Thursday 28 October 2021

Week 3 - Term 4 - 2021

 He pai ake te iti i te kore

A little is better than none

Week 3
1 Noema - 5 Noema

Otago Liaison Course Planning - Tues 2

MAT 101 Assessment p 5 - Thurs 5

Level 1 Art Portfolios Due - Fri 5

Week 4
8 Noema - 12 Noema

11DCAT Externa Exam - Mon 8 in S1

L3 Graphics Exhibition - Mon 8

NZQA Assemblies - Wed 10 (See below)

Year 12 and 13 DCAT exams - Wed 10

Pink Day - Wed 10

Technology Portfolios due - Wed 10

Delta Level 2 Senior Prizegiving - Thurs 11

L2 Art Portfolios Due - Thurs 11

Seniors Last Day - Thurs 11

Show Day - Fri 12

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


L&T - Mon 1 November

Learning Area - Tues 2 Nov


Staff Meeting - Tues 9

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder about timing for the assemblies and Prizegiving's.
For the NZQA Assemblies Wed 10/11:
  • Year 11 - Ako time
  • Year 13 - Beginning of P4
  • Year 12 - 2pm period 5
For the Graduation/Prizegiving on Thurs 11/11
  • P1 and 2 - Year 13 + Ako teachers
  • P4 - Year 12 (Prefects also announced)
  • P5 - Year 11
2. For those of you who would like further instructions on how to access you COVID vaccination record - step by step instructions can be found HERE

Thursday 21 October 2021

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2021

 He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata

Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure

Week 2
25 Oketopa- 29 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 25

Rugby SI sevens - Sat 30 - Sun 31 (TBC)

Week 3
1 Noema - 5 Noema

Otago Liaison Course Planning - Tues 2

MAT 101 Assessment p4 - Thurs 5

Level 1 Art Portfolios Due - Fri 5

Volleyball Canterbury Junior Champs - Fri 4 - Sun 7

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


Te Whare Hauora


L&T - Mon 1 November

Learning Area - Tues 2 Nov

Information for Staff

1. New NCEA Level 2 subjects
You’re invited to apply to be part of subject expert groups that will be established to develop NCEA Level 2 achievement standards and accompanying materials for new subjects in The New Zealand Curriculum as part of the review of achievement standards.
If you’re interested, send your CV and cover letter and an indication of the subject(s) you are interested in to by Tuesday 26 October.

2. EDEM685X(C) Semester One 2022 − Culturally inclusive pedagogies: Motivating diverse learners
UC would like to introduce to you EDEM685: a flagship course from the postgraduate suite or as part of our Masters of Education qualification. This course is run as a block wānanga course at selected Saturday intervals during Semester 1 2022. This EDEM685 Block Course has been in operation for two decades and across two universities providing kaiako with copious frameworks and strategies to meet the needs and challenges of today’s diverse learning settings across the sector. This course builds teachers as champions of practice led research, from recent graduates to the highly experienced teachers and educators as well as specialist teachers, psychologists, senior leadership teams including principals.
This Block Course is about the promise of diversity.
Check out the link above if you would like to know more.

3. 360schools is a unique immersive 360° / VR education service for teachers which provides access to a vast collection of over 350,000 stunning, high-resolution 360° panoramas of safe and educationally relevant historical, cultural. You can search for 360° panoramas by keyword or by using our interactive world map and share with your students.

You can also create Guided Tours with the very first version of the Guided Tour Editor. Guided Tours are interactive, immersive journeys featuring 360° panoramas from this unique collection.

Monday 11 October 2021

Week 1 - Term 4 - 2021

 I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho 

A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions 

This whakatauki refers to the need for creative thinking, adaptability and perseverance. In order to solve a problem you need to have all of these.

Week 1
18 Oketopa - 22 Oketopa

Volleyball starts - Mon 18

Sporting and Cultural Photos - Tues 19 - Wed 20

Market Day (Lunchtime) Wed 20

Wednesday Summer Sport begins - Wed 20

STA201 Assessment 12 - 3.40pm - Thurs 21

Week 2
25 Oketopa- 29 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 25

CGHS Film Festival - Wed 27 - Thurs 28 (TBC)

Zonta Sports Awards - Thurs 28 (TBC)

Rugby SI sevens - Sat 30 - Sun 31 (TBC)

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


Learning Area/ Department - as needed



Information for Staff

1. Welcome back to Term 4. As we are still in Level 2 for the start of Term 4 a number of events on our calendar are to be confirmed. We still need to consider the guidelines released from the Ministry of Education around what is termed as a 'gathering'. The MOE states: 

Any event or activity that brings people on to the school site who are not there for education purposes, including students, parents and caregivers, will need to have the rules for gatherings applied. ‘Education purposes’ means delivery of your curriculum.
Here are some examples:

  • if you are holding a school performance with only students in the audience, this would still be considered a gathering (as the students watching the performance are not there for education purposes).
  • if you are hosting an education outside the classroom (EOTC) event outdoors on school grounds that requires parents or caregivers to assist, the rules of gatherings do not apply as they are there to support delivery of the curriculum (please keep numbers to a minimum).
  • if you are holding an activity offsite, including EOTC activities, you will need to work with the provider/venue to agree your health and safety plan. All venues will have their own requirements under the Public Health Order that they will need to follow, which are different to school guidelines. This could include having no more than 100 customers or clients in any one defined space, face coverings to be worn for those aged 12 and over and contact tracing requirements.

Where curriculum-related activities bring other schools’ students on site, these are not classified as gatherings.
The exemption to the one-metre physical distancing requirement does not apply to inter-school curriculum-related activities. Therefore, wherever practicable, everyone in these situations must adhere to physical distancing of one metre when inside.

This means, we are looking at alternative ways to hold Prizegiving and Graduation, as well as the sports and cultural awards.

2. As we head into end of year revision time - you may be interested to look at the online mind mapping tools available. See "15 Tools for creating Mindmaps".