Tuesday 26 April 2022

Week 1 - Term 2 - 2022

 He rāngai maomao ka taka ki tua o Nukutaurua, e kore a muri e hokia

We are on a mission together, there is no turning back

When a shoal of maomao fish has passed to seaward of Nukutaurua rock (off Mangonui harbour) it will never return.

Week 1
2 Haratua - 6 Haratua

Spirit Week - All week

Swimming - Canterbury - Wed 4

Non uniform House Day - Fri 6

Week 2
Haratua - 13 Haratua

Year 12 Drama Assessments - Mon 9 - Tues 10

Athletics - Canterbury Road Race - Tues 10

NCEA Teacher Only Day - Thurs 12

LEFs Due 8.30am - Fri 13

Assembly - 


Assembly - 

Year 9


Staff - Tues 3

L&T, TWH and Junior HODs - Mon 9
Learning Area/Department - Tues 10

Information for Staff

1. As we head back into another term and we have plan A in place, but also in the background plans B and C depending what unfolds over the coming weeks, I came across an adaptation of the model below in relation to COVID and how schools are coping using the 'Phases of Recovery from disaster' and perhaps a bit of an aha moment that described Term 1 this year. 

a. Pre-disaster - Jan/Feb 2020
b. Impact - March 2020 - going into lockdown
c. Heroic to Honeymoon - Community cohesion - We can do this as a team of 5 million.
d. Disillusionment - Exhaustion, frustration 
e. Reconstruction - School was back. Feelings of recovery and a 'new normal'
f. In 2021 - back in lockdown again - so back to 'impact' phase - schools close again
g. Heroic - "We can do this - we've done it before"
h. 2022 - Back in the disillusionment - "This should be easier than it is - I feel worse than before"

So for some pragmatic optimism for Term 2 - we are back on the way up! We will no doubt have some challenges coming our way, but as they say - Let's hope for the best, but plan and prepare for the worst and continue to support each other through our value of whanaungatanga.

Diagram: Phases of recovery from disaster (adapted from Zunin and Myers, as cited in DeWolfe, 2000, p.5)

2. Something you may wish to check out the following podacast - Up to speed with Te reo Māori - These are only short episodes so if you have time, whakarongo atu e hoa mā. Here is a link to the podcast: Up To Speed with Te reo Māori | Podcast on Spotify

3. Some interesting reading  - a blog post about meeting individual students' needs with  self paced learning, using Edpuzzle. Looks at why and how to achieve this. 

4. TeachNZ study awards for 2023 have now opened for anyone thinking about studying. More information, including closing dates, can be found HERE.