Thursday 15 August 2019

Week 5 - Term 3 - 2019

Tē tōia, tē haumatia 

Nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and a way of doing things 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of having a ‘plan of attack’. It could be used to guide conversation or lead a discussion in the planning of an event or community initiative.

Week 5
 19 Ākuhata - 23 Ākuhata

13TOU - Aoraki Mt Cook - Mon 19 - Tues 20

Lilia Tarawa Visit - Mon 19 (p4)

Subject Choice Afternoon - 2.30 in Gym - Mon 19

Winter Sport Ends - Wed 21

Lip Sync - Thurs 22

May Campbell Anderson Essay - Thurs 22

Basketball Ends - Fri 23

Massey & Victoria Open Days - Fri 23

Gymsports NZSS Champs - Sat 24 - Sun 25
Week 6
 26 Ākuhata - 30 Ākuhata

3 Morning Briefings start this week - Mon 26 (Tues Ako teachers meet with Deans)

LEF Reports due this week.

Senior Progress reports

Te reo Moderation PLD - Mon 26

Te Kura Language examinations - morning - Tues 27

11DRA Major Production - Wed 28

Yr 12 Women in Leadership Breakfast @UC - Wed 28

12 &13 Drama Assessments - Thurs 29 - Wed 4

Late Start - Thurs 29

UC Classics Morning - Thurs 29

13ENG 3.5 Seminar Assessments - Thurs 29

Senior Chirnside Competition (Shakespeare) - Thurs 29

National Big Sing - Wed 28 - Sun 1

Middle Leaders - Coaching and Mentoring - Thurs 29 (2 - 4pm)

Restorative Practice Training Day - Fri 30

Basketball Junior SS - Sat 31 - Sun 1

Cycling Southern School 2 day - Sat 31 - Sun 1

Assembly - WED

Year 10 Assembly - Gym - Camp Information

Year 12 Assembly - PAC

Assembly - WED

Year 9 - Gym

Year 11 - PAC

Year 13 Staffroom





Information for Staff

1. Information from the latest NZQA circular re Derived Grade Examinations

Management of school practice exams

The schools’ practice examination papers and procedures should ensure:
·         authentic, standard specific evidence covering all the criteria of the standard is collected
·         the grades submitted are consistent with the standard by being subject to a quality assurance process including:
o   critiquing of the assessment task
o    a marking process involving a verification or justification process.
Further information of these processes is available in the Derived Grade Handbook.

Derived Grade Self Review Tool

NZQA has developed a Derived Grade Self-Review Tool that schools may like to use to review their processes. The Tool can be used either before or after your school’s practice examinations by Heads of Department or the Principal’s Nominee.
The tool provides the opportunity to check that derived grade processes ensure credible grades are reported to NZQA so that  the transfer of derived grade application information and grade data to NZQA is accurate and complete communication processes support clear understanding of the derived grade process and eligibility criteria.

2. Advice from Marcus Akuhata-Brown

A question and analogy to think about that was posed by Marcus - How does our school environment allow young Māori to thrive rather than just survive. Are our students being conditioned by an environment that we have created? Is success just compliance? 
Marcus talks about the analogy around the "Glass lid of low expectations", linked to the flea experiment, where if you place a glass lid on a jar, after a few days fleas will only jump to the level set. 
Something to think about for our learners.......

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