Thurs 25

Volleyball - SI Champs - Fri 26 - Sun 28

12TOU trip - Akaroa - Fri 26

Assembly - 

Wednesday - Year 10 PAC

Friday - Prefect run assembly

Assembly - 

Wednesday - Year 11 NCEA Assembly in PAC

Friday - House Assemblies


Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Hauora
Junior HOD's


Learning Area Meeting

Information for Staff


Achieved Course Endorsement available from 2021 onwards

This change is an outcome of the NCEA review.
All school courses that meet existing eligibility criteria will be able to be endorsed at the Achieved level from the start of 2021 onwards. This is in addition to the Merit and Excellence course endorsement awards already recognised by the Ministry of Education.

The purpose of the change is to acknowledge that students who attain 14 or more credits at an Achieved grade or higher, have demonstrated a sound level of skill and understanding in the subject matter of that course. The award will read, for example: English endorsed with Achieved at Level 1.

The existing eligibility criteria for Course Endorsement can be found here.

See NCEA Mythbuster 10 for more information about courses and programmes.

2. Mote - is a Chrome Extension that is integrated into Google Docs, Slides and Sheets, for easy recording and feedback to students. 

Students are also able to use mote to connect with their teachers, by adding voice comments or questions into their shared documents.

3. An article that is well worth a read - How Empowering Girls to Confront Conflict and Buck Perfection Helps Their Wellbeing.

4. The Education Hub has a number of free webinars coming up on topics such as 'Unleashing the Science of Learning in your classroom', and 'What is learning by scientific design'.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Week 1 - Term 1 2021

 Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua 

(When one door closes another will open/ have a back up plan)

Week 1
Hui-tanguru - 12 Hui-tanguru

Waitangi Day Observed - Mon 8

Powhiri - 9am in Gym - Tues 9

Timetabled classes begin - p3 Tues 9

Peer Support - Year 9 Wed 10 p1

Women in Defence Forces - Wed 10

School Photos - Thurs 11 - Fri 12

Week 2
15 Hui-tanguru - 19 Hui-tanguru

Tennis - Canterbury Senior Champs - Mon 15 - Tues 16

Year 9 Camps - All Week

Volleyball starts - Mon 15

Year 9 Attitude presentation p2 - Mon 15

Prefect Meeting - Tues 16 p4

Art101 to Wigram - Tues 16

Wednesday Summer Sport begins - Wed 17

Rowing NZ Champs - Fri 19 - Sat 20

Touch Canterbury Champs - Sat 20

Assembly - 

Friday - Leadership

Assembly - 

Wednesday - Year 10 PAC

Friday - 


Learning Area Meeting


Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Hauora
Junior HOD's

Information for Staff

1. Tuahiwi Education Workshops - We have been sent through possible dates for the the Tuahiwi Education workshops held at Tuahiwi Marae. Possible dates for staff include 
August 20

September 17

October 1

If your learning Area, or a group of staff would be interested in attending, please let me know so we can organise bookings.

2. A quick read and clip from Pedro Noguera:

Good Teaching is like good cooking - they always come back wanting more!

3. 75 Different online Learning tools to support formative assessment in the classroom. This blog post has a fantastic comprehensive list of online tools. Many that you will no doubt be using already, but there are few others that you may wish to explore.