Thursday 1 July 2021

Week 10 - Term 2 - 2021

 Mā tātou anō tātou e kōrero 

We talk for ourselves

Week 10
 5 Hurae - 9 Hurae

Year 11 - 13 Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 6 (After school) and Fri 9 (all day)

DRA301 Production - Wed 7 - Thurs 8

Women in Engineering - Wed 7 (p2)

Last Day Term 2 - Fri 9

School Holidays - Sat 10 - Sun 25

Week 1 (Term 3)
 26 Hurae - 30 Hurae

Australian Mathematics Competition - Thurs 29 p1 and 2

Music tour of Intermediates - Fri 30

TOU201 Trip - Mt Hutt - Fri 30

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)
Year 9 and 10 Values awards (Gym)

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed - Nil

Friday - Welcome Back + The Asian Foundation


Nil - Parent/Teacher Interviews


Learning and Teaching, Junior HOD's and TWH

Information for Staff

Last week there was a small group invited to be part of NCEA Change Hui and hear the feedback from secondary schools in Canterbury around their thoughts and concerns with the roll out of the new standards in 2023.
Summary of the key themes that emerged from that Hui were:

Key theme 1 – Building collaborative networks to support NCEA 
- Support key drivers from different school/kura networks to come together to drive action. For example, MOE, CWCSPA, Kura Kaupapa, CADAP, Schools, Kāhui Ako, associations 
- Create/support a network of curriculum leaders across the region to support them as they implement the changes 
- Intentional relationship building between education sector and iwi/rūnanga 
- Support subject specific networks and school leadership, particularly around areas of challenge, including Mātauranga Māori and Pacific Knowledges. 
- Key MOE position to support this work is crucial 

Key theme 2 – Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori 
- Key relationships will drive progress for this shift – forming and nurturing this will be important.
- Utilisation of Ka Hikitia|Ka Hāpaitia needs to go deeper than just planning – it needs to underpin leadership (across all organisations)
- The value of mātauranga Māori needs to be clear for teachers and leaders across the region. There needs to be strong messaging from senior leaders and MOE that everyone is responsible. 
- Kaiako Māori need to be a valued and protected voice in this programme of work 

Key theme 3 – Targeted resourcing and support 
- There is a need to leverage existing resources, such as Kāhui Ako, to support the changes. 
- Partnerships are a crucial way to drive change in our region. These could include, Tertiary (UC, Lincoln, Ara), subject associations (Networks of Expertise), iwi/rūnanga, Pacific communities, business, ITOs, organisations such as Canterbury Museum, Ngāi Tahu Archives - Secondments from schools are an important way to build capacity and support 

Key questions and reflections that emerged 
How does this affect integrated courses in schools? 
- Will schools be able to use a variety of subject achievement standards in a course? Will there be any limitations placed on courses that schools offer?  
- Where are we at with University Entrance requirements? 
- What does the resourcing plan look like to support iwi to contribute to the work around Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori? How do we ensure capacity and capability are being built?  
- Can we broaden and improve the quality of communication in this area? 
- How can we ensure there is a tactical plan to work with the new literacy and numeracy requirements? Can we involve the pilot schools in this conversation?

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