Thursday 23 March 2023

Week 9 Term 1 - 2023

 Hoea tōu waka! 

Go for it! 

Literally: Paddle your canoe.

Week 9
27 Poutū-te-rangi - 31 Poutū-te-rangi

Summer Tournament Week 

Rowing - Maadi Cup - All week

Volleyball National Champs - All week

9TAA SS Taonga Hunt - Mon 27

Brave Presentations - Mon 27
p3 - Year 13
p4 - Year 12
p5 - Year 11

9JEJ SS Taonga Hunt - Tues 28

MAO101 Marae Trip - Tues 28

DRA101 Assessment p4-5 - Tues 28, Thurs 30 and Fri 31

Volleyball Satellite Champs - Tues 28 - Thurs 30

Possible Strike Day - Wed 29th (TBC)

Basketball - 3x3 Tournament - Wed 29 - Sat 1

9DEM SS Taonga Hunt - Wed 29 (TBC)

Cycling - SI Schools MTB - Thurs 30

Waterpolo - SI Champs - Thurs 30 - Sun 2

9CTG SS Taonga Hunt - Thurs 30

Otago Maths Comp -Thurs 30 p 3 & 4

South Islands Athletics - Fri 31 - Sat 1

Week 10
Āperira - 7 Āperira

DRA301 Assessment p4 - 5 - Mon 3

9MOC SS Taonga Hunt - Mon 3

Level 1 - 3 Art folio exhibition - Tues  - Thurs 6

Junior Parent Teacher 4 - 7pm - Face to face - Tues 4

Otago Uni Visit - Tues 4

DRA301 Assessment p4 - 5 - Wed 5

Junior Parent Teacher - online - Thurs 6

Good Friday - Fri 6

School Holidays begin - Fri 7 - Sun 23

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 12 - PAC

Wed 29 - TBC

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 and 10 Values Assembly (Gym)
Year 13 - PAC

Wed 5 - Academic Scholar's (Blazer)

Learning and Teaching - Mon 27

Staff - Tues 28



Information for Staff

1. Achievement standards: A competence to mastery to exceptional model - every secondary teacher should read the 'white discussion paper' around how we define excellence and whether this needs to change as the new standards are introduced in 2024.

The discussion document can be downloaded via the link below.



Achievement with 


Achievement with Excellence






Having the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully and/or efficiently perform critical functions or tasks in a defined setting.

Having control or superiority over a particular activity, or command or grasp of a subject.

Having the required knowledge and skills to an extremely high degree (extraordinary), enabling impressive performance that sets them apart.

Graduate Profile

A learner who has demonstrated competency has achieved the outcomes of the significant learning at the relevant curriculum level. They may show evidence of ongoing development of knowledge and skills, but overall, have sufficient knowledge and understanding to progress to the next step on their pathway.

A learner who has demonstrated mastery has shown a thorough and advanced understanding of all aspects of the significant learning with no obvious deficiencies. They are able to apply their knowledge and skills with a high level of proficiency in different contexts.

A learner who has demonstrated an exceptional level of performance has an intuitive grasp of what is required. They are able to think critically, provide evidence and rationale to support their fresh ideas, and consistently respond to any given context in unusual ways. 

Sample activities

Sample activities are available in the discussion document.

2. Here are a couple of articles to continue the our exploration of AI.

This one is a bit gloomy but has some good links to other articles and highlights some issues for ourselves and our students.

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