Thursday 3 June 2021

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2021

 He kai kei aku ringa

There is food at the end of my hands

Said by a person who can use his basic abilities and resources to create success.

Week 6
7 Pipiri - 11 Piripi

Queen's Birthday - Mon 7

Ara Open Day - Thurs 10

Non-Uniform Day - Thurs 10

Big Sing Gala - Fri 11 at 6.30pm

Senior French NCEA day at UC - Fri 11

Week 7
14 Pipiri - 18 Piripi

International Languages Week

Gymnastics Canterbury Champs - Tues 15

PISA Testing Day - Tues 15

11DRA Assessments - Wed 16 - Fri 18

Chamber Music Contest - Wed 16 - Fri 18

Empower 2021 workshop - Thurs 17

Jane Austin Essay Comp - Thurs 17 p1&2

HoLA Leadership Day - Thurs 17

Manu Korero (regional @ Hornby High School) - Fri 18

NZ Cross Country champs - Sat 19 - Sun 20

Swimming SI Champs - Sat 19 - Sun 20

Year 12 Formal - Sat 19

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 (PAC)

Friday - Mayor & NZ Rowing

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 10 (PAC)

Friday - House Assemblies


Staff - Inside Out


Learning Area

Information for staff

1. PPTA Grant to attend subject conferences in 2021
A number of you have expressed interest in attending your subject area conferences this year. As a way to have more staff attend from school you may want to consider getting pre-approval for funding to cover costs - more information can be found at

2. Here's some news from Google - you will soon be able to save photos directly from Gmail into Google photos - you will see an extra button appear that will make this an easy step.

The roll out has begun so we should see this feature in the new couple of weeks.

Screen Shot 2021-06-01 at 9.12.49 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-01 at 9.13.16 AM.png
3. For those of you who follow Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell), he has just released his latest ERRR podcast. The interview is with Peps Mccrea on motivating students.

4. This article on class participation explores how to allow different ways for students to speak up and therefore make the classroom more inclusive. Using digital tools allows students to contribute asynchronously and allows the teacher to monitor understanding.

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