Thursday 27 May 2021

Week 5 - Term 2 - 2021

 He ora te whakapiri, he mate te whakatakariri

There is strength in unity, defeat in anger

Week 5
 31 Mei - 4 Pipiri

BIO 301 to Wainui - Year 13 students out at various days over the week.

Canterbury Cross Country - Thurs 3

Junior House Drama Competition - Thurs 3

NZSS Multisport champs - Sun 6

Week 6
7 Pipiri - 11 Piripi

Queens Birthday - Mon 7

Whanau Hui - Tues 8

Ara Open Day - Thurs 10

Non-Uniform Day - Thurs 10

Big Sing Gala - Fri 11

Senior French NCEA day at UC - Fri 11

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)

Friday - SAGA/Wellbeing

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 (PAC)

Friday - Mayor


Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Hauora
Junior HOD


Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. I have finally found the video created by Syd Diamond - called 'Don't Run' - This video was developed as part of the 'Stop Streaming in Aotearoa' publications.

2. Sir Ian Taylor was a keynote speaker at the recent Interface conference. He has just launched a website for students and educators called Mātauranga based on stories of the past, technology and innovation - there are some teacher resources and activities which are suitable for juniors and could be useful for future planning :

3. Google Earth timelapse (also in 3D) -See how the earth has changed over the last 37 years at

Thursday 20 May 2021

Week 4 - Term 2 - 2021

 Kua takoto te manuka

The leaves of the manuka tree have been laid down

This is a form of wero, that is preformed in very formal situations on the Marae. It is when you are challenged and you answer that challenge depending on how pick up the leaves. The wero is to see whether you come in peace or as an enemy. This proverb is used when being challenged, or you have a challenge ahead of you.

Week 4
 24 Mei - 28 Mei

Otago Uni Open Day - Mon 24

Year 9 Taonga Hunt - various classes throughout the week

Open Day - Tues 25

Ara Pasifika Liaison with Aiga - Wed 26

Week 5
 31 Mei - 4 Pipiri

BIO 301 to Wainui - Year 13 students out at various days over the week.

Canterbury Cross Country - Thurs 3

Junior House Drama Competition - Thurs 3

NZSS Multisport champs - Sun 6

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 (Gym)
Pasifika Liaison

Friday - Prefect Assembly

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)

Friday - SAGA/Wellbeing


Staff Meeting Department sharing
Information re topics, times and rooms can be found HERE


Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Hauora
Junior HOD

Information for Staff

1. NZQA recently coordinated an Equity in STEM symposium at Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington – and while we have had excellent feedback from attendees, we know not everyone who wanted to hear our line-up of speakers could make it to Wellington or join us via livestream on the day.

Videos of each presenter are now available to view on the symposium webpage, so please feel free to send links to this page and the videos on to your Heads of Department for STEM-related subjects.

The symposium left attendees energised, with ideas about how to encourage ākonga Māori and Pacific students to pursue STEM pathways.

At the end of the Symposium, attendees were asked to consider sharing their thoughts about actions they might take to support Māori and Pacific student success in STEM.

There are many ‘gems’ that people shared, with some of the most frequently raised actions including:

  • Focusing on reducing or eliminating streaming
  • Holding discussions with colleagues and/or Senior Leadership Teams to encourage change
  • Building stronger relationships with Māori and Pacific students
  • Setting and expressing higher expectations for Māori and Pacific student success
  • Embracing disaggregated data to understand what’s happening to Māori and Pacific students as they progress, and using this to inform actions/planning/programming
  • Focusing on STEM and STEM careers to be sure programmes of learning align with expressed student career outcomes/preferences
  • Making learning more relevant and developing resources that better engage Māori and Pacific students with STEM learning
  • Improving the support structures available to students.

2. Here is an article   re the new ClickView Android App.

The Android app for teachers:

  • Easily manage your ClickView resources, such as searching on the go, pre-watching or adding content to Playlists
  • Share differentiated content with all students able to watch on their own device
  • Download video content for you or your students to watch offline
  • Record content onto your phone directly into your Workspace to share with students
  • Search resources and plan lessons at home
  • Create flipped lessons or tutorial videos for your students to refer back to
  • Request TV programs in the moment (Available for secondary/K-12 schools).c
The ClickView app is also available for IOS from the App Store.

Thursday 13 May 2021

Week 3 - Term 2 - 2021

 Mauria te pono

Believe in yourself

Week 3
 17 Mei - 21 Mei

NCEA Parent Evening - Tues 18

T2 Evacuation Drill p4 - Tues 18

Pasifika Aiga Fono - Tues 18 @ 5pm

GEO301 Trip to Franz Josef - Wed 19 - Fri 21

Waikato Uni Liaison Visit - Wed 19

Flu Vaccination for Staff - Wed 19

Wed Winter sports start - Wed 19

Cross Country - Competitors only - Thurs 20th p3

Pink Shirt Day - Non Uniform - Fri 21

Waikato Uni Open Day - Fri 21

Otago Uni Open Day - Sun 23 - Mon 24

Week 4
 24 Mei - 28 Mei

Otago Uni Open Day - Mon 24

Year 9 Taonga Hunt (see note below for what classes are out on the different days) 

Open Day - Tues 25

Ara Pasifika Liaison with Aiga - Wed 26

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 10 (PAC)
Year 12 (Gym)

Friday - House Assemblies

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 (Gym)
Pasifika Liaison

Friday - Prefect Assembly


Staff Meeting


Staff Meeting

Information for Staff

1. Unteach Racism - just released from the Teachers Council - Absolutely brilliant and follows on from Dr Hana O'Regan's talk yesterday - the same message in Taika Waititi's words.

Taika Waititi’s unteach racism story from Teaching Council on Vimeo.

2. The Social Science team are giving a heads up re the year 9 Taonga hunt. The classes will be out on the days outlined below and peer support leaders will be joining them. Five classes will be out in week 4, the other 5 classes will participate in the same activity in Week 10 or Term 3.

3. Doc Edge Schools 2021 in conjunction with the Rei Foundation has put together a programme of topical and current educational documentaries.

There is a wide range of material from around the world and each film has teaching resources. The materials can be used from 4th June.

Click here to view the resources on offer. You will need to create an account to be able to watch the films once released on 4th June. 

Thursday 6 May 2021

Week 2 - Term 2 - 2021

 He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai

If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive.

Week 2
 10 Mei - 14 Mei

Year 12 and 13 Careers Evening - Tues 11

Careers Expo - Thurs 13 - Sat 15

Athletics Canterbury Road Race - Tues 11

Otago Maths Competition - p1 and 2 Wed 12

NCEA TOD - Thurs 13 

Music Concert - Thurs 13 - 6.30pm

Basketball starts - Fri 14

Otago Uni Liaison Visit - Fri 14

World Vision Youth Conference - Fri 14

Week 3
 17 Mei - 21 Mei

NCEA Parent Evening - Tues 18

T2 Evacuation Drill p4 - Tues 18

Pasifika Aiga Fono - Tues 18 @ 5pm

GEO301 Trip to Franz Josef - Wed 19 - Fri 21

Waikato Uni Liaison Visit - Wed 19

Flu Vaccination for Staff - Wed 19

Wed Winter sports start - Wed 19

Cross Country - Competitors only - Thurs 20th p3

Pink Shirt Day - Non Uniform - Fri 21

Waikato Uni Open Day - Fri 21

Otago Uni Open Day - Sun 23 - Mon 24

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)

Friday - Charities and Service

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 10 (PAC)
Year 12 (Gym)

Friday - House Assemblies

Learning Area


Staff Meeting

Information for Staff

1. TOD - Resource kete now available. You are able to enter as a guest via

This is where you are able to access the material for Thursday TOD - a review of the changes is in the following video.

2. Feedback on student work: just a reminder that Mote is a Chrome Extension which allows you to record and insert audio. This is particularly useful for adding comments to student work in Google Classroom or on Google Slides, etc.

3. And a bit of light comic relief for a Friday...