Thursday 6 April 2017

Term 1 - Week 11 - EVEN week

Me te rangi ka paruhi

Like a beautifully fine, calm day

Beauty is a pleasure to behold

Week 11
10 Āperira - 15 Āperira (EVEN)

13DRA Assessment - Mon 10 - Tues 11

Swimming - School Sports (am only) -Mon 10

Blood Donations, Gym - Tue 11

Yr12 & 13 Careers Evening - Tue 11

13CHE internal - Wed 12

Easter/ ANZAC/ Colours Assembly, P4 - Thurs 13

Good Friday - Fri 14.

17 Āperira - 23 Āperira 

School Holidays - School resumes Monday 1 May.

Water Polo - NZ (Girls Div 2) - Tues 18 - Tues 25

Next update will be available at the end of Week 2 of the break.

Easter/Anzac Assembly - P4. This combines with the school Colours Assembly.


Tues 11: Nil



Tech tip for the week.

Some of you may find this zero noise timer useful when asking students to work independently in lessons. It monitors the noise level in the room, and allows for students to self monitor their behaviour.

I haven't used it yet, but it looks like a good tool for the 'talkative' class.

Article for Holiday Reading:

As part of establishing your next focusing question and goal for your next Teaching as Inquiry Practice, reading articles around what makes a difference to student learning and achievement should be part of the process. The article "Principles of Instruction: Research based strategies that all teachers should know" by Barak Rosenshine (2012), is an easy read with researched based examples that can be applied in every classroom.


It is difficult at the end of the term to make time for yourself. To make sure you get to the end of the term in one piece, a suggestion is to go home earlier than usual on one day during the week, and make sure you switch off from your emails and take the night off.

You may also like to read the 10 Tips for teachers relaxing over the holidays.

Thank you to Tina for organising the yoga for Term 2, starting the 8th May. Please let Tina (HAT) know if you would like to join the staff group.

I came across the following YouTube clip - one of those glass half full type messages. You may have seen it before, but a good reminder about what is important.


Professional Learning and Development.

1. Core Education have just announced a new course especially designed for middle leaders.

It is a 20 week course, that is divided into 4 modules. It has been designed for a middle leader who has experience, or equally for those who are new to the role.

Change in Schools - is it difficult or just uncomfortable?

Something to think about over the 2 week break.....

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