Friday 30 August 2024

Week 7 - Term 3 - 2024

Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou

Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing 

Week 7
2 Hepetema - 6 Hepetema

Winter Tournament Week

Equestrian - Sth Island Secondary - Mon 2 - Thurs 5

Football - Mon 2 - Thurs 5

Hockey both Chris Arthur Cup and Federation Cup - Mon 2 - Sat 7

Netball - South Island Champs - Mon 2 - Thurs 5

St Mary's Music Concert - Wed 4

Rock climbing - Thurs 5 - Fir 6

Voting closes for BOT rep - Fri 6

Week 8
9 Hepetema - 13 Hepetema

Cycling - Litolff/Dawe Cups - Wed 11

LEF Grades due

School Examinations begin - Thurs 12 - and Fri 13

Pūhoro Wānanga - Thurs 12

Year 10 Literacy Reading CAA - Thurs 12 (am)

Year 10 Literacy Writing CAA - Fri 13 (am)

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 (PAC)
Year 10 - Gym

Wed - Mental Health Awareness

Assembly - 

Mon - 

Wed - SADD


Mon: TWH

Tues: Staff

Thurs: PCT's

Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Information for Staff

1. Khan Academy have just released Khanmigo -, the AI tool for teachers. This has been made free for Teachers through Microsoft. It has been trialed in the US in beta format and teachers are finding it helps with planning and generation of ideas to use in the classroom. 
As we know, Khan Academy is a trusted credible platform.
The student platform is currently in beta testing, so watch this space.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Week 6 - Term 3 - 2024

 Tē tōia, tē haumatia 

Nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and a way of doing things 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of having a ‘plan of attack’. It could be used to guide conversation or lead a discussion in the planning of an event or community initiative

Week 6
26 Ākuhata - 30 Ākuhata

Book Week - All week

CLA201 Field trip to Teece Museum - Tues 27

BOT student Nominees to Speak in PAC break 2 - Tues 27

Voting opens for BOT student Rep - Tues 27

Inspiring Minds Word Festival - Tues 27

SPACPAC Speech Comp - Tues 27

Spoken Word - Tues 27

Estimated Credits due - Wed 28

LEF Grades due - Wed 28

Pasifika Fono evening - Wed 28

Musical Mania - Thurs 29 (PAC A/S till 10pm)

Week 7
2 Hepetema - 6 Hepetema

Winter Tournament Week

Equestrian - Sth Island Secondary - Mon 2 - Thurs 5

Football - Mon 2 - Thurs 5

Hockey both Chris Arthur Cup and Federation Cup - Mon 2 - Sat 7

Netball - South Island Champs - Mon 2 - Thurs 5

St Mary's Music Concert - Wed 4

Rock climbing - Thurs 5 - Fir 6

Voting closes for BOT rep - Fri 6

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 11 (Gym)

Wed - Book Week

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 (PAC)
Year 10 - Gym

Wed - Mental Health Awareness


Mon: L&T

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Mon: TWH

Tues: Staff

Thurs: PCT's

Information for Staff

1. You may be interested in the latest summary data around Numeracy and Literacy from round 1 that has been released -

These are some interesting results for our ākonga nationally.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Week 5 - Term 3 - 2024

 Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou 

Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing 

This whakatauki refers to the importance of learning for it is key to your wellbeing. If you follow the path of learning, the world will be your oyster.

Week 5
19 Ākuhata - 23 Ākuhata

Year 13 Dreaming Big Event - Mon 19

Subject Selection closes - Wed 21 (please remind students)

Senior Production - Thurs 22 - Fri 23

Non-Uniform Youth Hub - Thurs 22

Rugby - 1st XV final - Sat 24

Wellies for Wellbeing - Sun 25

Week 6
26 Ākuhata - 30 Ākuhata

Book Week - All week

BOT student Nominees to Speak in PAC break 2 - Tues 27

Voting opens for BOT student Rep - Tues 27

Estimated Credits due - Wed 28

LEF Grades due - Wed 28

Pasifika Fono evening - Wed 28

Musical Mania - Thurs 29 (PAC A/S till 10pm)

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 CAA Briefing (PAC)
Year 13 - Gym

Wed - Aroha

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 11 (Gym)

Wed - Book Week


Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: PCT

Mon: L&T

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Information for Staff

1. What a great summary behind 'Why a girls' school'!

The timeline for updating the National Curriculum has changed as part of a response to tackle maths achievement in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Schools and kura will now need to use the refreshed mathematics and statistics learning area from the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and the pāngarau wāhanga ako from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa for Years 0-8 from Term 1 2025, no longer from the start of 2026.

National curriculum changes

To make sure teachers and kaiako have time to focus on maths and pāngarau, the Minister of Education has also agreed that the timeline for the new science and technology curriculum will be pushed out. These will now be available for use and open for feedback from Term 3, 2025.

  • Teachers and kaiako in Years 7-13 for English and te reo Rangatira and in Years 9-13 for maths and pāngarau can still expect to see drafts of this material in Term 4 this year for feedback. 

Feedback will be invited on the draft maths learning areas and pāngarau wāhanga ako for Years 0-8 alongside the previously planned consultation on the draft Years 0-6 English learning area content and fast testing of te reo rangatira wāhanga ako materials.

A range of support, resources and further guidance will be made available to support these changes.

This will include:

  • New teacher and student workbooks for every primary school and kura
  • Professional learning and development in maths and pāngarau for teachers and kaiako
  • Teacher-only day resources 

A Google tool that is part of Arts and Culture and lets you explore computer generated images against real one.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Week 4 - Term 3 - 2024


Tē tōia, tē haumatia 

Nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and a way of doing things 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of having a ‘plan of attack’. It could be used to guide conversation or lead a discussion in the planning of an event or community initiative.

Week 4
12 Ākuhata - 16 Ākuhata

Junior and Senior Art Exhibition - Mon 12

Subject choice afternoon - Mon 12

Adventure race hot chips fundraiser - Wed 14

LEF Grades due - Wed 14

ERO Relationship and Sexuality Education - Thurs 15

Nominations for Student BOT rep open - Thurs 15

Smile Study Group Willowbank FT - Thurs 15

Sports and Cultural photos - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

GEO201 to Central Police station - Thurs 15

Cadenza Timaru - Fri 16 - Sat 17

Week 5
19 Ākuhata - 23 Ākuhata

Year 13 Dreaming Big Event - Mon 19

Subject Selection closes - Wed 21

Senior Production - Thurs 22

Non-Uniform Youth Hub - Thurs 22

Rugby - 1st XV final - Sat 24

Wellies for Wellbeing - Sun 25

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 - Gym
Year 12 - PAC

Wed - Boarders Week

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 CAA Briefing (PAC)
Year 13 - Gym

Wed - Aroha


Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: PCT

Information for Staff

1. Thank you to everyone involved in Lip-sync - especially L-J. Another very successful CGHS event. Judging was incredibly close - a big shout out to the staff for their efforts and entertaining moves!

2. Feedback re the year 10 timetable for 2025: We have had 31 responses from staff around whether we should keep the same structure as we have had this year. If you would still like to have your say please fill out the google form
Results as they currently stand are:

3. Ai has already changed classrooms and will continue to do so in the future. 

AI can be used as a tutor, a partner to the human teacher, to deliver content, enabling students and teachers to use class time for discussions, collaborative tasks or problems solving activities. Thus, AI can increase student agency. Content is tailored to students' needs.

The one-size-fits-all approach of lectures doesn’t account for individual differences and abilities, leading to some students falling behind while others become disengaged due to a lack of challenge

Thursday 1 August 2024

Week 3 - Term 3 - 2024

 Kia whakamana ngā rerekētanga ki roto i tēnā i tēnā o tātou.

Honouring and respecting the differences that each partner brings to the relationship.

Week 3
5 Ākuhata - 9 Ākuhata

QUAD Tournament - Mon 5

Subject Selection opens on portal - Mon 5

Australian Maths Competition p3 & 4 - Wed 7

Junior Speech Competition - p4 Wed 7

UC Law and Criminal Justice Day - Wed 7

LipSynch - Thurs 8

Senior Speech Competitor - Thurs 8

International Ski Trip - Fri 9

Equestrian - Cant ODHT - Sun 11

Week 4
12 Ākuhata - 16 Ākuhata

Junior and Senior Art Exhibition - Mon 12

Subject choice afternoon - Mon 12

Adventure race hot chips fundraiser - Wed 14

LEF Grades due - Wed 14

ERO Relationship and Sexuality Education - Thurs 15

Sports and Cultural photos - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

GEO201 to Central Police station - Thurs 15

Cadenza Timaru - Fri 16 - Sat 17

Assembly - 

Mon -  Nil - Subject Selection

Wed - House Assembly - LipSynch practice

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 - Gym
Year 12 - PAC

Wed - Boarders Week


Mon: Te Whare Haoura

Tues: Staff

Thurs: PCT

Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Thurs: Nil

Information for Staff

1. On Wednesday evening we had a successful Whānau hui. Thank you Adrienne for organising this.
It was a great chance for our whānau parents to ask questions and raise both hopes and possible issues in relation to where our school wharenui will be placed moving forward.
Sophie Yarram also got to present her 'Love to Learn' student voice project that she led. If you have not had a chance to see this presentation, have a look at the presentation that represent a snapshot of across year levels and nationalities at our kura.

2. Time to focus: Behaviour in our Classrooms
If you have not had a chance to read the ERO document that came out this year on classroom behaviour, the following link is to a 10 min summary read on the findings. Findings agree that student behaviour has become worse in the last two years, and yes, there is a definite link between behaviour and student learning and achievement. Read the summary HERE.