Thursday 7 March 2024

Week 7 - Term 1 - 2024

He kai kei aku ringa

This whakatauki signifies resilience, empowerment and hope. It refers to one's ability to use the skills and resources they have to create success. It's about being responsible for the resources and capabilities one needs to grow and develop.

Week 7
 11 Poutū-te-rangi - 15 Poutū-te-rangi

Volleyball - Canterbury Champs - Mon 11

Year 9 Camp week - Various classes out all week.

Gateway First Aid Course - Mon 11 - Tues 12

Victoria Uni Visit - Mon 11

Non- Uniform Day - Tues 12

GEO201 Field Trip to Arthurs Pass - Wed 13 - Fri 15

Rowing Pre Maadi Camp - Wed 13 - Fri 15

Otago University Visit for Yr 13 - Wed 13

Swimming School Sports - Thurs 14

Women in Defence Forces visit - Thurs 14

StEADA Documentation due - Fri 15

Polyfest Camp - Fri 15 - Sat 16

Polyfest in Hagley Park - Sat 16

Basketball - 3x3 Southern Zone - Sat 16 - Sun 17

Week 8
 18  Poutū-te-rangi -  22 Poutū-te-rangi

Summer Tournament Week

Basketball - 3x3 Zone - Mon 18 - Tues 19

Rowing - Maadi Cup - All week

Volleyball Nationals - All week

Volleyball NZSS Champs - All week

9Kai visit to Otakaro orchard - Mon 18

Waterpolo - South Island Sec - Thrus 21 - Sun 24

Estimated Credits due - Wed 20

LEF Grades due - Wed 20

Changemaker Leadership day - Thurs 21

PLD Late start - Thurs 21 - school to start at period 2

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 - PAC
Year 12 - Gym

Wed - Full School 

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 - PAC

Wed - Full School 


Mon:  Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Mon:  L&T and TWH

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Late start PLD p1 (21/3)

Information for Staff:

1. This year we are bringing back the late start PLD slots to make time in the school year to allow for smaller groups of staff to get together to work on a number of our different school priorities.

Please click on the google form to indicate what group that you will be joining. If there is an alternative that is not covered, please discuss with BLS and we can look to accommodate a separate group focus.

Please use the following link to sign up:

The Professional Learning Groups will be:
a. Literacy in the junior school
b. Numeracy across the junior school
c. Culturally Responsive Practice - developing a strategic overview and action plan for CGHS.
d. Teacher Profile - this is a chance for a small group of staff to look at how the teacher profile could be used better within our kura. For example in the developing a new classroom observation feedback/feedforward form with the CGHS teacher profile at its centre.
e. Restorative - this would be great for new staff and those who would like a refresher on restorative conversations and relational behaviour management.
f. House Spirit/Culture - a number of staff have identified that this could be an action point for CGHS. The focus will be on 'How to lift Spirit across the school'.
g. Other - see BLS to confirm the focus and who will be part of the group.

2. If you would like to read a summary of the 'actions' put forward at our staff meeting on Tuesday you can find the document HERE. If you would like to add in any extra comments for an area that your group did not have a chance to discuss, or reinforce something that you may want to see as a priority, please comment on the side.

One of our key aims over the last few years, under Strategic Goal 2, as been around student agency, engagement and student-centered learning. Something you may want to explore is the following playbook 'Agency by Design'. It has a lot of information but there may be relevant chapters with great reflective questions.

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