Thursday 25 May 2017

Term 2 - Week 5 - ODD

 A malu i fale, e malu i fafo - 
Respect yourself and others will too

Week 5
29 Mei - 2 Hūne (Odd)

Samoan Language Week - all week

13 Bio Wainui - Mon 29 - Fri 2

Est Credits and LEFs due this week

Year 10 GATE trip - Wed 31

CGHS Music Concert - Thurs 1

Sports and Cultural colours awards presented at assembly - p4 Thurs 1

Week 6
Hūne - 9 Hūne (Even)

Queen's Birthday - Mon 5

11/12/13 Music Performance Assessments - Tues 6 - Fri 9

Year 11 Maori Leadership Day at UC - Tues 6

Year 13 Tourism trip - Tues 7
Outdoor Education Year 12 PE trip - Wed 7 - Fri 10

12/13ACC UC Accounting Day - Wed 7


Full School Assembly - Thurs 1 June period 4


Tues 30: Department


Tues 7: Staff

Staff Information and Professional Development 

1. Thank you to all staff for being so welcoming and making Open Day run so smoothly. My secret shopper feedback is making finding my winners hard, as they all had so many favorites. The winning Learning Area will be announced at briefing on Tuesday morning.

One person wrote " XXX interacted with parents and prospective students - listened intently to questions asked and answered comprehensively - used natural humour and showed keen interest in their questions. She/he described in depth the curriculum and how each year progressed to the other, also put up a very good case why _________ was the subject to take"

2. CADAP (Canterbury Assistant and Deputy Principals) have a seminar scheduled for 16 June. The topic this term is Te Reo Mihi: Basic Māori and tikanga for senior and middle leaders
For this session other interested middle leaders are able to attend. Please see me (BLS) if you might be interested and I can then forward any further information as it comes through.

3. We will have someone onsite filming on Monday as part of the Grow Waitaha Professional Development that a small group of staff are involved in. Some of this filming will be in the staffroom period 3 and 4 on Monday. This is a great opportunity to celebrate some of our excellent teachers and their innovation. Watch this space for when the video is released!

Teaching and Learning Tips

Chrome Extensions

A number of us use ‘Chrome’ as our web browser.
There are a number of different extensions available that can increase the functionality of your browsing online

A couple of useful ones to get you started include
1. url shortner - this enables you to shorten any url, it will aslo generate a QRcode for the webpage you are on.
2. Word Cloud - this generates a word cloud of the webpage (see image). This can be a good way for students to find key words in a lot of text while carrying out research.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Term 2 - Week 4 - EVEN Week

Tuakana Teina
"Ma te tuakana ka totika te teina, ma te teina ka totika te tuakana'
From the older ones, the young ones learn the right way to do things, and from the young ones the older ones learn to be tolerant.
Teaching, learning, sharing knowledge, supporting one another is encouraged.

Week 4
22 Mei - 26 Mei (EVEN)

Bullying Free NZ week - Mon 22 - Fri 26

Art Exhibition Y's 9, 10, 11. On Display in the Art Block - Tue 23 - Thurs 25. All welcome to come and view.

Attitude Presentations (in the Gym -TBC) - Wed 24
Period 1 -Year 10
Period 2 - Year 9
Period 3 - Year 11

Open Day - Thurs 25

Thank you morning Tea - Friday 26

Week 5
29 Mei - 2 Hūne (EVEN)

13 Bio Wainui - Mon 29 - Fri 2

Est Credits and LEFs due this week

Year 10 GATE trip - Wed 31

CGHS Music Concert - Thurs 1

Sports and Cultural colours awards presented at assembly - p4 Thurs 1


Attitude seminars - see above.

Full School Assembly - Thurs 1 June period 4

Mon 22: PRTs with BLS
Tues 23: Learning and Teaching


Tues 30: Department

Information for Staff

1. Thank you for all the work with Parent-teacher interviews, we have had a few big days so enjoy your weekend! A number of you may have had conversations around student tutoring with parents. Just a reminder if you are able to have a follow up discussion with the students concerned and if they wish to have one-on-one tutoring to send the names through to me (BLS). I will then forward the requests onto Frankie our Academic Prefect.

2. A number of staff attended a PLD session out at Rolleston College on Tuesday afternoon. I've caught up with a couple of staff with regards to their overall impressions. Well worth a chat with them and hear their feedback (HNS, FRR, PHC, REA, JAA, MWL, HAT). There will be another opportunity later on in the year for some of our staff to visit Haeata Community Campus. More information to come.

3. New research on Digital Technologies in Schools has been released. A summary of the findings can be found 'HERE'. The full report is also available if you want a longer read with regards to impact. (HERE). The summary highlights that fact that 8 out of 10 Principals in New Zealand indicate that digital technologies are having a positive impact on student achievement.

4. Open Day - This year we will have a few secret shoppers giving feedback on which department was the most welcoming, best displays and most informative - there are prizes on the line!

A look at some of the Rolleston College Learning Spaces.

How the day is structured at Rolleston is quite different. Learning time can be 'connected' - an integrated approach with the learning areas, or 'selected', as we would think of as 'options'.

Staff Wellbeing:

It is Bullying Free NZ week next week. Remember to take a look at the resources that were emailed out from HAT. It would be great to see a few activities happening in class throughout the week.

The Mental Heath Foundation have sent out a number of posters called 'Five ways to wellbeing'.

Their advice:

  • Be Active: Do what you can. Enjoy what you do. Move your mood
  • Take Notice: Remember the simple things that give you joy
  • Connect: Talk and listen, be there, feel connected
  • Give: Your time, your words, your presence
  • Keep Learning: Embrace new experiences, see opportunities, surprise yourself.

5 ways to Wellbeing (2017) retrieved from

Thursday 11 May 2017

Term 2 - Week 3 - ODD

Week 3
15 Mei - 19 Mei (ODD)

Late Start PD - Mon 15 - Please make sure you have signed up for your late start - rooming and link to form is below.

Book week - Mon 15 - Fri 18

Author: Miranda Carter - Tues 16 (afternoon)

CGHS Cross Country (p3 &4) - Tues 16

Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 16 and 18. School finishes at end of P4

Winter Sports start - Wed 17

Book Day Mufti Day - Thurs 18

Eton Senior Maths Competition - Thurs 18

Stage Challenge - Fri 19

Squash (Canterbury Champs) - Sun 21

Week 4
22 Mei - 26 Mei (EVEN)

Bullying Free NZ week - Mon 22 - Fri 26

Art Exhibition Y's 9, 10, 11. On Display in the Art Block - Tue 23 - Thurs 25. All welcome to come and view.

CGHS Cross Country Reserve Day (P 3&4) -Tues 23

Attitude Presentations (in the Gym -TBC) - Wed 24
Period 1 -Year 9
Period 2 - Year 10
Period 3 - Year 11

Open Day - Thurs 25

Thank you morning Tea - Friday 26



Attitude seminars - see above.

Tues 16th: NIL (Parent Teacher Interviews)


Tues 16th: Learning and Teaching

Professional Learning and Development

Our next late start for staff Professional Learning and Development is on Monday 15 May. The same format as the first late start will happen, with school starting with period 2 on the day.
Go to the Google Form to choose your option for the morning. If you are not going to be available on Monday morning, you must let BLS know.

The options to choose from are:

1. The New Professional standards and Appraisal: This is for staff who are appraisers. We will look at the new draft Professional standards and code of ethics. This is also a chance to discuss what different Faculties and appraisers use to determine 'what is evidence' during appraisal discussions, to help achieve greater consistency across the school. (Room 218)

2. Personalized learning with Devices: An introduction to individualized learning activities using 1:1 devices (personalization) which encourages deep learning. We will look at concepts as well as activities so that you leave with some strategies to add to your pedagogical "tool kit". (Room - T119)

3. Pastoral Systems at CGHS - the next steps. Creating the journey of what is needed for a successful, well rounded CGHS student. This session gives staff a chance to discuss what specific skills students should focus on at each year level so they have the necessary skills for the world beyond school. (Room - 219)

4. Use of Te Reo and what it is like to be a Maori or Pasifika learner at CGHS. This session is a repeat of the popular first session. (Te Rongopai)

5. Using OneNote: This session will be great for staff who have many of their resources available electronically. Learn how to make them usable in the OneNote platform which enables lesson planning to be more dynamic and flexible. (Room 213)

6. Breaking down the curriculum: We have an outside provider who will talk about the decisions and outcomes of creating an authentic cross curricular experience for students. Very timely as we start to think about possible changes to our curriculum moving forward. (Room 217)

Information for Staff

1. Open Day - Thursday 25th May - Info for new staff

Year 13s and Year 9s will be used for guides around the school on this day. Therefore you may not have them for your lesson.
The library is being used for the half hour parent talks by Pauline (DTP).
Please make sure that you have rooms tidy and welcome parents and students as they visit your classes throughout the day.
If you are a new staff member, feel free to join a tour with a group of parents - this is highly recommended by a new staff member from last year.

We will also be introducing a feedback form for parents and a bit of competition for the best Learning Area - watch this space for the criteria. As a thank you for both parent-teacher interviews and Open Day - two big weeks, there will be a morning tea shout on Friday 26.

2. Reminder: Please make sure you are getting to class (including form time) on time. It is also expected that staff are at briefing on Tuesday and Thursday, we all have times when things can unexpectedly cause delays, but this is a great chance to have all staff meet on a regular basis.

3. ETV and EVA (Enhanced Video Annotation)

Here at school we subscribe to eTV at a cost of about $2 a student. eTV is accessed via Onstream by choosing it from the dropdown menu under STUDENTS or STAFF.
Logging in will be automatic soon (as it will be a part of our single sign on package) but for now you should proceed past the caution page and log in with username and password.
eTV provides us with programmes recorded off-air from domestic and international television channels and Internet channels. It is an ad free and “copyright safe” area for students and staff to go and find content easily.  All content available in eTV is copyright cleared for legal use under Creative Commons and/or Screenrights Licences. Videos are available to be viewed directly online, by Embedding Codes, or by Downloading.

They used to offer a service called Zaption which enabled teachers to add interactive content to these videos. That stopped last year and eTV now offer a new service called EVA’, or Enhanced Video Annotation service, and it gives all eTV users a set of annotation tools that make it easy to turn any video into an interactive video.
EVA operates at 2 levels – basic and advanced. Advanced or Pro version would cost the school an extra $2.00 per student. EVA tools are also available to students to use to create video based projects.

Interactive videos are perfect when you have a video clip that you want to enrich with interactive elements, add information and gain immediate responses for surveys or training. It works by you logging in to eTV and clicking on the section of EVA you want to access.
The how to use section provides easy to access information about all features and even includes tutorials.

Once you have made an interactive video with EVA you can give as many viewers as you want access to any EVA through a simple link sent by email or an embed code.

What we have now for FREE is called: EVA Free and consists of features you can add which students just look at, they do not respond to them in any way These features are: Labels, Text, Tables, Links and Images that the viewer can see on the screen during video playback. They can help further understanding of aspects of the video you are showing students.
What we could have for an extra $2 is the Subscription - Pro Users and not only be able to use interactive features but also gain access to the data created from them (learning analytics).
There are 8 fully interactive quizzes and puzzles you can insert for viewers to answer at any selected time in the video. Choose from Multiple Choice, Single Choice, Fill-in the Blanks, Drag and Drop Words, Text Entry and Drag Text activities. The responses would be available to the creator of the EVA along with data and analytics for further analysis and assessment. You can choose to receive that interaction data from named or unidentified individuals.

Next week:

Etv VS. ClickView – a look at the Pros and Cons with the idea that we discuss where to from here

4. And finally something to make you smile at the end of the week.....

Thursday 4 May 2017

Term 2 - Week 2 - Even Week

He aha te kai ō te rangatira? He Kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.

What is the food of the leader. It is knowledge. It is communication.

Week 2
8 Mei - 12 Mei (EVEN)

Student voice - curriculum survey closes at 3.10 - Mon 8

Staff Yoga - after school Mon 8

10Sci visit to University of Canterbury - Mon 8 - Tues 9.

LEF Reports due - Wed 10

13 Geo Trip (after school) - Tues 9 - Fri 12

Staff Flu Vaccinations - Tues 9

English 2.5 Speech Assessments - Thurs 11 - Fri 12

Week 3
15 Mei - 19 Mei (ODD)

Late Start PD - Mon 15

Book week - Mon 15 - Fri 18

Author: Miranda Carter - Tues 16 (afternoon)

CGHS Cross Country (p3 &4) - Tues 16

Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 16 and 18. School finishes at end of P4

Winter Sports start - Wed 17

Book Day Mufti Day - Thurs 18

Eton Senior Maths Competition - Thurs 18

Stage Challenge - Fri 19




Tues 9: Student Support

Thurs 11: Meeting re Mentoring at CGHS


Tues 16th: NIL 

Late Start PD

Our next late start for staff Professional Learning and Development is on Monday 15 May. The same format as the first late start will happen, with school starting with period 2 on the day.
Go to the Google Form to choose your option for the morning.

The options to choose from are:

1. The New Professional standards and Appraisal: This is for staff who are appraisers. We will look at the new draft Professional standards and code of ethics. This is also a chance to discuss what different Faculties and appraisers use to determine 'what is evidence' during appraisal discussions, to help achieve greater consistency across the school.

2. Personalized learning with Devices: An introduction to individualized learning activities using 1:1 devices (personalization) which encourages deep learning. We will look at concepts as well as activities so that you leave with some strategies to add to your pedagogical "tool kit".

3. Pastoral Systems at CGHS - the next steps. Creating the journey of what is needed for a successful, well rounded CGHS student. This session gives staff a chance to discuss what specific skills students should focus on at each year level so they have the necessary skills for the world beyond school.

4. Use of Te Reo and what it is like to be a Maori or Pasifika learner at CGHS. This session is a repeat of the popular first session.

5. Using OneNote: This session will be great for staff who have many of their resources available electronically. Learn how to make them usable in the OneNote platform which enables lesson planning to be more dynamic and flexible.

6. Breaking down the curriculum: We have an outside provider who will talk about the decisions and outcomes of creating an authentic cross curricular experience for students. Very timely as we start to think about possible changes to our curriculum moving forward.

Tech Tip:

Earlier this year, I sent out information on how to integrate the Kamar calendar into your google calendar. In the add calendar box - you are able to paste the link below.

What you can also do, if you are a google calendar user, is have your calendar displayed on the same page as your emails.

This is a very easy thing to do. When you are in your emails, click on the little 'wheel' (top right corner)

Then click on 'settings'

And you will see a number of headings across the top - the one you want is 'labs'

You need to find the 'Google Calendar Gadget' and click on 'enable' next to it.

Make sure you then go to the bottom of the page and click 'save'. 
When you go back to your emails, you will see your calendar.


As the staff get together to have their first yoga session on Monday - have a quick read of the blog post "Why teachers are so tired". Exercise is one way that can really help

Here is also a link to Radio NZ. It looks at a book written by Florence Williams about the benefits of getting outside. There is a written summary of the main points but also a radio interview with the author. The weather over the weekend is looking not too bad, so think about spending a little time outdoors!

Professional Development Opportunities

Core-Ed Breakfasts that could be of interest:

1. Mobilise my reo - moving on from mihimihi - 15 August. Registrations are now open.

2. Learner Agency for all - 12 September

3. Registrations are now open for ULearn 17. This year the conference is being held in Hamilton. See BLS if you are interested in attending.