Sunday 7 July 2019

Week 1 - Term 3 - 2019

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa 

Let us keep close together, not wide apart 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of keeping connected, of maintaining relationships and dialogue so that we can keep moving forward together. It could be used when sharing information about community events or projects that bring people together.

Week 1
22 Hōngongoi - 26 Hōngongoi

Rarotongan Cultural Tour - Return on Wed 24

Careers Interviews for T3 start

Loves Me Not - Year 12 Health Classes - Thurs 25

Music Tour of Primary Schools - Fri 26

Badminton Canterbury Champs - Sun 28

Week 2
29 Hōngongoi - 1 Ākuhata

12 Tourism - Mt Hutt - Mon 29

Australian Maths Competition - Thurs 1

Chamber Music Final - Fri 2 - Sat 3

Squash NZ champs - Fri 2 - Sun 4

Yr 12 EKEA UC - Fri 2

McCahon Painting Event - Fri 2

Referee requests to be completed by Fri 2

Assembly - WED


Assembly - WED

Full School




Learning and Teaching

Information for Staff

1. Welcome back to Term 3, which we know is incredibly busy and where we realise what we still need to do before our seniors leave for examinations in Term 4. One of the things on our calendar for Term 3 is Maori Language week (9 - 15 September). The theme this year is 'Kia Kaha te Reo Māori’. Think about what your goal will be for this term - increasing your knowledge around pronunciation of names? Adding more kupu reo to your repertoire?

With this in mind, I was sent through a link to this blog post - Becoming Culturally Courageous'. (Thank you Michelle). This is a great reflective piece an a must read for all of us as we move forward on our cultural journey.

2. Testimonials - A reminder that if students have emailed requesting you to complete a reference statement then you need to go to Onstream/ staff admin/ referee reports and complete a summary for each of the students. The due date for completion is Friday 2nd August.

3. Assessment Co-ordinator for Term 3: With BLY away from Term 3, Vicki (TSV) and Katrina (DNK) will be picking up this role in a shared capacity. A shared email account has been created which they will share with you and the students and community. They will be working out of 408, one of the small rooms off the common area for students to be able to find them on their allocated days.

4. Ollie Lovell's latest podcast where he is interviewing Dr Bill Rogers. Many of you will have heard of him in relation to his area of expertise of 'Behaviour Management'. 
There are some very good discussion points that make this a must to listen to.

5. PLD opportunity - The future of Learning Conference (30 Sept - 1 October) - See HERE for more information.

6. As we move into the Term with examinations looming, you might want to consider creating a 'One pager'. This activity allows students to show what they have learned in both a visual and written form, allowing for better memory of ideas when the 2 are mixed.

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