Thursday 31 March 2022

Week 10 - Term 1 - 2022

 Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa 

Let us keep close together, not wide apart 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of keeping connected, of maintaining relationships and dialogue so that we can keep moving forward together. It could be used when sharing information about community events or projects that bring people together.

Week 10
4 Rāmere - 8 Rāmere

Trainee teachers from UC start - Mon 4

Otago Mathematics Competition - Thurs 8 - p4

Gateway First Aide - Fri 8

Victoria University Liaison Year 13 - Fri 8

LEFs entered by 8.30am on Thurs 7th

Rostered day off for all - Fri 8th

Week 11
11 Rāmere - 15 Rāmere

Year 11 Drama Assessments - p4 & 5 - Mon 11 - Tues 12

Year 13 Drama Assessments - Wed 13

Last Day for Term 1 - Thurs 14

School Break - Fri 15 - Sun 1
Assembly - 


Assembly - 

Year 13 Academic vie Google Meet


Nil - we will look to resume staff meetings in Term 2

No formal scheduled meetings

Information for Staff

1. NZQA have just released updated evidence gathering templates for all subject internal assessments. These look to be more comprehensive. Please go see the NCEA subject resources page for more information for your subject area.

2. ImpactED are the PLD provider that we have working with us on our junior curriculum program. One of theire new team members has created a great resource for teachers looking to add to their te reo vocabulary. To check our the resource go to the following links:

Me ako i te reo Māori -

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Week 9 - Term 1 - 2022

 Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri

Leadership to the fore, everyone has a role to play

Week 9
 28 Poutūterangi - 1 Rāmere

Rowing - Maadi Cup - Mond 28 - Sun 3

Summer Sport ends - Wed 30

Gateway First Aide Course - Fri 1

Rostering home continues to Fri 1

Week 10
4 Rāmere - 8 Rāmere

Trainee teachers from UC start - Mon 4

Otago Mathematics Competition - Thurs 8 - p4

Gateway First Aide - Fri 8

Victoria University Liaison Year 13 - Fri 8

LEFs entered by 8.30am on Fri 8
Assembly - 


Assembly - 

Year 12 Academic - TBC


Learning and Teaching, TWH and Junior HOD's - Mon 28

Learning Area - Tues 29

Nil - we will look to resume staff meetings in Term 2

Information for Staff

1. Just a note - the Assembly slot for year 12 in Week 10 is earmarked for the Academic Colours awards. This may still be done via Google Meet with students in their classes getting their certificates.

2. We have been exploring new/different ways to hold the parent-teacher interviews early on in Term 2. Google Meet now have a 'waiting room' feature that you can enable via settings. If we do go virtual we will use this option.

When you create a new google meet, you will see a 'wheel' next to it, if you click on this you will see the following:

More information to come.....

Thursday 17 March 2022

Week 8 - Term 1 - 2022

 He waka eke noa

A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Week 8
 21 Poutūterangi - 25 Poutūterangi

Non-Uniform Day - Tues 22

Triathlon - NZ Champs - Sat 26 - Sun 27

LEF Reports due - 8.30am on Fri 25

All School - Work from Home - Fri 25

Week 9
 28 Poutūterangi - 1 Rāmere

Rowing - Maadi Cup - Mon 28 - Sun 3

Summer Sport ends - Wed 30

Gateway First Aide Course - Fri 1

Assembly - 


Assembly - 




Learning and Teaching, TWH and Junior HOD's - Mon 28

Learning Area - Tues 29

Information for Staff

1. To follow up on the information that was sent to schools from NZQA regarding assessment, you may also be interested in the following article that provokes thought on current assessment practices in line with hybrid teaching and learning. 

2. You may have received an email this week around the new Education Management LMS. This replaces the previous one where as teachers we accessed resources for TOD. Please make sure you follow the instructions and are able to log in as in Term 2, Week 2 on the 12th May is when we are scheduled to have our next TOD. You login through the ESL login option.

New features available from this platform include:

  • Access to learning content via a catalogue
  • New classifications to enable filtering of learning content
  • You can now use your Education Sector Logon ESL to login

If you do not yet have an ESL login, please see me (BLS).

3. The draft for the Social Science Curriculum has just been released for consultation (See HERE). Even if it is not your learning area, it is worth a look through as it gives the first overview of the direction that the other Learning Areas are heading.

Click on the following link to watch the video outlining the Social Sciences refresh. 

Thursday 10 March 2022

Week 7 - Term 1 - 2022

 I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho 

A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions 

This whakatauki refers to the need for creative thinking, adaptability and perseverance

In order to solve a problem you need to have all of these.

Week 7
 14 Poutūterangi - 18 Poutūterangi

GEO201 Fieldtrip to Arthurs Pass - Thurs 17

Geo201 - Local Fieldtrip - Fri 18

StEADA documentation due - Fri 18

Rowing Pre Maadi Camp - Fri 18 - Sun 20

2022 Polyfest Online - Sat 19

Touch - Canterbury Champs - Sat 19

Week 8
 21 Poutūterangi - 25 Poutūterangi

Swimming School Sports 1-3pm - Mon 21

Non-Uniform Day - Tues 22

Summer Sport ends - Wed 23

Triathlon - NZ Champs - Sat 26 - Sun 27

Assembly - 


Assembly - 



Learning Area


Information for Staff
1. Thanks to everyone for the voluntary cover of staff, assistance with relief, and helping relievers this week. These are challenging times, but what is consistently reinforced is what a supportive place CGHS is to be!
2. Kamar Update
  • Kamar has recently released an update that has included some improvements to Markbook Summaries. The markbook summary screen does look different now when you go into it, so it's worth having a look. There is a 7 min video explaining things (1.28min is a good place to start if you are familiar with markbooks).
  • The update also means that users who log in from a different device will get an email to confirm it was them (some of you may have noticed this already). It's essentially a check to make sure it's you logging on.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Week 6 - Term 1 - 2022

Me whakarongo ki te ako, me ako ki te whakarongo: 

Listen to learn, learn to listen.

Week 6
 7 Poutūterangi - 11 Poutūterangi

Lincoln Uni Liaison Yr 12 and 13 - Tues 8

Rowing - SISS Rowing Champs - Fri 11 - Sun 13

Gateway Health and Safety Course - Fri 11

LEFs due to be entered by 8.30am - Fri 11th

Week 7
 14 Poutūterangi - 18 Poutūterangi

GEO201 Fieldtrip to Arthurs Pass - Thurs 17

Geo201 - Local Fieldtrip - Fri 18

StEADA documentation due - Fri 18

Rowing Pre Maadi Camp - Fri 18 - Sun 20

2022 Polyfest Online - Sat 19

Touch - Canterbury Champs - Sat 19

Assembly - 


Assembly - 



L&T only - Tues 8 ( Room 104)

Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Check out the following link for a number of posters and videos linked to Pasifika in STEAM subjects. These can be printed and put up around classes.

2. A number of staff are currently enrolled in Te reo courses - so if you hear singing from offices, they are just practicing their Waiata. Here is the video of Te Taukaea Aroha that you can use in your Learning Area meetings or individually if you wish.

Ka mau ake tonu e 
Ko te whirika o te taura takata 
Ahakoa uaina e te ua 
Whitikina e te rā 
Te taukaea o te aroha 
Ka mau ake tonu e 

Ka eke mai (ka eke mai) 
He manene (he manene) 
I te reo rāhiri (i te reo rāhiri) 
O te hui e (o te hui e) 

Ka tata mai (ka tata mai)
Ka piri e (ka piri e) 
Ka tino te here o te whānau e