Thursday 22 February 2018

Week 5 - Term 1 - 2018 - EVEN

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain

Week 4
26  Pēpuere - 2 Maehe

Year 9 Camps - Mon 26 - Fri 2

Ugly Shakespeare Performance - Mon 26

Acland 2019 applications close - Wed 28

School Athletics Day at BHS - Fri 2

SI Tennis Champs - Fri 2 - Sun 4

Rowing - SISS Champs - Sat 3 - Sun 4

Multisports SI Champs - Sun 4

Week 5
Maehe - 9 Maehe

12Bio - Temple Basin - Mon 5 - Fri 9

Year 11 Art Portfolio Exhibition @ Wigram Museum - Mon 5 - Sun 18

LEFs Due Wed 7 at 8.40am

AUT Visit - Tues 6

Year 11 Geo Trip - Wed 7 - Fri 9

13CHE internal (p5) Wed 7

Triathlon - Canty Champs - Thurs 8

Rowing - Pre Maadi Cup - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Volleyball - Canterbury Champs - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Dragon Boating SI - Sat 10


Year 10 Assembly - Gym - Wed 28

Year 12 NCEA Assembly - PAC - Wed 28

Year 13 NCEA Assembly - Wed 7 - PAC


Staff Meeting - Tues 27


Pedagogical Meeting - Tues 6

Information for Staff

1. Staff meeting on Tuesday will be on Appraisal, and the new 'Our Code, Our Standards'.
Can you please bring along the booklet that you were given last year, as well as a pen as we have a few activities for staff.

2. Professional Development Opportunity: Three Step towards student Wellbeing.
This will be held on 13 March at Russley Golf Course. With a Breakfast and Seminar from 7.15 - 8.45 and a Workshop from 9.00am - 12.00pm.  This could be of interested for those of you who would like to explore this area in more detail. Please apply for PD if you are interested.

3. If you are a fan of using Kahoot, you can now set homework challenges on Kahoot and see how well students did:

4. At the Principal's Nominee Seminar there were discussions around assessment practice and its impact on teacher and student workload. A flyer has been released (see below) which is a combined summary from a number of education agencies in NZ. Some great discussion points for Learning Areas.

Also of interest and worth reading for staff is the series of Mythbusters that NZQA have reworked for Teachers around NCEA assessment practice.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Week 4 - Term 1 - 2018- ODD

Nau te rourou naku te rourou
With your basket and my basket the people will live.
(co-operation and combining of resources)

Week 4
19  Pēpuere - 23 Pēpuere

School Swimming Sports  - Mon 19

School Athletics Day - Tues 20

Late Start - Thurs 22 (8.30 start - see below for more information)

Rowing - CSS Regatta - Fri 23 - Sun 25

Volleyball SI Champs - Fri 23 - Sun 25

1948 Old Girls' Visit, 2pm - Fri 23

Touch - Canterbury Champs - Sat 24

Week 4
26  Pēpuere - 2 Maehe

Year 9 Camps - Mon 26 - Fri 2

Ugly Shakespeare Performance - Mon 26

Acland 2019 applications close - Wed 28

SI Tennis Champs - Fri 2 - Sun 4

Rowing - SISS Champs - Sat 3 - Sun 4

Multisports SI Champs - Sun 4


Full School Assembly - Gym - Wed 21

Year 10 Assembly - Gym - Wed 28

Year 12 NCEA Assembly - PAC - Wed 28


Learning Area - Time to be arranged by HOLAs during week due to Athletics Day.

New Staff - Appraisal and Attestation - Thurs 22


Staff Meeting - Tues 27

Information for Staff

1. Thank you again for all the effort and support that teachers provided to students sitting Scholarship in 2017. It was great to see Sophie Marris' name appear in the Outstanding Scholars list on NZQA, representing Christchurch Girls' High School/ Te Kura O Hine Waiora. See the NZQA website for the list.

2. Late Start Information: The first late start for the year is on Thursday 22 Feb, period 1. An email has been sent home to parents with details of the full list of dates for the year. A reminder that school will start at 9.50 with period 2.

The first late start, relates to the change in the role of the form teacher and Ako time. This means sessions for staff will be divided into year levels and facilitated by the year level Dean.
Year 9 and 10 Form Teachers - Staffroom
Year 11 Form Teachers - S4
Year 12 Form Teachers - S3
Year 13 Form Teachers - S2.

If you are not a Form teacher, you have a choice of joining a group, as you may be picking up a year 9 group in 2019 or there will be an eLearning strand. 
This session will be taken by Liz McDowell and will be around tips and tricks with Windows 10 and the apps found on the dashboard. This is an extension of the Windows 10 training from earlier in the year. This will be held in S1 from 8.30.

3. Registrations are now open for New Zealand's largest Educational Conference - ULearn. This year it is to be held in Auckland. It would be great if we can have a few staff attend as it is great to see and hear about what is going on in Education in New Zealand.

4. Clickview: A reminder for staff that we have access to clickview. The link to login can be found via Onstream, and as a school it is single sign-on.

A number of staff had training on how to use this video platform in 2017 from the different Learning Areas. There will be further training on how to use the interactive feature.
The site is also linked to the free to Air NZ channels, where you can search programmes, and ask for them to be changed so the are advertisement free.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Week 3 - Term 1 - 2018 - EVEN

He aha te kai ō te rangatira? 
He Kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.

What is the food of the leader. It is knowledge. It is communication.

Week 3
12  Pēpuere - 16 Pēpuere

Individual and Class photographs + Cando Cards - Mon 12 - Tues 13

Midyis Testing - Mon 12 - Fri 10

Week 4
19  Pēpuere - 23 Pēpuere

School Swimming Sports  - Mon 19

School Athletics Day - Tues 20

Rowing - CSS Regatta - Fri 23 - Sun 25

Volleyball SI Champs - Fri 23 - Sun 25

1948 Old Girls' Visit, 2pm - Fri 23

Touch - Canterbury Champs - Sat 24


House Assemblies (Full School) - See below for space for each house - Wed 14

Full School Assembly - Gym - Wed 21


Learning and Teaching - Tues 13

New Staff - Reporting - Thurs 15


Learning Area - Time to be arranged by HOLAs during week due to Athletics Day.

New Staff - Appraisal and Attestation - Thurs 22

Information for Staff

1. At the first house Assemblies for the year, can  you please support the students in your house by attending the following assemblies:
Deans - Gym (carpark end)
Connon - Staffroom
Harper - Gym (English block end)
Rolleston - Library
Selwyn - Courtyard in front of Arts/Reception
Sheppard - PAC

2. Another busy week with new enrollments and Girls' wishing to make course changes. Thank you to everyone persevering with students entering and leaving your classes. Any issues please let SLT know.

3. Thanks to everyone who has signed up to be part of the Google trial. There are now 10 staff willing to try the new features, PIM will send out more information to the willing participants. As part of Michelle's eLearning role, she has also sent through the link to the OneTab extension ( The ultimate Google extension for those of you who like to have lots of windows open.

4. For those of you who would like better organisation in your 'inbox' - watch the following animation from learning architects on how to send emails directly to one of the folders in your inbox.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Week 2 - Term 1 - 2018 - ODD

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will live

Week 2
5  Pēpuere - 9 Pēpuere

8.40 Extended Form time.

Powhiri, p1 in Gym - Mon 5
Manuhiri to gather with Year 9 in Carpark

Timetabled classes begin (p3) - Mon 5

Waitangi Day - Tues 6

Week 3
12  Pēpuere - 16 Pēpuere

Individual and Class photographs + Cando Cards - Mon 12 - Tues 13

Midyis Testing - Mon 12 - Fri 10


Year 11 NCEA assembly with BLY - PAC - Wed 7

House Assemblies (Full School) - Locations to be advised - Wed 14




Learning and Teaching - Tues 13

Information for Staff

1. Thank you to everyone who has made the first week run so smoothly. The extra hands to run the year 9 program were very much appreciated. It was great to trouble shoot the problems around BYOD with our Year 9s before classes started next week. Michelle (PIM) has had feedback, and is happy to hear suggestions to continue to improve the introduction to online learning for the Girls'.

2. Mindlab will be running their Post-Graduate courses again this year and have again advised schools regarding the $2000 Scholarships. More information can be found at 

An information evening will be held on Tuesday 27th February 2018, 4pm–6pm

3. There is to be a review from the government regarding NCEA in 2018. The Principal from Hobsonville Point was interviewed on Radio New Zealand regarding "NCEA, not good practice". The interview can be heard 'HERE'. Interesting to hear the perspective from a school that does not require students to sit Level 1 NCEA.