Thursday 1 February 2018

Week 2 - Term 1 - 2018 - ODD

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will live

Week 2
5  Pēpuere - 9 Pēpuere

8.40 Extended Form time.

Powhiri, p1 in Gym - Mon 5
Manuhiri to gather with Year 9 in Carpark

Timetabled classes begin (p3) - Mon 5

Waitangi Day - Tues 6

Week 3
12  Pēpuere - 16 Pēpuere

Individual and Class photographs + Cando Cards - Mon 12 - Tues 13

Midyis Testing - Mon 12 - Fri 10


Year 11 NCEA assembly with BLY - PAC - Wed 7

House Assemblies (Full School) - Locations to be advised - Wed 14




Learning and Teaching - Tues 13

Information for Staff

1. Thank you to everyone who has made the first week run so smoothly. The extra hands to run the year 9 program were very much appreciated. It was great to trouble shoot the problems around BYOD with our Year 9s before classes started next week. Michelle (PIM) has had feedback, and is happy to hear suggestions to continue to improve the introduction to online learning for the Girls'.

2. Mindlab will be running their Post-Graduate courses again this year and have again advised schools regarding the $2000 Scholarships. More information can be found at 

An information evening will be held on Tuesday 27th February 2018, 4pm–6pm

3. There is to be a review from the government regarding NCEA in 2018. The Principal from Hobsonville Point was interviewed on Radio New Zealand regarding "NCEA, not good practice". The interview can be heard 'HERE'. Interesting to hear the perspective from a school that does not require students to sit Level 1 NCEA.

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