Thursday 24 June 2021

Week 9 - Term 2 - 2021

 E kore te patiki e hoki ki tona puehu

The flounder (fish) does not return to his dust

Do not make the same mistake twice.

Week 9
28 Pipiri - 2 Hurae

Tech Week

12DRA Production - Tues 29 - Thurs 1

Reader's Cup Turanga Library Trip ( 5 - 7pm) Wed 30

Week 10
 5 Hurae - 9 Hurae

Year 11 - 13 Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 6 (After school) and Fri 9 (all day)

DRA301 Production - Wed 7 - Thurs 8

Last Day Term 3 - Fri 9

School Holidays - Sat 10 - Sun 25
Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 (PAC)

Friday - Sports Awards

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)
Year 9 and 10 Values awards (Gym)

Friday - Nil




Nil - Parent/Teacher Interviews

Information for Staff

1. For those of you who may be interested, more information has recently been posted with regards to the numeracy and literacy pilots with examples of what the examination platform will look like. Go to to find out more.

2. All learning areas have had their PLD with either Jackie or Arnika from ImpactED. The team have written a summary (HERE) of the outcomes from each of the learning areas around how the Growth Profile is being rolled out into classes. There are also a number of recommendations and next steps to make sure that our CGHS Growth Profile becomes embedded into our programs moving forward.

3. Educandy is a free online tool for creating simple games for students to review new words, terms, matching of facts, etc.  

Enter your questions to create an activity and share with students.  There is a choice of games to play - memory, crossword, match up, noughts and crosses etc. 

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