Thursday 17 October 2019

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2019

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa 

Let us keep close together, not wide apart 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of keeping connected, of maintaining relationships and dialogue so that we can keep moving forward together. It could be used when sharing information about community events or projects that bring people together.

Week 2
21 Ōketopa - 25 Ōketopa 

Est Credits and LEFs due this week

Service and Cultural Awards - Tues 22

Graphics Exhibition - Wed 23 - Fri 25

Year 12 PE Big event (with year 9) - Thurs 24 (p2 - 4 - see email from BRH)

Zonta Sports Awards - Thurs 24

Marking of L2 Art external portfolios - Thurs 24 - Fri 25

CGHS Film Festival - Thurs 24

Week 3
28 Ōketopa - 1 Noema

Labour Day - Mon 28

Senior Clearance starts - Tues 29

Sports Awards evening - Tues 29

Gillette Venus Cricket Cup - Wed 30 - Fri 1

Hockey Prizegiving - Wed 30 - 7pm

Acland Leavers Dinner - Thurs 31

Art Exhibition L1, 2 & 3 - Thurs 31

Level 3 Art Portfolios Due - Thurs 31

Pink Carnival Day - Thurs 31

Last Day for Seniors - Fri 1
NZQA Assemblies and Full School Assembly

Year 13 Farewell morning tea - Fri 1

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly
Year 10 Camp Meetings
Year 9 - Preparation for Big Event

Assembly - WED

Students sitting a Digital NCEA Examination to PAC




Learning and Teaching

Information for Staff

1. In the Gazette, the MoE are calling for expressions of interest from those who would like to be part of the Subject Interest Groups for all NZC subjects. This will involve a series of meetings over 2020 - 2023.
These groups will work with the MoE to consider how the subject fits within NCEA Level 1, and then how the subject might be assessed through achievement standards for Levels 1 - 3.  There is a short turn around for this, submission deadline is 28 October. Go to:

2. A Professional Learning opportunity you might be interested in for next year 

3. Sustainability goals and EOY Junior planning - every week there continues to be resources for teachers that are available online to help with end of year planning.
a. The sustainability goals have now been translated into Te reo
b. Microsoft have released resources re the teaching of the sustainable development goals and can be accessed HERE.
c. Also lesson plans incorporating digital technology - go to dthm4kaiako

4. This Tuesday during Break 2 in the PAC, two internationally acclaimed slam poets Carrie Rudzinski and Olivia Hall will perform their show, "How We Survive:  A Feminist Poetry Show".  You are most welcome to come along!  

5. A great video to show students in order to get them thinking about how to reimagine learning.

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