Thursday 27 January 2022

Intro and Week 1 - Term 1 - 2022

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in with no exception
31 Kohitātea - 4 Huitanguru

Start of Year Intro and Welcome back - Staff - Mon 31, 8.30am - 12.30pm in PAC

Year 10 – 13 New Student and New International Student Orientation, 1.15pm  - Mon 31

Year 9 begins 9am in Gym - Tues 1

Prefect Leadership Orientation Day - Tues 1

Year 11 - 13 re-enrolment  - Wed 2

Year 10 Enrolment (9am -12pm) - Thurs 3

Timetabled Classes begin Please note that this is a Day 10 Friday i.e. the Friday of week 2 in the timetable - Fri 4

Waitangi Day - Sun 6

Week 1
Huitanguru - 11 Huitanguru

Waitangi Day Observed - Mon 7

Junior Allison Harper Competition - Wed 9 - Thurs 10

Rowing Camp #3 - Fri 11 - Sun 13

Assembly - 


Assembly - 



Department/ Learning Area - Mon 31 @ 1.15pm and Tuesday 1nd at 2.30pm

Teaching and Learning - Mon 31 @ 2.30pm

Te Whare Haoura - Mon 31 @ 2.30pm


Staff - Tues 8 (TBC)
Information for Staff
1. Welcome back for 2022. Hope you have all had a fantastic break. 
On Monday, we will start with a welcome in the PAC at 8.30am, with meetings scheduled throughout the day. (See the start of year booklet attached to the email)

  • Welcome back
  • New Staff Introductions
  • Goals, Directions and Updates - ONC
  • Covid Planning for 2022
  • Graduate Profile update
  • Wellbeing model
  • Restorative refresh
  • Risk protocols - from our Guidance team.
2. Resilience Planning for Schools: in an age of COVID-19 - from Derek Wenmoth. Worth a read as it outlines possible scenarios that we might need to consider.

3. As we start to look at the integration of the new ANZ History curriculum into schools, there will be a New Zealand History fact for the week:
On the 9th February 1770 saw the arrival of the Endeavour at Cape Turnagain, halfway between Hawke Bay and Cook Straight, completed James Cook's circumnavigation of the North Island and confirmed that it was not part of the 'mystery continent', Terra Australis Incognita ('unknown southern land')