Thursday 27 May 2021

Week 5 - Term 2 - 2021

 He ora te whakapiri, he mate te whakatakariri

There is strength in unity, defeat in anger

Week 5
 31 Mei - 4 Pipiri

BIO 301 to Wainui - Year 13 students out at various days over the week.

Canterbury Cross Country - Thurs 3

Junior House Drama Competition - Thurs 3

NZSS Multisport champs - Sun 6

Week 6
7 Pipiri - 11 Piripi

Queens Birthday - Mon 7

Whanau Hui - Tues 8

Ara Open Day - Thurs 10

Non-Uniform Day - Thurs 10

Big Sing Gala - Fri 11

Senior French NCEA day at UC - Fri 11

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)

Friday - SAGA/Wellbeing

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 (PAC)

Friday - Mayor


Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Hauora
Junior HOD


Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. I have finally found the video created by Syd Diamond - called 'Don't Run' - This video was developed as part of the 'Stop Streaming in Aotearoa' publications.

2. Sir Ian Taylor was a keynote speaker at the recent Interface conference. He has just launched a website for students and educators called Mātauranga based on stories of the past, technology and innovation - there are some teacher resources and activities which are suitable for juniors and could be useful for future planning :

3. Google Earth timelapse (also in 3D) -See how the earth has changed over the last 37 years at

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