Wednesday 22 June 2022

Week 9 - Term 2 - 2022

 He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka!

A choppy sea can be navigated!

A relevant whakatauki to end the term with due to all of your ongoing commitment and dedication to stay on the waka despite the COVID waves this term! 

Week 9
 27 Pipiri - 1 Hōngongoi

GEO301 FT to Franz Josef - Mon 27 - Wed 29

BUS301 Pitches - Mon 27

Yr 12 Māori Students to UC Tue 28

BrainBee Sci Comp - Wed 29

Manu Kōrero Regional - Thurs 30 - Fri 1

DRA201 Assessments - Thurs 30

9THJ to Science of Light p5 - Thurs 30

Big Band - Thurs 30

Jane Austen Essay - Thurs 30

Week 10
4 Hōngongoi - 8 Hōngongoi 

UC Māori and Pasifika Seniors - p3 &4 Mentoring Session - Mon 4

Emerging Leaders Day at Christ's College - Tues 5

Senior Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 5 and Fri 8.

School finishes at 1pm on Tue 5

Photolife - student photos - Wed 6 - Thurs 7

Staff Photo - Thrus 7 @2.45

Bickerton-Widdowson morning tea - Fri 8

Last Day Term 2 - Fri 8

Mid year break - Sat 9 - Sun 24 July

Assembly - 

Year 12 - PAC

Assembly - 

Year 13- PAC
Year 9 and 10 Value Awards - Gym


Learning Area


Nil - P/T Interviews

Information for Staff

1. Two new papers have been released from NZQA looking at attainment data and inequities from 2021 results. One is around NCEA pathways through Senior Secondary and around University Entrance - Do current programmes lead to equity for ākonga Māori and Pacific students?

Both are a quick read and very much align with our own school goals and achievement targets for 2022 and beyond.

2.  Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores

Thursday 16 June 2022

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2022

                                         Kua haehae ngā hihi o Matariki.

                                        The rays of Matariki are spread.

People say this whakataukī when Matariki can be seen bright in the night sky. The rays of its stars are thought to carry messages for the people. Matariki is a time to share stories, reflect on the past, and plan for the future.

Week 8
 20 Pipiri - 24 Pipiri

Pride and Matariki Celebration Week

Jazz Quest - Mon 20 - Thurs 23

Junior Production - Mon 20

PHY301 Trip to UC - Tues 21 and Wed 22

Food Trucks for Matariki and shared kai - Wed 22

PSP301 - Les Mills

Matariki Holiday - Fri 24

LEF's due - Thurs 23 @ 8.30am

Week 9
 27 Pipiri - 1 Hōngongoi

GEO301 FT to Franz Josef - Mon 27 - Wed 29

BUS301 Pitches - Mon 27

Yr 12 Māori Students to UC Tue 28

BrainBee Sci Comp - Wed 29

Manu Kōrero Regional - Thurs 30 - Fri 1

DRA201 Assessments - Thurs 30

9THJ to Science of Light p5 - Thurs 30

Big Band - Thurs 30

Jane Austen Essay - Thurs 30

Assembly - 

Year 11 - PAC

Assembly - 

Year 12 - PAC


Staff (Literacy)


Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. LEF Reminder: Please remember to have all of your LEFs done by Thursday morning at 8.30am!

2. Matariki is nearly here! Here are a couple of sites that you may find useful to use Matariki in your subject area. 

An overview of the new Mō Matariki site has been kindly provided by Vanessa, VHV.  ‘This year, an official website has been set up to help celebrate Matariki. If you haven't seen it, why not check it out?   Go to the Resources section - there are amazing printable activities. Add some of the posters to your Google Classroom or print them for your room. Challenge yourself as a kaiako to do the quiz (some questions are hard!!). How much do you really know about the Māori New Year? Then, perhaps get your ākonga to read the materials that go with the quiz and have a go themselves. See if they can beat your score. This is the concept of ako in practice - learning alongside your ākonga.’ 

The Top Teaching website also has some great resources for a range of curriculum areas that you may find useful.

The Education Gazette has just released their publication which is centered on Matariki -

Thursday 9 June 2022

Week 7 - Term 2 - 2022

 He maurea kai whiria!

Ignore small matters and direct effort toward important projects

Week 7
 13 Pipiri - 17 Pipiri

Mental Health Awareness Week - All Week

PHY201 Trip to UC 10.30am - 3.30pm - Mon 13 and Tues 14

Chamber Music Competition - Mon 13 and Tues 14

Pasifika Met Gala at OruaPaeroa - Wed 15

DRA101 Assessments p5 - Thurs 16 and Fri 17

Show Quest - Thurs 16 and Fri 17

GEO201 Urban Fieldtrip - Thurs 16

PSP301 Les Mills - Thurs 16

Year 12 Formal - Sat 18th

Week 8
 20 Pipiri - 24 Pipiri

Pride and Matariki Celebration Week

Jazz Quest - Mon 20 - Thurs 23

Junior Production - Mon 20

PHY301 Trip to UC - Tues 21 and Wed 22

Food Trucks for Matariki and shared kai - Wed 22

PSP301 - Les Mills

Matariki Holiday - Fri 24

Assembly - 

Year 10 - PAC
Year 12 - Gym

Assembly - 

Year 11 - PAC


HoLA/ Learning and Teaching PLD 1-4pm - Mon 14 (Rm 126)
TWH and Junior HOD meeting - Mon 14
Department/Learning Area - Tues 15



Information for Staff

A simple way to build Jeopardy type games online by customizing a template. There are also links to creating other games such as crosswords and word searches.

2. Google Expeditions closed last year and now there is an alternative called Expeditions Pro.

Students can access a variety of 3D tours, which have text and audio information about key elements, and they can also be guided on a tour by their teacher.

Here is a video explaining how it works, with or without a VR headset.

3. Next week is CGHS Mental Health Awareness week, check out the resources found HERE

MĀ TE KŌRERO, KA ORA: Through conversation, comes wellbeing - check out the conversation starter cards you could consider using with your Ako classes this week.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2022

 Kua haehae ngā hihi o Matariki.

The rays of Matariki are spread.

Week 6
 6 Pipiri - 10 Pipiri

Queen's Birthday - Mon 6

Big Sing Regionals - Thurs 9 - Fri 10

Year 13 Drama Assessments - Thurs 9 - Fri 10

Non Uniform Day - Thurs 9

Rockquest Finals - Sat 11

Week 7
 13 Pipiri - 17 Pipiri

Mental Health Awareness Week - All Week

PHY201 Trip to UC 10.30am - 3.30pm - Mon 13 and Tues 14

Chamber Music Competition - Mon 13 and Tues 14

Pasifika Met Gala at OruaPaeroa - Wed 15

DRA101 Assessments p5 - Thurs 16 and Fri 17

Show Quest - Thurs 16 and Fri 17

GEO201 Urban Fieldtrip - Thurs 16

PSP301 Les Mills - Thurs 16

Year 12 Formal - Sat 18th

Assembly - 

Year 9 - Pac
Year 13 - Gym

Assembly - 

Year 10 - PAC
Year 12 - Gym




HoLA/ Learning and Teaching PLD 1-4pm - Mon 14
TWH and Junior HOD meeting - Mon 14
Department/Learning Area - Tues 15

Information for Staff

1. Recently we had our Managing National Assessment (MNA) audit with NZQA. The full report will be available in about 6 weeks time and any changes we have to make are very minor. One of the suggestions from NZQA was around making sure that HOD's/TIC's are aware that there is a new button to provide feedback on any moderation report and that we should make use of this - See below for details.

Thank you for those who put in the extra time to write your reports re assessment from your learning area and provide feedback in the interview.

Feedback on Moderation Reports

In 2021, a Feedback button was introduced, alongside the Query and Appeal buttons. This is intended as an opportunity for you to provide NZQA with feedback regarding the detail, clarity, and helpfulness of the moderation report. Clicking on the feedback button will open a pop-up window in which you can select your responses from the drop downs alongside each question. When you click on Submit in this window it will close and save your responses.

2. Last week the National office of the MOE ran a session on the updates around the RAS. (Presentation can be found here). A brief summary is below. Please start thinking about whether you would like your subject to be a 2023 pilot at Level 1.

  • Progress has been made towards implementing Pacific Studies as a new subject
  • Expressions of interest will open in August for participation in 2023 L1 Pilots
  • Level 2 standards are being worked on in stages, so some are not available yet. We do know that L2 Business Studies and PE are out for testing, but L2 English will not be available till next year.
  • More MOE support is coming for schools in the second half of this year. They're working on this at present and are keen for all Canterbury schools to have the next NCEA TOD day on the same day. A collaborative Jumbo day is being discussed.
  • There was some discussion around delaying the NCEA literacy and numeracy co-requisites as compulsory for next year. A final decision around this will be made at the end of June. A new Lit/Num person has been appointed for the region and have just started in this role.
  • Work is also going on regarding a revamped Vocational Award. Prototyping in 2023.
  • One thing that is coming out of the RAS pilots is to place 1000 word limits on assessments. A reminder that the pilot standards are still just that, and that there could still be changes, something to think about if you are planning, and focus more on the Matrix for the subjects rather than specific tasks.
3. Thank you for the feedback you sent through from your Learning area around the Covid disruptions and assessment. You may be interested to see the graphs below:
The impact on certain groups of priority learners is also of a concern. I have fed the information back to the MOE from the school.

4. And finally, I follow Claire Amos - she has a number of recent posts from the recent SPANZ conference.

Included was this clip from Moana Jackson - "Once were Gardeners"