Wednesday 26 April 2017

Term 2 - Week 1 - ODD week

Mākū e mahi, māu e mahi, tātou katoa ka whiwhi te matauranga teitei.

I can do it, you can do it and together we can achieve our goals  

Week 1
1 Mei - 5 Mei (ODD)

Canterbury Swimming Championships - Thurs 4

Week 2
8 Mei - 12 Mei (EVEN)

10Sci visit to University of Canterbury - Mon 8 - Tues 9.

LEF Reports due - Wed 10

13 Geo Trip (after school) - Tues 9 - Fri 12

Staff Flu Vaccinations - Tues 9

English 2.5 Speech Assessments - Thurs 11 - Fri 12


Mon 1 - Full School - Period 2
Please send students promptly to the Gym.


Tues 2: Department


Tues 9: Student Support

Heads up and Welcome:

1. CGHS has had confirmation that Champion street primary school is available to hold our end of year examinations in Nov/Dec this year. The school is currently being used to house other primary schools during their rebuild process. More information about this will be available later in the year.

2. A warm welcome to Laura-Jean (LJ) Peawini who is starting on Monday morning. The full school assembly on Monday 1 May will include a Mihi whakatau to welcome LJ to CGHS.

3. The next late start Professional Learning morning is scheduled for Mon 15 May. Sign up information will be available next week.

Te Reo Maori:

If you are interested in expanding your use of Te reo for a digital learning context - you may want to visit

The spreadsheet contains translations for the use of online tools. For example YouTube = TiriAta and internet = ipurangi 
Tech Tip:

Quizlet Live: When revising key vocabulary recently with my Year 12 Biology class, I used Quizlet live and I was interested to hear that none of the students had used this part of quizlet before. If you haven't then I definitely recommend that you give it a go. It has the advantage over kahoot, of letting student collaborate and discuss what the correct response is but still keep the competition factor.
As a teacher, you find or create a quizlet based on key terms for you topic. In class, the teacher selects the 'live' option.
You will be redirected to an area where there is a code for students to log into the game. The other great aspect is that you can shuffle up the teams, so that students have to cooperate with a number of different people.

I also came across this infographic which links the Key competencies with aspects of SOLO and levels of the KC's. Check out EduWells blog to see how he is using them in his classroom.
Image Credit:

Professional Learning Opportunities:

1. Core Leaders Summit: For those who are would like to grow their leadership skills. This is a Saturday workshop on the 24 June.

The three areas of focus are:
  • Tangata whenuatanga - Building a strong vision that honours bicultural integrity
  • Rangatiratanga - Leading people through complex change
  • Manaakitanga - Mentoring and coaching models that build leadership capability

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