Wednesday 29 May 2024

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2024

 He pai ake te iti i te kore

A little is better than none.
Week 6
3 Pipiri - 7 Pipiri 

King's Birthday - Mon 3

Environment Week

Year 10 Drama Workshop - All Day Tues 4

Estimated Credits due - Wed 5

LEF Grades due - Wed 5

Non-uniform day - Thurs 6

Manu Kōrero - Thurs 6 - Fri 7

Canterbury Cross Country - Thurs 6

Big Sing - Fri 7

Rockquest finals - Sat 8

Week 7
10 Pipiri - 14 Pipiri 

Chamber Music Competition - Tues 11 - Thurs 13

German - UC Immersion Day - Wed 12

New Course Proposals due to BLS - Wed 12

GEO201 Urban Fieldtrip - Thurs 13

International Student Fieldtrip to Willowbank - Thurs 13

Door Competition Ends - Fri 14

Year 12 Formal - Sat 15

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Manaakitanga - Environment Week

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 - PAC
Year 12 - Gym

Wed - Door winners announced!


Mon:  Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Mon:  Nil

Tues: Staff

Thurs: PCT

Information for Staff:

1. Food for thought, recently I listened to a talk from a leader at a Christchurch school around how a number of teachers have trialed the use of Microsoft co-pilot as part of their teaching and learning program. Remember that co-pilot has commercial data protection, so that anything fed into the prompt is private to CGHS and our domain.

The first example was in a Year 13 class, where students are often asked to read quite complex articles.....

Students reported that by using the tool, it helped them to understand more complex articles, they progressed faster through the standard and better results reflected a better understanding of the task by the students.

The second trial was with a Year 11 English class asking for targeted feedback on writing.

The prompt was "Act as a friendly and encouraging writing tutor for a 15 year-old New Zealand student preparing for NCEA Achievement Standard 91926. First, prompt me for a piece of creative writing, and give me feedback on how to improve. Please provide me with feedback on the style and accuracy of my writing to help me improve how I write independently. Don't just rewrite things for me."

The third was to have co-pilot as one of the stakeholders who was giving feedback on a draft brief.

Always interesting to see what other schools are doing, and think about how a small target change can help student outcomes and grow AI literacy across the school.

2. How can pedagogy catch up to AI?

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