Thursday 18 October 2018

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2018

He kai kei aku ringa
There is food at the end of my hands

Week 2
22 Ōketopa - 26 Ōketopa

Labour Day - Mon 22

LEF T4 Due - Wed 24

English 3.5 Seminars - Tues 23 - Wed 24

Service and Cultural Awards 6.30pm - Tues 23

L2 Art Portfolio marking - Thurs 25 - Fri 26

12PED - Big Event P3 & 4 - Thursday 25

Zonta Sports Awards - Thurs 25

Week 3
29 Ōketopa - 2 Noema

CGHS Sports Awards Evening - Tues 30

Acland Leavers Dinner - Thurs 1

Pink Day - Thurs 1

Art Exhibition - Thurs 1

Last Day Seniors - Fri 2 (See assembly below for details) 

Year 9 Paparoa DIT visit - Fri 2
Assembly - WED

Year 13 - PAC
Year 11 - Gym

Assembly - WED

Year 10 - PAC - Camp briefing

Period 1 - NZQA Assembly Year 11 - PAC
Period 2 NZQA Assembly Year 12 - PAC
Period 3 NZQA Assembly Year 13 - PAC
Period 4 Full School Assembly for Leavers - Gym


Learning and Teaching

Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Final Day for Seniors -Friday 2nd November: Just a reminder that all seniors will finish on Friday 2nd at lunchtime, after the end of the leavers assembly.
The NZQA briefing assemblies will be in the PAC, where students will be given their instructions and examination entry slips. The Year 11 and 12's will be in class the other two lessons of the morning.
Year 13 are in class period 1, period 2 they are to go to the gym, where Sandy will be working with them on their time capsule reveal. They will then have their 'Garden Party' morning tea before going to their NZQA assembly and the final leavers assembly.

2.The information below was sent through to me, you may wish to check out the links if you think they could be relevant.

  • Walking with an Anzac - You will receive a box containing 32 tangible items (a mixture of both 3D and paper-based items) in addition to a Fact Sheet for your classroom wall, link to a bespoke website and a Pinterest Board.
  • Are we there yet? Investigate female NZ icons and understand the importance of the suffragette movement.
  • The Student Volunteer Army kit - you'll get everything your kids need to imagine, choose, dream up, plan and carry out a volunteer service project in your community. Your kids won't just have the chance to make a difference in the lives of others but they'll learn the future focused skill of project management along the way.

School Kit provides resources and classroom kits free to teachers and schools. It is simply a matter of visiting their website to download the resources. 

3. ULearn18 Key Note: Pasi Sahlberg
If you don’t lead with small data, you’ll be led by Big Data

"Learning analytics, algorithms and big data are knocking on the doors of many schools promising fast improvements and new solutions to wicked problems facing schools today. In the midst of datafication educators need to remember the power of small data: tiny clues through personal observations, collective human judgment, and raw instinct that can lead to big change in schools. Leading with small data requires collaboration, trust and professionalism as key features of educational change." (ULearn 18).

Big Data is about extremely large data sets which may be analysed computationally to real patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. The characteristics of big data include the following: Big trends, processed by machines, involves algorithms and analytics, it reveals correlations, and is used to help predict the future. So can 'Big Data' make education smarter?
Small Data includes tiny clues, that can processed by humans, it requires a collective professional wisdom, reveals causation's, and helps us to understand the present. Small data gives value to small things that can be very important. It is critical that we use the clues to reveal the big trends in Education.

Find out more about small data by watching the video below:

Pasi gave an example of where the small data has come into play in his own research. In his previous life he had been a Mathematics teacher, and asked himself the question of "why do so many kids not like mathematics" So he asked them to draw an image of a mathematician at work. What he found was that all of the students drew a 'male'.

From ULearn Presentation:
So he used the small data, the observations and wisdom to make the change, something that the big data in Education would not reveal.

What can you do?
Don’t just observe from the distance - you will miss the small data in the classroom
Build trust-based professionalism - need to trust colleagues as well as the students.
Relate through the culture and shared values.
Professional wisdom as evidence - instinct that this works - based on experience and values. Balance this with the evidence.
Lead with small data - not just the big overview of data.

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