Thursday 14 June 2018

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2018

He kai kei aku ringa
There is food at the end of my hands

Week 8
18 Pipiri - 22 Pipiri

National Secondary Schools Culinary Challenge - Mon 18

12PHY trip to UC (10.30am - 3.30pm) - Tues 19 - Wed 20

12MAT Assessment (1-4pm) Thurs 21

Jane Austen Essay Competition - Thurs 21

Year 10 ASH Survey - Thurs 21

Young Farmers Get Ahead Day - Thurs 21

Lifesaving examinations (yr 9 - 13) Fri 22

Manu Kōrero - Fri 22 at Riccarton High School.

Year 12 Formal - Sat 23

Week 9
25 Pipiri - 29 Pipiri

Book Week - All Week

12DRA Production - Mon 25 - Wed 27

LEF 3 due this week

Gymnastics Canterbury Champs - Tues 26

12GRA Site Visit - Thrus 28

Book Week Mufti Day - Thurs 28

Squash SI Champs - Fri 29 - Sun 1

Ki o rahi tournament - Fri 29

Rock Quest Finals - Fri 29

Assembly - WED

Full School - Emergency Briefing and Book Week.

Assembly - WED

House Assemblies - Lip Sync Planning
Deans - Courtyard in front of Arts/Reception
Connon - Gym ( English block end)
Harper - Library 
Rolleston - Gym (carpark end)
Selwyn - PAC

Sheppard - Staffroom




Student Support

Information for Staff

1. A useful blogpost from CoreEd, regarding Creative Commons and detailing 3 sites which teachers can access that has free images available for use.

2.  CORE Education have developed a  customised mentoring programme, uChoose. The idea behind the programme is that it is about enabling you to take control of your professional learning journey, extend your skills, thinking and learning network and achieve life-changing results. The programme outline is:
  • Lead change and building leadership practices
  • Develop strategies and solutions for specific situations and challenges
  • Explore areas of specialisation (such as e-learning, modern learning practices, cultural responsiveness, and much more)
  • Develop your own mentoring or facilitation skills
  • Meet your appraisal goals
  • Collect, select and reflect on a body of evidence for appraisal
  • Design, plan, implement and evaluate your own inquiry
If you would like to learn more about this PD opportunity then Click HERE.

3. Something for Google Users - Chrome Extension Draftback.
This extension, enables users to view their writing process in a video format. When a document is share with a teacher as and editor, one of the great features of this extension is that it enables the teacher to view a student's writing process. Having this view of the writing, makes it easy to see when large chunks of  text have been added to a document.
More information of the pros and cons of this extension, and the benefits of using it in the writing process can be found HERE

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