Wednesday 28 April 2021

Week 1 - Term 2 - 2021

 Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi 

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

This whakatauki talks to community, to collaboration and a strengths-based approach. It acknowledges that everybody has something to offer, a piece of the puzzle, and by working together we can all flourish.

Week 1
 3 Mei - 7 Mei

Marae Trip - Mon 3

Week 2
 10 Mei - 14

Year 12 and 13 Careers Evening - Tues 11

Careers Expo - Thurs 13 - Sat 15

Athletics Canterbury Road Race - Tues 11

TOD - Thurs 13 - evening

Music Concert - Thurs 13

Basketball starts - Fri 14

Otago Uni Liaison Visit - Fri 14

Assembly - 

Wed - Nil

Friday - Year 9 (PAC)
Year 10 - 13 in Gym - Thursdays in Black Aotearoa

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)

Friday - Charities and Service

Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Hauora
Junior HOD


Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Heads up regarding the MOE/PPTA TOD on Thursday 13 March. The MOE have released further information regarding a possible agenda for the day (yet specific access to the modules are still not available). As it is a series of online videos and resources again, we have been in discussion with CBHS re a few changes to how we would like the day to be set up. This is in line with alternatives from the MOE around schools being able to access our own relevant speakers if we were able. So rather than watching a series of videos on mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori and discussing what it means in our context, we have secured Dr Hana O'Regan to come in and speak for the first hour of the morning and use her provocations as a basis for discussion and planning. We will be joined at CGHS by the CBHS staff and the presentation will be held in the PAC.

There will be time to work through some of the modules after morning tea and departments will have time in the afternoon to meet and either further work through the relevant modules or use the time to work on other subject specific needs. Your HOD will give you more information after L&T have met on Tuesday.

2. Here is a link to a free, self-paced course about digital storytelling and how to integrate video as an effective instructional tool.

3.Teacher and Student Capabilities Matrix - for planning and consideration

A full rubric for developing teaching, learning, and the classroom.
Something to consider as new units are developed moving forward. If you choose one row of the rubric at a time and plan what activities you might do with your team to agree on which of the 4 stages you have reached and what would shift the department to the next level of a particular row/issue. 

4. The Power of a Teacher:

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