Thursday 25 November 2021

Week 7 and 8 - Term 4 - 2021

 Ka mahi te tawa uho ki te riri

Well done you whose courage is like the heart of the tawa tree

Week 7
 29 Noema -  3 Hakihea

NCEA Examinations continue - All week

Year 10 Camps Continue

HoLA Leadership Day - Thurs 2

Ako Report comments completed - Fri 3

Week 8
6 Hakihea - 10 Hakihea

NCEA Examinations continue - All week

Year 10 Camps Continue - Mon 6 - Wed 8

Junior Prizegiving - Fri 10

Last Day for Juniors - Fri 10

Staff Function - Fri 10

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


L&T, TWH and Junior HODs


Information for Staff

1. For those of you who want some professional reading for the holidays, you may want to read the newly published EEF guidance report ‘Teacher Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning’. The link takes you to 6 recommendations, in addition to the full report and examples of some strategies. All developed by reviewing and using the best available international evidence.

2. ClassPoint is a great tool which can be used to make Microsoft PowerPoint interactive. You can add questions, polls, games and collect formative data on students' responses.

Here is a video introduction to ClassPoint which gives an overview of its features.

Thursday 18 November 2021

Week 6 - Term 4 - 2021

 He kai kei aku ringa 

There is food at the end of my hands

Week 6
 22 Noema -  26 Noema

NCEA Examinations begin - Mon 22

Year 10 Camps Begin - Mon 22

Year 9 and 10 Clearance Begins - Wed 24

Junior Prizewinners including Specials entered into Kamar and Junior Ranklists to PWL - Thurs 25

Level 1 and 2 Art Portfolio Marking (Various days - go to E block to see the students work)

NCEA TOD - Thurs 25

Junior Subject Reports completed - Fri 26

Week 7
 29 Noema -  3 Hakihea

NCEA Examinations continue - All week

Year 10 Camps Continue

HoLA Leadership Day - Thurs 2

Ako Report comments completed - Fri 3

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


Learning Area

L&T, TWH and Junior HODs

Information for Staff

1. Thank you for all of your help over the last few days from the re-rooming, the help with desks, the volunteers to hep marshal students into the exams - it is all now go for Monday! 

2. Kamar Tip - As a number of you are sorting your markbooks and junior grades - you may be interested in the following:

If you need to give someone who isn't an HoD access to a markbook so they can do things like filter for all students or add subject assessments, this is very simple and the instructions are below. This is usually for people who are in charge of courses and will need to be added by someone with access to the markbook i.e. an HoD/HoLA.

  1. Go to a teacher who teaches the course (HoDs/HoLAs can see multiple staff). Go to Markbook set up for the course you want to add them. 
  2. Click in the top left hand corner on the Access button. 
  3. Scroll down to find the teacher's name you want to add. Click on their name. Sorry there is no way but to scroll down which is a little slow if you're at the end of the alphabet!
  4. Click add.
  5. To remove people, just click on their name, it will change from green to the same colour as everyone else.


Wednesday 10 November 2021

Week 5 - Term 4 - 2021

 Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea

If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going

Week 5
15 Noema - 19 Noema

Whanau and Pacifika Farewell - Mon 15 (from 1pm)

Final Date for Level 3 Art Portfolio Submissions - Wed 17

T4 Evacuation Drill - P2 Thurs 18

Junior Chirnside Comp - Fri 19

Set up of Gymnasium for Exams - Fri 19

Week 6
 22 Noema -  26 Noema

NCEA Examinations begin - Mon 22

Year 10 Camps Begin - Mon 22

Year 9 and 10 Clearance Begins - Wed 24

Level 1 and 2 Art Portfolio Marking (Various days - go to E block to see the students work)

NCEA TOD - Thurs 25

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


Staff #HTGS (bring a pair of walking shoes)


Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. PLD opportunities - for a group of 10 staff

We have a couple of staff interested in completing the Culturally Responsive PLD with Core Ed in 2022. It is for a group of 10 staff in total and is a 20 week program. If you are interested in participating, please send and email through to me (BLS). 

Check out the following link for more information: LINK is HERE

The second option is around the use of Te reo - again it is for a group of 10: LINK is HERE

2. If you are a user of CANVA - then please check out the guide to free templates for use in Canva

Thursday 4 November 2021

Week 4 - Term 4 - 2021

 ‘Mate atu he tetakura, ara mai he tetakura’ 

When one fern dies, another emerges

Week 4
8 Noema - 12 Noema

11DCAT Externa Exam - Mon 8 in S1

L3 Graphics Exhibition - Mon 8

NZQA Assemblies - Wed 10 (See below)

Year 12 and 13 DCAT exams - Wed 10

Pink Day - Tues 9

Technology Portfolios due - Wed 10

Delta Level 2 Senior Prizegiving - Thurs 11

L2 Art Portfolios Due - Thurs 11

Seniors Last Day - Thurs 11

Show Day - Fri 12

Week 5
15 Noema - 19 Noema

Final Date for Level 3 Art Portfolio Submissions - Thurs 17

T4 Evacuation Drill - P2 Thurs 18

Junior Chirnside Comp - Fri 19

Assembly - 

Wed -  Year 11 NCEA (Ako)

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed -  Nil

Friday - Nil


Staff Meeting - Tues 9


Information for Staff

1. Charlotte (PHC) ran a leadership assembly with the Year 12 group on Wednesday. Students were asked to brainstorm the qualities of a leader and the mentimeter tool provides a great summary of their ideas.

2. Creating a culture of thinking right from the start:
The video is 45 minutes, but there are lots of thought provoking and reflective steps for you to consider.