Thursday 23 November 2023

Week 8 - Term 4 - 2023

 He iti tangata e tupu – he iti toki e iti tonu 

People grow, adzes remain small – people are more valuable than material possessions

Week 8
27  Noema -  1 Tihema

Year 10 Camps - ongoing

9DEM to Mona Vale - Ako - Mon 27

9MCN Waka on Avon trip - Mon 27

Junior Art Exhibition - Thurs 30

Year 9 Short Film and Musical Theatre Showcase evening- Thurs 30

Rugby Condor Sevens - Fri 1 - Tues 5

Week 9
4 Tihema - 8 Tihema

Year 10 Camps - Mon 4 - Thurs 6

Rugby Condor Sevens - Mon 4 - Tues 5

Athletics Nationals - Fri 8 - Sun 10

Junior Prizegiving - Fri 8

Staff Farewells and Long Service Celebration - Fri 8

Staff Lunch - Mona Vale - Fri 8

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - None

Assembly - 

Mon - None (note change - juniors with Ako class)

Wed - Year 9 and 10 Values awards - gym

Mon:  L&T and TWH 

Tues: Learning Area

Mon:  None

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff:

1. Last Matai Messenger for the year - SLT want to express their gratitude to everyone for their hard work in contributing to a positive year for our students. Many of you have gone the extra mile to ensure our students experienced success not only academically but also culturally and in the realm of sports. Your efforts have truly made a significant impact, and we appreciate all that you've done.

2. If you felt like you needed some extra professional development in your learning area, NZQA are looking for subject moderators in a large number of subjects. Applications close on 29 November. The contract role is part-time with the ability to be done alongside your current position.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Week 7 - Term 4 - 2023

I orea te tuatara ka puta ki waho

 A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions

Week 7
20  Noema -  24 Noema

NZQA examinations - All week

Volleyball - SI Junior - All week

Year 10 Camps start Mon 20 - ongoing

Tennis Canterbury Junior Champs - Wed 22

Waterpolo SI Junior Champs - Thurs 23 - Sun 26

Year 9 Dance trip to RNZ Ballet - Fri 24

New Principal Presentation (TBC) - Friday 24 in PAC for HoLA's and HoD's

Week 8
27  Noema -  1 Tihema

Year 10 Camps - ongoing

9DEM to Mona Vale - Ako - Mon 27

9MCN Waka on Avon trip - Mon 27

Junior Art Exhibition - Thurs 30

Year 9 Short Film and Musical Theatre Showcase evening- Thurs 30

Rugby Condor Sevens - Fri 1 - Tues 5

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 - PAC

Wed - None

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - None

Mon:  Junior HOD's

Tues: Learning Area

Mon:  L&T and TWH 

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff:

1. A very big thanks for all your moving around due to the NCEA examinations. Noise has not been an issue, apart from a few little NZQA platform blips, everything has gone smoothly to date.

2. Best of luck to our junior volleyballers who head away to Dunedin for the Junior South Island Championships. Matt and Mark - enjoy.

3. Also thank you for all of your mahi on the TOD Accord day last week, particularly the HOLA's and HOD's for all of your planning and leadership as you lead your teams forward into 2024 and the implementation of the new standards at level 1.

4. Reminder, now is the time to set up your final meeting with your Kaiarahi to have your final Professional Learning conversation for the year, it will be great to have these wrapped up over the next 2 weeks.

Monday 6 November 2023

Week 6 - Term 4 - 2023


Haere taka mua, taka muri; kaua e whai

Be a Leader not a follower

Week 6
 13 Noema - 17 Noema

NZQA examinations - All week

Year 9 Fashion photography photoshoot - various times throughout the week.

Volleyball ends - Mon 13

Summer sports end - Wed 15

LEF reports due - Thurs 16

Week 7
20  Noema -  24 Noema

NZQA examinations - All week

Volleyball - SI Junior - All week

Year 10 Camps start Mon 20 - ongoing

Tennis Canterbury Junior Champs - Wed 22

Waterpolo SI Junior Champs - Thurs 23 - Sun 26

Year 9 Dance trip to RNZ Ballet - Fri 24

New Principal Presentation (TBC) - Friday 24 in PAC for HoLA's and HoD's

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 Values awards - PAC

Wed - None

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 - PAC

Wed - None

Mon:  SLT, L&T and Observation team re Rongohia te Hau feedback.

Tues: Staff

Mon:  L&T, TWH and Junior HOD's

Tues: Staff

Information for Staff:

1. Possible new Principal hui on the afternoon of Friday 24th. More information will come out next week once we have been given further details. This is for SLT, HoLA's, HoD's and key support staff to attend. If it is going ahead, I will send out an email to those concerned to confirm attendance.

2. Wanting to keep up your learning of te reo? A tip to help is to use te reo words for your passowords. This means that you are using them regularly and change to a new word as a password/kupuhuna when you have that one sorted and part of your everyday vocab.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Week 5 - Term 4 - 2023

 Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini 

My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective 

This whakatauki acknowledges team effort, that one’s success is due to the support and contribution of many. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes community/a team to enable an individual’s success. It’s a good whakatauki to use when wanting to acknowledge the support of many.

Week 5
 6 Noema - 10 Noema

NZQA examinations - All week

Level 3 Art folios due - Mon 6

NCEA Accord Day - Fri 10

Whanau and Aiga farewell - 5.30 start in the PAC - Fri 10

Week 6
 13 Noema - 17 Noema

NZQA examinations - All week

Year 9 Fashion photography photoshoot - various times throughout the week.

Volleyball ends - Mon 13

Summer sports end - Wed 15

LEF reports due - Thurs 16

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - None -

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 Values awards - PAC

Wed - None

Mon:  Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Mon:  SLT, L&T and Observation team re Rongohia te Hau feedback.

Tues: Staff

Information for Staff:

1. Thank you again to all Kaiako who have helped our ākonga get through their learning journey. As said yesterday, we have got them to the point, now it is up to them to study and do their absolute best.

2. This week we have been featured on the website as a case study for what the school has been doing in the literacy space - feel free to check it out here. It is also worthwhile reading what other schools are doing as there are a number of great initiatives. Some of them are around what departments can be doing which could support your planning for the upcoming TOD on Friday 10 November.

3. NCEA Change Program updates: There are a number of workshops available for different learning areas coming up - if you are wanting to attend, please register and put through a PLD application. To read the full MoE November Newsletter click HERE.

4. For a bit of light reading - check out the following article - 'Using AI for Learning fun' especially around chatting to a historical figure and analysing a written response.