Thursday 25 May 2017

Term 2 - Week 5 - ODD

 A malu i fale, e malu i fafo - 
Respect yourself and others will too

Week 5
29 Mei - 2 Hūne (Odd)

Samoan Language Week - all week

13 Bio Wainui - Mon 29 - Fri 2

Est Credits and LEFs due this week

Year 10 GATE trip - Wed 31

CGHS Music Concert - Thurs 1

Sports and Cultural colours awards presented at assembly - p4 Thurs 1

Week 6
Hūne - 9 Hūne (Even)

Queen's Birthday - Mon 5

11/12/13 Music Performance Assessments - Tues 6 - Fri 9

Year 11 Maori Leadership Day at UC - Tues 6

Year 13 Tourism trip - Tues 7
Outdoor Education Year 12 PE trip - Wed 7 - Fri 10

12/13ACC UC Accounting Day - Wed 7


Full School Assembly - Thurs 1 June period 4


Tues 30: Department


Tues 7: Staff

Staff Information and Professional Development 

1. Thank you to all staff for being so welcoming and making Open Day run so smoothly. My secret shopper feedback is making finding my winners hard, as they all had so many favorites. The winning Learning Area will be announced at briefing on Tuesday morning.

One person wrote " XXX interacted with parents and prospective students - listened intently to questions asked and answered comprehensively - used natural humour and showed keen interest in their questions. She/he described in depth the curriculum and how each year progressed to the other, also put up a very good case why _________ was the subject to take"

2. CADAP (Canterbury Assistant and Deputy Principals) have a seminar scheduled for 16 June. The topic this term is Te Reo Mihi: Basic Māori and tikanga for senior and middle leaders
For this session other interested middle leaders are able to attend. Please see me (BLS) if you might be interested and I can then forward any further information as it comes through.

3. We will have someone onsite filming on Monday as part of the Grow Waitaha Professional Development that a small group of staff are involved in. Some of this filming will be in the staffroom period 3 and 4 on Monday. This is a great opportunity to celebrate some of our excellent teachers and their innovation. Watch this space for when the video is released!

Teaching and Learning Tips

Chrome Extensions

A number of us use ‘Chrome’ as our web browser.
There are a number of different extensions available that can increase the functionality of your browsing online

A couple of useful ones to get you started include
1. url shortner - this enables you to shorten any url, it will aslo generate a QRcode for the webpage you are on.
2. Word Cloud - this generates a word cloud of the webpage (see image). This can be a good way for students to find key words in a lot of text while carrying out research.

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