Thursday 24 November 2022

Week 7 - Term 4 - 2022

 Mā whero, mā pango ka oti ai te mahi 

With red and black the work will be complete 

This whakatauki is similar to ‘Nau te rourou’ in that it refers to working together, however it talks more directly to the need for collaboration. Traditionally ‘whero’ signifies chiefs/leaders and ‘pango’ the community/workers. It acknowledges the need for both to work together in order to complete the work.

Week 7
28 Whiringa-ā-rangi - 2 Hakihea

NCEA examinations continue - All week
Examinations conclude - Fri 2

Teacher Only Day - Accord - Mon 28

Teacher Only Day - Accord - Tues 29

Paid Union Meeting (PPTA) 9 - 11am - Tues 29

Year 10 Camp - 10CLJ and MOS

Week 8
5 Hakihea - 9 Hakihea

Last week of Term

HoLA Leadership planning day - Mon 5

Yr 10 French trip to Akaroa - Tues 6

EdPotential training drop in session- Wed 7 from 8.45

Cricket - New Zealand - Thurs 8. - Sat 10

Athletics - National Champs - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Touch - New Zealand champs - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Junior Prizegiving - Fri 9

Staff farewells/ Morning tea and staff lunch - Fri 9

Last day for the term - Fri 9

Assembly - 

Assembly - 

Year 9 and 10 - Values awards - Gym (Wed)

Junior Prizegiving - Fri


If Departments need on Tuesday


Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. There has been a lot going on over the last few weeks from reports to exams, relief cover to Year 10 camps, and everything in between. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to help out alongside keeping the junior teaching and learning programs running. It is good to know that the break is just around the corner.

At our end of year morning tea on the 9/11, we will be farewelling Sandy (OTS) and Scott (WYS). Karen Bennett, who was on leave this year will be farewelled by the Science department. Also a great chance to say 'Ka kite (anō)' to those who have leave for the year and will be returning in 2024.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Week 6 - Term 4 - 2022

 Mā te kimi ka kite, Mā te kite ka mōhio, Mā te mōhio ka mārama

Seek and discover. Discover and know. Know and become enlightened.

Week 6
21 Whiringa-ā-rangi - 25 Whiringa-ā-rangi

NCEA examinations continue - All week

Volleyball - SI Junior - All Week

Year 10 Camps - 10ASJ & 10BOJ (Mon - Wed) and 10BRJ &SVP - (Wed - Fri)

Junior Prizewinners entered into Kamar and rank lists sent to PWL - Mon 21 by 2.40pm

Junior Reports completed - Wed 23 by 2.40pm

Canterbury Junior SS Tennis Champs - Tues 22 - Wed 23

Week 7
28 Whiringa-ā-rangi - 2 Hakihea

NCEA examinations continue - All week

Teacher Only Day - Accord - Mon 28

Teacher Only Day - Accord - Tues 29

Paid Union Meeting (PPTA) 9 - 11am

Year 10 Camp - 10CLJ and MOS

Assembly - 

Assembly - 





If Departments need on Tuesday

Information for Staff

1. A number of HoLAs this week got to have a look at EdPotential, the system we will use to analyse data moving forward. We will look to run further sessions with staff in the last week of term. I will send out more information about this closer to the time.

2. Professional Growth Cycle 2022 

As we near the end of the school year, there are a number of actions it is necessary for teaching staff to take to complete their professional growth cycle.

It is important staff complete do the following in order to meet the Standards for the Teaching Profession (Teaching Council), Attestation requirements for salary increments, and the Professional Standards (STCA).  
  • Complete the Annual Professional Learning and development summary
  • Have your final meeting with your Kaiārahi, where you discuss improvements to your pedagogical practice and their effectiveness across 2022.  Discussions should be linked in with the Teacher Profile, Course/Subject Evaluations, Student Data to date, Professional Learning and Cultural Competency around STP 1.
  • The Kaiārahi completes a section at the bottom of the form. Please include your observation date.
  • HoLAs will need to collate all of the department forms and give them to the SLT designate for the Learning Area, no later than Tuesday 6 December
Please make sure you make a copy of the document you want to use and save it into your drive before you start writing in it.

Thanks for all your efforts to improve your pedagogical practice this year.  Our efforts make a difference to the students we teach and also support the great culture we have here at Christchurch Girls' High School/ Te kura o Hine Waiora.

3. The learning pages on Google Arts and Culture have had a refresh.

Click here for the teacher guide which was created to help teachers make the most of the resources, with information about how to navigate the site, an overview of the content and tips to help you use the ready-made activities.

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Week 5 - Term 4 - 2022

 Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou 

Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing

Week 5
14 Whiringa-ā-rangi - 18 Whiringa-ā-rangi

NCEA examinations continue - All week

Whanau farewell - Mon 14 (6pm)

Year 10 Camps - 10ANP and 10HOC (first half) and 10LR and 10JAC second half

Summer Sport Ends - Wed 16

Junior Chirnside - Thurs 17

Year 9 Parents evening (2022) - Thurs 17

All internal NCEA grades for 2022 to be entered - Fri 18.

Week 6
21 Whiringa-ā-rangi - 25 Whiringa-ā-rangi

NCEA examinations continue - All week

Volleyball - SI Junior -= All Week

Year 10 Camps - 10ASJ & 10BOJ (Mon - Wed) and 10BRJ &SVP - (Wed - Fri)

Canterbury Junior SS Tennis Champs - Tues 22 - Wed 23

Assembly - 

Assembly - 



Education Potential training - Mon 14
Learning Area - Tues 15



Information for Staff

1. Why aren't our children going to school (click on title for link) - A couple of interesting quotes/graphs from the recently released report from ERO.

"Older learners (year 11-13) are less engaged in school and more likely to want to miss school because they aren’t interested in what is taught. Learners in low decile schools are more likely to think it was important to go to school every day. However, parents of learners in low decile schools face more challenges with transport or their children not having all the equipment/resources they need to go to school. While learners in high decile schools have higher attendance, they are less motivated to go to school if they have more enjoyable things to do at home." 

"More days of non-attendance is associated with worse wellbeing outcomes, including schoolwork-related anxiety, decreased sense of belonging, fewer friendships with peers, exposure to bullying, and feeling like your teachers is being unfair. The relationship between non-attendance and wellbeing works both ways – poor wellbeing leads to poor attendance, and poor attendance leads to poor wellbeing."

"A group of learners are not finding school engaging. Just under one in five learners are not interested in what is being taught at school or want to avoid certain school activities. Māori learners and disabled learners are less likely to want to go to school because curriculum, teaching, and learning are preparing them for the future. A number of school leaders agreed that schools face the ongoing challenge of making teaching and learning more personalised, engaging, and relevant."

Thursday 3 November 2022

Week 4 - Term 2 - 2022


Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

My success is not my own, but from many others

Week 4
Whiringa-ā-rangi - 11 Whiringa-ā-rangi

NZQA examinations begin - Mon 7

Junior Speech Competition Thurs 10 - p4

Canterbury Anniversary Day (Show Day) Fri 11

Week 5
14 Whiringa-ā-rangi - 18 Whiringa-ā-rangi

NCEA examinations continue - All week

Whanau farewell - Mon 14 (6pm)

Year 10 Camps - 10ANP and 10HOC (first half) and 10LR and 10JAC second half

Summer Sport Ends - Wed 16

Junior Chirnside - Thurs 17

Year 9 Parents evening (2022) - Thurs 17

All internal NCEA grades for 2022 to be entered - Fri 18.

Assembly - 

Assembly - 



L&T/ Junior HOD/ TWH - Mon 7
Staff - Tues 8


Education Potential training - Mon 14
Learning Area - Tues 15

Information for Staff

1. Our staff meeting on Monday is where You'll be asked to give feedback on the Literacy Profile. Then we'll be discussing how to make the Profile a reality across our junior school. 

2. We have been sent the preliminary PISA results from the 80 students who completed this earlier this year. The full feedback report can be found HERE. The report covers learning experiences during COVID, Wellbeing, Mathematics, Creative Thinking and social and emotional characteristics.
Please take the time to read it as there is some interesting data that are worthy of discussing and exploring further.

3. Reflection time now the seniors have left.... which of the 'blobs' represents who you are now?

Thursday 27 October 2022

Week 3 - Term 4 - 2022

He kokonga whare e kitea, he kokonga ngākau e kore e kitea 

A corner of a house may be seen and examined; not so the corners of the heart

This whakataukī indicates that where we can visibly see the corners of a house, we do not have the ability to see the inner thoughts or feelings of a person. This reminds us to take care when engaging with others, as we are not aware of what may be happening for them or in their lives.

Week 3
31 Ōketopa - 4 Whiringa-ā-rangi

Level 3 Design, Photography, Printmaking and Painting folios summative submission - Mon 31

Prizegiving - 6pm Mon 31

Last Day Seniors - Tues 1

NZQA Briefings - p1 (Yr 13), p3 (Yr 12) and p4 (Yr 11) - Tues 1

Staff first aid course onsite - Thurs 3 - Fri 4

Fire evacuation - Thurs p4

Gym Set up for examinations - p5 - Fri 2

Week 4
Whiringa-ā-rangi - 11 Whiringa-ā-rangi

NZQA examinations begin - Mon 7

Junior Speech Competition Thurs 10 - p4

Canterbury Anniversary Day (Show Day) Fri 11

Assembly - 

Year  10 - Camp organisation (Gym)
Assembly - 



Learning Area


L&T/ Junior HOD/ TWH - Mon 7
Staff - Tues 8

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2022

 E huri tō aroaro ki te rā,

tukuna tō ataarangi ki muri i a koe

Turn and face the sun and let your shadow fall behind you.

Week 2
24 Ōketopa - 28 Ōketopa

Labour Day - Mon 24

DIT201 - DCAT examination 1 - 4pm - Tues 25

DIT301 - DCAT examination 1 - 4pm - Wed 26

DIT101 - DCAT examination 1 - 4pm Thurs 27

Level 2 Art Panels due - Thurs 27

GRA301 Exhibition - Thurs 27

Pink Day - Thurs 27

Zonta Sports Awards - Thurs 27

Colours Assembly - Full School p2 - Ako Fri 28

Junior Writing Competition - Fri 28

Year 13 Leavers Dinner - Sat 29

Week 3
31 Ōketopa - 4 Whiringa-ā-rangi

Level 3 Design, Photography, Printmaking and Painting folios summative submission - Mon 31

Prizegiving - 6pm Mon 31

Last Day Seniors - Tues 1

NZQA Briefings - p1 (Yr 13), p3 (Yr 12) and p4 (Yr 11) - Tues 1

Year 13 Graduation assembly - p2 in Gym - Tues 1

Staff first aid course onsite - Thurs 3 - Fri 4

Fire evacuation - Fri 4 p2

Gym Set up for examinations - p5 - Fri 2

Assembly - 

Year 9 - Gym (Wed)

Full School - Fri 28 - Gym p2
Assembly - 

Year  10 - Camp organisation (Gym)




Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Have a fantastic long weekend everyone. There are a few things going on over the next week as we get ready to farewell our year 13s.

End of Year Dates and Information:

a. Year 13 Leavers Dinner - Saturday 29 from 6:30pm - 10:00pm
Te Pae The Christchurch Convention Centre

b. Senior Prizegiving - Mon 31, starts at 6pm at CBHS. Please remember to collect your regalia prior.

c. Last days at school before exam leave.
NZQA assemblies - Year 12 period 3 and Year 11 period 4 on Tuesday 1 November in the gym. Year levels will be able to leave after their NZQA assembly. Students will be receiving their exam entry slips at these meetings so they must attend. If they are unable to, they must see me (BLS) prior. If Ako teachers can please attend to help out the information if you are not teaching please.
Year 13's will have their NZQA in the PAC p1 on Tues 1. For period 2, there will be a full school assembly for the year 13 Graduation. This will be in the gym, and all staff to attend. This will be followed by a small morning tea for students and staff to farewell the year 13s.
The year 13 group will then have their own farewell moment with Charlotte in the PAC during p3. Year 13 Ako teachers are welcome to attend.

Examination leave will begin on Wednesday 2 November, and examinations begin on Monday 7 November.

2. And just because the RAS and assessment is in my mind at the moment, with rumors that we could be hearing some changes....

Monday 10 October 2022

Week 1 - Term 4 - 2022

 Mātai aho tāhūnui,                                       Lay the kaupapa down      

Mātai aho tāhūroa                                        And sustain it                   

Hei takapau wānanga                                  The learning here

E hora nei                                                      Laid out before us

Week 1
17 Ōketopa - 21 Ōketopa

Term 4 begins - Mon 17

Year 13 Dress up week - All week

Rock climbing team trip - Mon 17

'Prank Day' - Wed 19

Summer Sports start - Wed 19

Head Prefect Interviews - Thurs 20

Sports Assembly p2 - Ako Fri 21

Week 2
24 Ōketopa - 28 Ōketopa

Labour Day - Mon 24

DIT201 - DCAT examination 1 - 4pm - Tues 25

DIT301 - DCAT examination 1 - 4pm - Wed 26

DIT101 - DCAT examination 1 - 4pm Thurs 27

Level 2 Art Panels due - Thurs 27

GRA301 Exhibition - Thurs 27

Pink Day - Thurs 27

Zonta Sports Awards - Thurs 27

Colours Assembly - Full School p2 - Ako Fri 28

Junior Writing Competition - Fri 28

Year 13 Leavers Dinner - Sat 29

Assembly - 

Year 13 (budgeting) - Staffroom (Wed)

Full School - Fri 21 - Gym p2
Assembly - 

Year 9 - Gym (Wed)

Full School - Fri 28 - Gym p2


Learning Area



Information for Staff

1. Curriculum Refresh - see karakia above

The new draft curriculum framework can be found HERE

CGHS is being sent relevant information for staff to discuss and unpack the refreshed curriculum document. We will look at holding a staff meeting in T4 to explore the new ideas further.

2. Curriculum and assessment activity forward planner - Term 4

With a lot of change happening, we know there is a lot to unpack and plan for. To support schools and kura with planning curriculum and assessment activities, the Ministry have developed a new forward planner which lays out these activities:

  • Action required: Must-do actions. 
  • Get involved: Opportunities to get involved in. 
  • Resources and support: Further details including where to find them.

Available each term from Term 4 2022, you will find the new forward planner as a printable poster here:

Term 4 2022 Forward Planner (PDF)