Thursday 30 March 2017

Term 1 - Week 10 - ODD week

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

My valour is not that of an individual but that of a multitude

The combined efforts of many are needed to complete a project

Week 10
3 Āperira - 7 Āperira (ODD)

Waitaki Summer Exchange - CGHS - Mon 3 - Tue 4

12DRA Assessment - Wed 5 - Fri 7

12PHY UC Trip - Wed 5

13MED Trip - Wed 5

Otago Junior Maths (Yr9-11) - Wed 5

LEF's and Estimated Credits due 12.50pm - Wed 5

11ECO Trip (P1 &2) - Thu 6

9DIT Trip - Thu 6

Easter Mufti Day - Thu 6

Summer Sports Awards - Thu 6

12 & 13HOS Christchurch Food Show - Fri 7 - Sun 9

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 7 - Sat 8
Week 10
10 Āperira - 15 Āperira (EVEN)

13DRA Assessment - Mon 10 - Tues 11

Swimming - School Sports (am only) -Mon 10

Blood Donations, Gym - Tue 11

Yr12 & 13 Careers Evening - Tue 11

13CHE internal - Wed 12

Easter/ ANZAC/ Colours Assembly, P4 - Thurs 13

Good Friday - Fri 14.




Easter/Anzac Assembly - P4. This combines with the school Colours Assembly.

Tues 4: Student Support

Thurs 6: Mentor discussion - 3.25 in Library.


Tues 11: Staff Meeting

Character Strengths and Leadership.

At the staff meeting on Tuesday, Sylvia shared ideas around the use of character strengths and the importance in identifying in ourselves, as well as our learners what those stengths might be. The website containing a free survey she shared which can be used with your classes can be found at

As teachers we are all leaders, and we need to remind ourselves 'what it means to be a good leader'. One way to do this is to take the Myers-Briggs personality test. This is one way that can help you reflect, and gain insight, on how this influences your decisions as both a colleague and a leader. There is a free online test which can be found at:

After have completed the questions, you will get a page with some info about your type of personality. If you click on a button that says ‘read summary’ (or something similar) on that page, it will take you to a more detailed summary where it has information on how this can affect you in the workplace, in friendships and relationships among other things.

Obviously as with all of these things, they are not gospel and not all of the information may resonate with you but can provide some interesting insights (and a bit of a laugh)

To help complete the test as accurately as possible, here is some useful information.
Try to instinctively answer questions (i.e. don’t spend too long over thinking questions)
Try not to sit on the fence
There are three levels on each side so if you only slightly agree you can just not move the bar over quite as far.

Staff Wellbing: 

I also came across this blog from Teacher Toolkit on Mindfulness. It is English (England) based. The article ends with.....
"If we are better equipped to deal with students mental health, our teaching and learning will excel; we can reduce the teaching minutes wasted (on what some of the issues can be considered teenage drama) we will feel much more prepared to handle whatever the day throws at us. In turn leaving both student and teacher happier."

Tech Tip

If you are thinking about how to empower students to create their own book - in any subject to showcase their learning - you might want to try creating an eBook with Google slides.

How to create a eBook with Google slides

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