Wednesday 7 February 2024

Week 3 - Term 1 - 2024

 E kore te patiki e hoki ki tona puehu

The flounder (fish) does not return to his dust

Do not make the same mistake twice.

Week 3
12 Hui-tanguru - 16 Hui-tanguru

Prefects Leadership Course - Tues 13 and Thurs 15

11Art to Airforce Museum - Wed 14

Peer Support p1 (year 9 out of class) - Wed 14

Class and Individual Photos - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

Staff photo - Thurs 15 @ 2.50

Staff BYO Family Picnic Dinner - Fri 16 @ 5.30pm

Week 4
19 Hui-tanguru - 23 Hui-tanguru

PHO201 Skills afternoon - Tues 20

Equestrian - Canterbury Show - Wed 21

PHO301 Skills afternoon - Thurs 22

Ako Conferences - all school - Fri 23

Assembly - 

Mon - Nil

Wed - Full School 

Thurs - New Staff in 126

Assembly - 

Mon - Nil

Wed - Full School 

Thurs - New Staff in 126

Mon:  Nil

Tues: Staff

Mon:  L&T

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff:

1. A reminder that if you have yet to complete your Staff Responsible use agreement - this needs to be done by the end of Friday. Please check your email for the link.

2. Need help deciding on a random choice or outcome? Spin wheel lets you add any text to the wheel and then spin it. Simply add your choices (up to seven) and edit the design. You can also create multiple wheels to use separately or together, view the outcomes of each, and save if needed.

3. This year we will continue to see a large number of new AI tools available. If you are looking for prompts that have been already developed to help - you may want to check out 'GenAI Chatbot Prompt Library for Educators'

A number of senior classes may be beginning their first internals and research. You may find the following table useful when discussing the use of AI in any research based task.

See for larger view.

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