Thursday 17 June 2021

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2021

 Mamae ana ngā niho i te ngaunga ki te māeke 

‘My teeth are hurting from the gnawing cold’

As we farewell the summer months and welcome autumn we can’t help but anticipate that feeling of the onset of the cold months of winter.

Week 8
21 Pipiri - 24 Piripi

Chamber Music Regional Final - Mon 21

Microsoft Presentation - Lunchtime in 126 (lunch provided for those who have signed up) - Tues 22

YES Pitch - Business Studies - Tues 22

9SOC Influential Women Panel p1 and 2 - Thurs 24

Late Start PLD - Fri 25

Squash - SI Champs - Sun 27

Week 9
28 Pipiri - 2 Hurae

Tech Week

12DRA Production - Tues 29 - Thurs 1

Reader's Cup Turanga Library Trip ( 5 - 7pm) Wed 30

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 (PAC)

Friday - Wellbeing (+others)

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 (PAC)

Friday - Sports Awards


HOLA and Junior HOD combined meeting (Room TBC)



Information for staff

1. Have your say - the new proposed subject list for Level 2 and Level 2 is now available. Feedback will be open for 8 weeks. Go to to complete the survey.

For the full reading of the proposal see the NZ Curriculum Discussion document.

2. You can now add colour to your Google Drive folders, making it easier to locate items. Right click on the folder and choose change colour from the menu.

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 9.02.19 AM.png

You can also add emojis to your names of folders. Right click, rename, click on the name of the document and add the emoji of your choice.

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 9.07.08 AM.png

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