Wednesday 19 July 2017

Term 3 - Week 1 - ODD

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takimano

My strength is not that of an individual but that of the collective

Week 1
24 Hūrae - 28 Hūrae (ODD)

Start of Term 3 - Mon 24

Visiting students from Mokogawa - all week

Australian Maths Competition - Thurs 27 (periods 1&2)

Year 13 PE Trip to Les Mills - Thurs 27 - Fri 28

Whānau hui - Thurs  27 @ 6pm (See info below)

Music Tour of Primary Schools - Fri 28

Gymsports - NZSS Champs - Sat 29 - Sun 30

Year 13 Scholarship entry forms to be returned to BLS - Fri 28

Week 2
31 Hūrae - 4 

Mokogawa Visit continues - All Week

International Week - Mon 31 - Fri 4

Navi outdoors Visit - Mon 31 - Sun 6

12TOU Trip - Mon 31

9DIT Trip - Mon 31

Est. Credits and LEFs due this week

UC Classics Day (13CLS) - Mon 31

ICAS English - Tues 1

NCEA Parent Evening - Tues 1 (6pm Staffroom)

Year 13 PE to Les Mills - Tues 1 - Wed 2

Jazz Quest - Fri 4 - Sun 6

Squash - NZ Champs - Fri 4 - Sun 6

Chamber Music Final - Sat 5 - Sun 6

Duathlon - NZ Champs - Sun 6


Monday 24th - Period 4 - Full school assembly


Tues 25: Pedagogical meeting
Thurs 27: PCT meeting


Information for Staff

1. Māori whānau hui: This will be held on Thursday 27 July from 6 - 7:30 pm in the Staffroom. The purpose of this whānau hui is whakawhanaungatanga kanohi ki te kanohi (making connections face to face) and providing an opportunity to meet students, whānau and teachers. Staff are welcome to attend.

2. Reminder that the course selection booklet on OnStream needs to be updated. Students will again be choosing their subjects for 2018 via the Portal. The course selection afternoon in the Gym will be held on Monday 21 August - no period 5 that day.

3. Holiday Website Exploring:

CK12: This is a great website that supports the use of BYOD in the classroom. The main resources are for Science and Mathematics - but there are lessons for English/grammar available.

The site has lessons already created, which usually have a reading associated with the topic, an activity to complete and a quiz for students to self assess. A great website for any relief that you might like to set.

4.  Teacher Toolkit have put together a number of graphic organizers for Teachers. As holiday break often involves a lot of marking - you might be interested in the '5 minute marking plan'. A chance to summarize feedback to the class as you carry out the marking task.

5. Liz (MWL) sent out a survey to Year 9 at the end of Term 2 regarding the change to our end of year program. Interested staff are asked to contact her around becoming part of the idea/development team, with some teacher release time available through PLD to work with outside providers available.

We are working through creating 'what this might look like' proposals, and there will be more information to come.

A quick snapshot of student responses to date are:

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