Thursday 20 September 2018

Week 10 - Term 3 - 2018

Whakapūpūtia mai ō mānuka, kia kore ai e whati. 
Cluster the branches of the mānuka, so they will not break. 
Together with a shared vision, we know which direction to go

Week 10
 24 Hepetema - 28 Hepetema

Sports and Cultural Photos - Mon 24 - Tues 25 - Gym

11PED MTB Camp - Tues 25 - Fri 28

French Trip - Tues 25 - Sun 14 Oct

Mufti Day for World Challenge - Wed 26

Yr 10 Sci visit to UC - Wed 26

Level 1 Art marking - Thurs 27 - Fri 28

Junior English Speech Comp p3 - t
Thurs 27

Year 12 Leadership Day - Thurs 27

Cycling - Road Race Nationals Fri 28 - Sun 30

Year 11/12 Technology Trip - Fri 28

School Holidays
 29 Hepetema - 14 Ōketopa

School Holidays

Have a good break!


Gym Bookings for the holiday break:

Sunday 30/9 - Gym - rowing 12-5pm

Wed 3/10 – Gym - volleyball 8-9pm – regular booking

Thurs 4/10 to Sunday 7/10 -  Gym Antiques Fair 8.30am-8.30pm daily
Assembly - WED

Junior Assembly (Yr 9 and 10) - End of Term awards - Gym

Year 13 Assembly - PAC (note change from schedule)

Assembly - WED



Department Meeting


Information for Staff

1. It is revision time again, and you might be interested in the following websites as you create revision around higher order thinking tasks.

The first site, is the Cornell-Note Taking technique. If you are running a revision session, where the girls' are required to take notes, have them set up their page, where key words are written down the side. Find our more at:

The second site -  can help teachers and students develop evidenced based strategies for revision. 

2. As our understanding of the changes to the Digital technologies curriculum and the impact that this will have on teaching and learning on schools increases, it is important to keep at the forefront the 'why' behind the introduction of the new strands .

The Minister for Education, Chris Hipkins said in 2018:
"The digital curriculum is about teaching children how to design their own digital solutions and become creators of, not just users of, digital technologies, to prepare them for the modern workforce."
The following clip is linked to Microsoft celebrating woman in Technology. Are our girls' able to name woman inventors? How are we helping them become change makers.....

3. Applications are open again for the Postgraduate Certificate in Digital and Collaborative Learning. Check out the link below, or have a chat with PIM, CAH and MAR who are currently completing the course.

How is your teaching practice adapting in this increasingly tech-enabled world?
Have you been given opportunities to adjust and evolve? 
Everything is changing – from how we access and share information, to how we communicate, collaborate and create. With the new digital curriculum now published by the Ministry, and global advances in technology affecting every part of our lives, we could all use some help staying ahead of the game.

Get on top of the changes the Digital Age is bringing to education, and start leading real change. All the tools and research-backed pedagogy you need can be found on our part-time, 32-week Postgraduate Certificate in Digital & Collaborative Learning.

Align your skills with the needs of your 21st century learners.
Applications are open for November!

Thursday 13 September 2018

Week 9 - Term 3 - 2018

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takimano e. 
My strength is not mine alone, but that of many

Week 9
 17 Hepetema - 21 Hepetema

Senior Examinations - All week

Orchestra Festival - Mon 17

Get 2 Go Challenge - wed 19

UC Yr10 Science Visit to CGHS - Wed 19

Winter Sports Awards - Thurs 20

Aerobics Nationals - Fri 21 - Sun 23

New Entrance Testing - Sat 22

Week 10
 24 Hepetema - 28 Hepetema

Sports and Cultural Photos - Mon 24 - Tues 25 - Gym

11PED MTB Camp - Tues 25 - Fri 28

French Trip - Tues 25 - Sun 14 Oct

Mufti Day for World Challenge - Wed 26

Yr 10 Sci visit to UC - Wed 26

Level 1 Art marking - Thurs 27 - Fri 28

Junior English Speech Comp p3 - t
Thurs 27

Year 12 Leadership Day - Thurs 27

Cycling - Road Race Nationals Fri 28 - Sun 30

Year 11/12 Technology Trip - Fri 28

Assembly - WED

Year 10 Camp Assembly - PAC

Assembly - WED

Junior Assembly (Yr 9 and 10) - End of Term awards - Gym


No Meetings this week

Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Professional Development - Core Education have just released a free PD course in November on Digital Technologies. This course will specifically look at years 7 - 10 implementation. The course consists of 4 weekly webinars and will provide participants with an understanding of:
  • The two new digital areas and their progress outcomes (Computational Thinking and Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes-connections between)
  • The wider Technology learning area they are located in
  • How the digital learning is underpinned by the Technology learning area, indicators, and strands
  • And the wide range of digital supports available to schools

2. Assessment for Learning: As you are working on your inquiry, you may want to consider whether you have provided opportunities for students to assess their learning. Assessment for learning is a process where assessment information is used by teachers to adjust the teaching strategies that are being used, and also by students to adjust their learning strategies.
You may want to consider the strategies below, and decide which ones are you currently doing, and which you should do more of in order to improve the learning outcomes of students.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Week 8 - term 3 - 2018

Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria
My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul

Week 8
 10 Hepetema - 14 Hepetema

Maori Language Week

11/12/13 Mus Performance - Mon 10 - Wed 12

Portal Closes for Subject Selection - Wed 12

Senior Examinations begin - Thurs 13

NZ Swimming Champs - Fri 14 - Sun 16

Ski & Snowboard SISS - Sat 15 - Sun 16

Orchestra Festival - Sun 16

Gym Hire - Delta Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition - Sun 16

Week 9
 17 Hepetema - 21 Hepetema

Senior Examinations - All week

Orchestra Festival - Mon 17

Get 2 Go Challenge - wed 19

UC Yr10 Science Visit to CGHS - Wed 19

Winter Sports Awards - Thurs 20

Aerobics Nationals - Fri 21 - Sun 23

New Entrance Testing - Sat 22

Assembly - WED

Full School Assembly

Assembly - WED

Year 10 Camp Assembly - PAC



No Meetings this week

Information for Staff

1. Mid-way review for your Teaching as Inquiry: We are nearing the halfway point of TAI at CGHS, and should have had, or have planned in the near future, at least one (of the required 2) observation of teaching practice. Remember this is a formal process, and needs a follow up conversation and written feedback. If this is not yet set up, please talk to your HOLA or designated member of SLT. 

The education hub, has also published information that could be useful for your inquiry, check out the link regarding 'how to use data' to support your teaching as inquiry. The website gives a few alternative ways that you might consider collecting data rather than just summative achievement.

2. PLD OpportunityEmerging Innovative Practice - Kaiapoi High school
Thursday 20 September 1.30pm – 3.45pm
Come along and hear about the Kaiapoi High School collaborative journey. Their new learning spaces opened at the beginning of 2018 and the students and teachers have been working innovatively within them for almost three terms.

There will be the opportunity for a tour of the new learning spaces, so you can see them in action. You will be able to talk to students and teachers within the collaborative learning environment and hear from them what is working and why.

Students and teachers will then share with you the nuts and bolts of how they collaborate within and across faculties.

The forum will finish with a Q & A panel made up of students, school leaders and teachers.

3. Tips and tricks for Google Slides. If you use google slides, you might want to read the blog post link and check out the tips on how to make use of more of the features associated with Google Slides.

4. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori: A chance to challenge yourself to use Te reo, one way could be next time you order your coffee.