Thursday 13 June 2024

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2024

 Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua 

Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead This whakatauki also speaks to the importance of working together. 

It acknowledges and values the importance of both the leader and the followers for both are essential and co-dependent

Week 8
17 Pipiri - 21 Pipiri 

LEF Due - Wed 19

SAGA Movie Night Wed 19

HIS101 Fieldtrip to BCR speaker at CBHS - Thurs 20

Jane Austen Essay Competition - Thurs 20

40 hour challenge - Fri 21

9Kai for the Community Bake Sale - Fri 21

STA201 Experiment - Fri 21

Chamber Music Competition - Sat 22

Kapa Haka Nationals - Sun 23

Week 9
24 Pipiri - 28 Pipiri 

DRA201 Major Production - Mon 24 & Tues 25

PHY201 Fieldtrip to UC - Mon 24 & Tues 25

Kapa Haka Nationals - All week

STA201 Experiment Assessments - Mon 24 - Thurs 27

Canterbury Regional Readers - Mon 24

Senior French Immersion day - Tues 25

Senior Dance and Drama Showcase - Wed 26

Junior Speech Competition - Thurs 27

Assembly - 

Mon - Nil

Wed - Pride and Door Winners

Assembly - 

Mon -  Year 9 - Gym
Year 11 - PAC

Wed - Matariki


Mon:  Learning and Teaching

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Mon:  Te Whare Hauora

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: PCT

Information for Staff:

1. Timeline for the introduction of the updated curriculum:

We have just been sent through the updated timeline for the implementation of the curriculum. Schools Years 7 - 13 must teach the updated English and mathematics and statistics curriculum starting Term 1, 2026.

Years 11 to 13 will have a national curriculum that will be broken out into subjects to more clearly align with NCEA achievement standards and senior secondary programmes of learning.

We know that the NCEA change programme has been rephased to allow time to develop clear curricula for senior secondary level subjects before NCEA Levels 2 and 3 are further developed. This was announced by the Minister of Education in April this year.

Evidence-based teaching practices will be integrated into the national curriculum, providing clarity about what teaching and learning is needed at each year level, and the practices that work best.

The work already done on the draft common practice model and the Ako Framework will be put into a single document.

The new curriculum will retain and strengthen the ‘Understand, Know, Do’ model in the updated national curriculum, which has already been tested. It will also usie Mātauranga — Pūkenga — Whanonga (Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions) as the organising model in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.


There will be five phases of learning which progress students’ knowledge and understanding over time. These phases are Years 0-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-13. These will now be strengthened by a year-by-year sequence so teachers know what they need to cover in each year.

2. An interesting article about students refusing to complete work or hand it in, and the possible reasons behind it. Students who have more choice and autonomy are likely to be more engaged in their work. Students may experience a fear of failure and need a sense of belonging, These are the main takeaways and the article suggests ways of dealing with them.

You can access it HERE.

3. . Online webinar that was recorded for AP/DP's - You can watch the recording of the session here
The topics include
- Mātauranga Māori in Secondary Programmes.
- AI in Education: What Now? What Next? And What About Authenticity?
- NCEA & NZ Curriculum.

One of the links mentioned was to David Perkins on 'Lifeworthy Learning' - see

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