Thursday 15 October 2020

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2020

 Mai i te kōpae ki te urupa, tātou ako tonu ai.

From the cradle to the grave, we are forever learning.

Week 2
 19 Oketopa - 23 Oketopa

Senior School Examinations continued - Mon 19 - Tues 20

13DIT - DCAT examination - Tues 20

12DIT - DCAT examination Wed 21

Hockey Prizegiving - Wed 21 - 5pm in PAC

11DIT - DCAT examination - Thurs 22

Zonta Sports Awards - Thurs 22

Next round of Prefect Selection - Fri 23

 26 Oketopa - 30 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 26

Senior Grade Report - Tues 27

Senior Prizewinners and Year 13 Rank lists due - Tues 27

Special Awards due - Tues 27

Gillette Cup Cricket - Wed 28 - Thurs 29

Pink Day Carnival - Wed 28

Year 13 Leavers Function at Wigram - Sat 31


Wed - Year 11 - PAC
Year 9 - Gym

Friday - Cultural and Service Colours Assembly (P1 and 2 - 5 min shorter)


Wed - Year 9 - Gym
Year 12 - PAC

Friday - Sports Colours Assembly (P1 and 2 - 5 min shorter)


Learning Area/Department


Learning and Teaching - 104
Te Whare Hauora - S4

Information for Staff

1. Revision time - 

a. Here is a growth mindset goal setting framework that might be helpful for your Senior classes to set goals for the upcoming external examinations.

b. As we head towards school examinations, you might might want to highlight to ākonga why it is important to make an early start on revision. This video clip shows nine scientifically proven study tips, and this article discusses 10 smart study tactics that support how the brain actually works. Further information about planning for exam study can be found here

c. Use the ESOL online teaching strategies to plan revision lessons - start with the 'thinking and metacognition' section.

d. Also check out the '60 different revision ideas' - a collated collection of activities to help change up how revision is done each lesson.

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