Thursday 28 March 2019

Week 10 - Term 1 - 2019

He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata 
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people

Week 10
Āperira - 5 Āperira

Year 13 to PAC at 8.30am - Mon 1

Parent Teacher Interview online opens - Mon 1 in morning.

LEFs Due - Wed 3

Victoria University Visit - Tues 2

Gateway - Health and Safety Day - Tues 2

Whanau Hui - Tues 2nd at 6.00pm

12/13 Drama Assessments - Wed 3 - Fri 5

Otago Junior Mathematics (9-11) - Wed 3

Late Start - Thurs 4

Kiorahi Tournament - Fri 5

Otago University Visits - Fri 5

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Fri 5

Week 11
Āperira - 12 Āperira

12/13 Drama Assessments - Mon 8 - Tues 9

Parent Teacher interviews - Tues 9, 4pm to 7 pm and Friday 12, 9am - 3pm.

Peer Support - Thurs 11 p5

Senior Alison Harper - p3 and 4 - Thurs 11

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly - Gym

Assembly - WED

Easter Assembly




No Meeting - due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.

Information for Staff

1. He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people. I think this whakatauki says it all for the week. The support in school and in our community has been amazing.

2. Go Soap Box: Looking for an alternative way to get feedback from your students? Then you might want to have a look at GoSoapBox
This platform based on student feedback allows students to:
1. to give immediate feedback
2. allows the promotion of partnerships in the learning process
3. reveal what is happening in class in an up to the lesson way
4. offer a "Diversity of viewpoint" depending on the question asked
5. develop agency and relationships - by being explicit to share voice and feedback, which allows you to build relational trust.

3. Staff meeting - This week we will be looking at the idea of 'Cultural Competency' and what this will mean for teachers moving forward, as advised by the teaching council.
Please have a device (Laptop or phone) as we will use them to create a small poll.
For those of those who would like to explore more then please read 'Cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy' (SET 1, 2018) by Berryman, Lawrence and Lamont.

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