Thursday 1 June 2017

Term 2 - Week 6 - EVEN

Week 6
Hūne - 9 Hūne (Even)

Queen's Birthday - Mon 5

11/12/13 Music Performance Assessments - Tues 6 - Fri 9

Year 11 Maori Leadership Day at UC - Tues 6

Year 13 Tourism trip - Tues 6

Outdoor Education Year 12 PE trip - Wed 7 - Fri 10

12/13ACC UC Accounting Day - Wed 7

Year 11 Formal - Sat 10
Week 7
12 Hūne - 16 Hūne (Even)

Waitaki Winter Exchange - Mon 12 - Tues 13

Aerobics at Villa - Tues 13

School Chamber music - Wed 14 - Fri 16

Careers Trip: Maori and Pasifika - Wed 14

Year 13 Tourism Trip - Thurs 15

Secret Admirer's Week - Staff

Cross Country - NZ Champs - Sat 17 - Sun 18




Tues 6: Staff Meeting

Thurs 8: PCT


Tues 13: Learning Area - Pedagogical

Information for Staff and Professional Learning Opportunities

1. Staff meeting on Tuesday - The agenda is being sent out. This is a chance to further discuss well-being as a staff. There will also be a chance to look at upcoming school initiatives and ideas around implementation of a proposed change to our school's end of year programme.

2. Deep learning Lab - 20-21 July. Registrations are now open. Information can be found here

3. Tuesday 13 June (Week 7) is a Learning Area meeting slot with a pedagogical focus. Several Learning Areas have taken up opportunities to have outside specialists come in and present in this time. Please let me (Liz) know if you would like to have this sort of thing in future slots and I can organise it for you. You may even have particular colleagues in mind, just let me know. 

4. Grow Waitaha, a MOE initiative, is a group that aims to support Canterbury schools through their processes of changing as a result of rebuild and repair programmes. It is through this group that the Community of Practice visits are occurring this year. These are afternoons in which secondary staff can go and look around new builds in Canterbury and ask questions of staff working there to build a better picture of what teaching and learning might look like in new spaces - the first visit was out to Rolleston College and involved 8 of our staff. The next is scheduled for August 31st and will be at Haeata Community Campus. I highly recommend putting your name forward for this next visit. 
The opportunity allows for staff to decide what they like, don't like and what they think might work back in their own schools after seeing different models of teaching and learning and spaces. 
Grow Waitaha also provide support in the form of sharing school stories and, more importantly, secondary school stories are included. This is to help with sharing of expertise and insights across schools. This is also the reason why we had the film crew in at the start of the week, they were here filming a small group of staff who are working together in a collaborative inquiry which involves mentoring by Grow Waitaha and looking at change in pedagogy with a focus on well-being and utilising digital technologies. 
Here is a link to the St Thomas' story which is shared by two teachers there. They discuss leading change in curriculum development and supporting teachers to deliver a more future focused, project-based programme. 

5. Finally, something that seems like it came from a sci-fi movie - the Rocketbook! Imagine a notebook that you write/draw/create in that can - with the use of a smartphone - send your pages into your chosen cloud-based storage spaces, like your Google drive, OneNote, iCloud or your DropBox. 
Then when you have filled all your pages in your notebook, simply pop it in the microwave for half a minute or so, and voila! It's a brand new, empty notebook again! If you would like to look at one or try it out, come and see me (Liz).  So many uses, but one I particularly like is as a solution for people who might not be able to afford a phone and a laptop.  I know of one Christchurch high school which has bought a class set of these books for students to use in classes as an alternative to using laptops. 

Have a great long weekend!

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