Thursday 22 June 2017

Term 2 - Week 9 - ODD

Puraho māku, kei ngaure o mahi.
To catch fish you must place your basket in the water. (No work, no reward) 

Week 9
26 Hūne - 30 Hūne (ODD)

12DRA Major Production - Tue 27 - Thurs 29

Gymnastics Canterbury Champs - Tues 27

LEFs due to be completed by Fri 30 by 10.50am

13DIT Orion Health Trip (p5)

Squash- South Island Champs - Sat 1 and Sun 2
Week 10
 Hūrae - 7  Hūrae (EVEN)

Year 11 Science Brainbee - Mon 3 - Tues 4

13DRA major Production - Tues 4 - Wed 5

Year 12 Leaders Conference - Tues 4

Lifesaving (9-12) - Wed 5

Extended form time (Careers) - Thurs 6

Swimming - South Island - Fri 7 - Sat 8

12 & 13 ECO UC Economics Day - Fri 7

Cycling - SISS Road Champs - Sat 8 - Sunday 9

Last Day Term 2 - Fri 7

Staff Farewells @ interval - Fri 7



Year 9 in Gym during Extended Form time - Thurs 6

Tues 27: Department


Tues 4: Student Support

Information for Staff and Professional Learning Opportunities

1. PD opportunity: Thriving in Complexity - Core Ed

A CORE breakfast seminar that will introduce a model for thinking about complexity around issues and change within schools. See BLS if interested. 

2. Digital Technologies for Learning - NZCER survey summary is now available. There are a number of interesting graphics that summarise the feedback from teachers around their views of how digital technologies have impacted on student learning and outcomes.

The full summary document 'Is digital technology good for students learning?' can be accessed at:

3. Sylvia (DXS) sent this link through 'a short interview from Radio NZ' with a Waitara High principal talking about student voice. Great to hear how different schools are approaching the use of student voice in school change initiatives.

"Warburton's philosophy is to encourage "belonging and belief".
"If we have a place where students belong, where they feel like they have some ownership and some agency in it, they have some say in what's being taught in the classrooms - then attendance lifts, engagement lifts."
Sending a student out with self-belief is more important "than a grade in maths", he says."

Checking your Absence Rolls in Kamar

As we are getting near the end of Term 2, now is a good time to check that all class attendance rolls have been completed in Kamar. This is needed to ensure that student absence percentages are up to date, as well as for our ministry attendance audits.

To complete the check click on:
1. Teachers
2. Find your name - by typing in your code.
3. Across the top there are a series of options - click on Attendance. You will then see a screen like the picture below. If there are any red squares - this will mean that the attendance is not completed for that lesson. 
4. Click on the red squares which will take you to the roll for that day and update the attendance for the students for that lesson.

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