Thursday 28 March 2019

Week 10 - Term 1 - 2019

He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata 
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people

Week 10
Āperira - 5 Āperira

Year 13 to PAC at 8.30am - Mon 1

Parent Teacher Interview online opens - Mon 1 in morning.

LEFs Due - Wed 3

Victoria University Visit - Tues 2

Gateway - Health and Safety Day - Tues 2

Whanau Hui - Tues 2nd at 6.00pm

12/13 Drama Assessments - Wed 3 - Fri 5

Otago Junior Mathematics (9-11) - Wed 3

Late Start - Thurs 4

Kiorahi Tournament - Fri 5

Otago University Visits - Fri 5

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Fri 5

Week 11
Āperira - 12 Āperira

12/13 Drama Assessments - Mon 8 - Tues 9

Parent Teacher interviews - Tues 9, 4pm to 7 pm and Friday 12, 9am - 3pm.

Peer Support - Thurs 11 p5

Senior Alison Harper - p3 and 4 - Thurs 11

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly - Gym

Assembly - WED

Easter Assembly




No Meeting - due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.

Information for Staff

1. He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people. I think this whakatauki says it all for the week. The support in school and in our community has been amazing.

2. Go Soap Box: Looking for an alternative way to get feedback from your students? Then you might want to have a look at GoSoapBox
This platform based on student feedback allows students to:
1. to give immediate feedback
2. allows the promotion of partnerships in the learning process
3. reveal what is happening in class in an up to the lesson way
4. offer a "Diversity of viewpoint" depending on the question asked
5. develop agency and relationships - by being explicit to share voice and feedback, which allows you to build relational trust.

3. Staff meeting - This week we will be looking at the idea of 'Cultural Competency' and what this will mean for teachers moving forward, as advised by the teaching council.
Please have a device (Laptop or phone) as we will use them to create a small poll.
For those of those who would like to explore more then please read 'Cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy' (SET 1, 2018) by Berryman, Lawrence and Lamont.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Week 9 - Term 1 - 2019

E tu Kahikatea, hei wakapae uroroa
Awhi mai, awhi atu, tatou, tatou e

Kahikatea stand together; their roots intertwine, strengthening each other
We all help one another and together we will be strong

Week 9
 25 Maehe - 29 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week

Rowing Maadi Cup - All Week

Rugby SI Sevens - Mon 25 - Tues 26

Rutherfords Den Year 9 visits - At various times throughout the week.

Sailing SISS Sunburst Champs - All week

Tennis NZ Champs - All week

Volleyball NZ Champs - All week

Water Polo SI Champs - Wed 27 - Sat 30

Equestrian Event CSS Dressage - Wed 27

Peer Support P1 - Wed 27

Basketball NZ 3x3 tournament - Wed 27 - Fri 29

Canterbury University Visit - Mon 25 in PAC

Year 11 Drama Assessments - Mon 25 - Wed 27 (pm)

Triathlon NZ Champs - Fri 29 - Sat 30

Athletics SI Champs - Fri 29 -Sat 30

Cycling SI Schools MTB Champs - Sun 31

Week 10
Āperira - 5 Āperira

LEFs Due - Wed 3

Victoria University Visit - Tues 2

Gateway - Health and Safety Day - Tues 2

Whanau Hui - Tues 2nd at 6.00pm

12/13 Drama Assessments - Wed 3 - Fri 5

Otago Junior Mathematics (9-11) - Wed 3

Late Start - Thurs 4

Kiorahi Tournament - Fri 5

Otago University Visits - Fri 5

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Fri 5

Assembly - WED

Year 13 NCEA Assembly - PAC

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly - Gym





Information for Staff

1. This week I would like to start with a special thank you to our Guidance team in Te Whare Hauora for all of the amazing work they have been doing. We have a great team led by Julia, Meg, Kashira, and Carolyn and Tina who have been in this week to help out. We have all appreciated your efforts in helping our girls this week.

Just so you are aware, Claire (MCC) has sent out an email to our Year 13 students re their attendance, and our expectation is that everyone should be in class moving forward, but please let us know if any issues arise.

2. Our first late start for the year is on Thursday 4 April, thank you to those who have signed up to their inquiry 'themes'. If you have not yet done so, please select your choice HERE
Our first professional reading is a one page summary found in the Education Gazette in March 2016 'Teaching as Inquiry - a Refresher'.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Week 8 - Term 1 - 2019

He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka
A choppy sea can be navigated

Week 8
 18 Maehe - 22 Maehe

Auckland University Visit - Mon 18 (Break 2)

Massey University Visit - Tues 19 - (Break 2)

Athletics Canterbury Champs prelims - Tues 19

12GEO Trip - Wed 20 - Thurs 21

1st XI Cricket Tournament - Wed 20 - Thurs 21

13MED Film Classification Course - Wed 20

Summer Sport Ends - Wed 20

CGHS Swimming Sports - Thurs 21

11DRA Assessment - Fri 22

Rowing Maadi Cup - Fri 22 - Sun 24

Touch SI Champs - Sat 23 - Sun 24

Athletics Canterbury Champs Finals - Sat 23

Week 9
 25 Maehe - 29 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week

Rowing Maadi Cup - All Week

Rugby SI Sevens - Mon 25 - Tues 26

Rutherfords Den Year 9 visits - At various times throughout the week.

Sailing SISS Sunburst Champs - All week

Tennis NZ Champs - All week

Volleyball NZ Champs - All week

Water Polo SI Champs - Wed 27 - Sat 30

Equestrian Event CSS Dressage - Wed 27

Peer Support P1 - Wed 27

Basketball NZ 3x3 tournament - Wed 27 - Fri 29

Canterbury University Visit - Mon 25 in PAC

Year 11 Drama Assessments - Mon 25 - Wed 27 (pm)

Triathlon NZ Champs - Fri 29 - Sat 30

Athletics SI Champs - Sat 30

Cycling SI Schools MTB Champs - Sun 31

Assembly - WED

Scholars Assembly - Gym

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly - Gym

Year 13 NCEA Assembly - PAC


Learning and Teaching

New Staff - Thurs 21 - Student Enhancement



Information for staff

1. Thank you again to Robin and her team for a great Athletics day. We all appreciate the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the event.

2. Due to the Academic Colours assembly on Wednesday 20, p1 and p2 will each be 5 minutes shorter. Students need to be in full school uniform with blazers. Bags are to be left in their p2 classes. This is so everyone can be seated by 10.20am, so please release them promptly from your class at 10.10am.

3. Further reminder to sign up to an inquiry group as these are needed for our first late start session if you have not already done so -
I had a query regarding whether this was an extra inquiry for staff or whether this will be the teaching as inquiry that is currently expected but now being completed under the umbrella of common themes. It is the latter where this will be your inquiry for the 2019/20 cycle.
When Teaching as Inquiry was included as part of our curriculum it was never intended to be something that is done in isolation - the table below gives a nice summary. By creating groups with common themes, this will gives us a chance to have conversations with a wider group of staff and increase collegiality across the learning areas, in order to improve learning for our students. . If you need further clarification please see me (BLS).

What Teaching as Inquiry is not intended to be:
What it was/is intended to be:
An approach to student learning

An approach to practice
A rigid sequence

An adaptable structure
A solitary endeavour

A basis for discussion and collaboration
A project for appraisal
A source of evidence for appraisal and ongoing professional learning.

Before the late start session on 4th April, please make sure you have sorted out your class specific planning data, having this available for the first session will help in the development of your inquiry questions.
Class specific planning includes things like previous years results, ethnicity, junior entrance data, any data from start of year surveys etc....