Thursday 29 July 2021

Week 2 - Term 3 - 2021

 Tō pitomata, He rua kanapū wehi ana.

Your potential is something to behold, like lightning that lights up the skies

Week 2 
Ākuhata  - 6 Ākuhata 

International Language Week

Quad Tournament - Mon 2

VUW course planning - Tues 3

Massey Manawatu Open Day - Wed 4

Australian Mathematics Competition - Thurs 5 (p1 and 2)

Senior Speech Competition - Thurs 5 (p4)

International Non-Uniform Day - Fri 6

Squash NZ Champs - Fri 6 - Sun 8

Week 3 
Ākuhata  - 13 Ākuhata 

TOU201 Ski Trip - Tues 10

Subject Selection opens - Wed 11

NCEA TOD - Thurs 12

Ski and Snowboard Canterbury Champs - Thurs 12

Lincoln Uni Course Planning - Fri 13

Kapa Haka regional Competition - Sat 14

Year 13 Formal - Sat 14

Year 11 Semi Formal - Sat 14

The Big Play Out - Sun 15

Assembly - 

Wed -  Year 12 (PAC)

Friday - International (Global Relations) Assembly

Assembly - 

Wed -  Year 13 (PAC)

Friday - Prefect Assembly



Learning Area meetings

Information for Staff

1. Literacy - Why it matters. New article released on the Education Hub. As we move over the next couple of years to a separate numeracy and literacy examination, this is a great summary of the 'why', and the importance of literacy and the impact it has across the board for students learning and 'broader life outcomes'.

2. ULearn 21 - Online Education conference - Thriving Aotearoa. This year ULearn is online and therefor making it accessible to all educators across Aotearoa. The dates are 13 - 14 October.
The keynote speakers are:
Day 1 - Dr Rangi Matamua and Dr Eruera Tarena
Day 2 - Jase Te Patu and Dr Karlo Mila

More information about the theme can be found HERE. There are over 70 other presentations that you are able to attend virtually - full programme can be found HERE.

3. Narakeet converts PowerPoint presentations into narrated videos, using the speaker notes as the script.  You can choose the voice for the voiceover and add music too. To use with Google Slides, just download the Slideshow.

You can create up to 10 videos free of charge.

4. Ziplet is a fast and engaging way to send an exit ticket to students, or ask a quick question to gauge their understanding.

You can choose from a range of response types including emojis, scale 1- 5, or text to gain a quick overview of students' reactions.

There is a bank of questions to use, ie - "how well did you understand today's lesson?", or you can create your own. 

You can import your class from Google Classroom and post questions on to Google Classroom.

Ziplet quick start guide

5. Contract Vacancies at NZQA: If you are interested in applying for a contract vacancy at NZQA they are currently recruiting part-time, short-term positions for examiners, markers, materials developers and critiquers, and moderators. Go to their website for more information: Contract Vacancies » NZQA

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