Thursday 23 March 2017

Term 1 - Week 9 - EVEN Week

Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi
With red and black the work will be complete

Week 9
27 Maehe - 31 Maehe (EVEN)

Summer Tournament Week - Mon 27 - Fri 31

13BUS - Regional Enterprise Day - Tue 28

Cycling - NZ School MTB Champs - Mon 27 - Wed 29

Rowing - Maadi Cup - Mon 27 - Sun 2

Sailing - SISS Sunburst Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 31

Tennis - NZ Champs - Mon 27 - Thurs 30

Volleyball - NZ Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 31

Water Polo - Sth Island - Mon 27 - Wed 29

Rugby - School 7s - Tue 28 - Wed 29

Triathalon - NZ Champs - Thurs 30 - Fri 31

Athletics - Sth Island Champs - Fri 31 - Sun 2
Week 10
3 Āperira - 7 Āperira (ODD)

Waitaki Summer Exchange - CGHS - Mon 3 - Tue 4

12DRA Assessment - Wed 5 - Fri 7

12PHY UC Trip - Wed 5

13MED Trip - Wed 5

Otago Junior Maths (Yr9-11) - Wed 5

LEF's and Estimated Credits due 12.50pm - Wed 5

11ECO Trip (P1 &2) - Thu 6

9DIT Trip - Thu 6

Easter Mufti Day - Thu 6

Summer Sports Awards - Thu 6

12 & 13HOS Christchurch Food Show - Fri 7 - Sun 9

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 7 - Sat 8





Tues 28: Staff Meeting

Thurs 30: New Staff - Appraisal and Attestation - Library


Tues 4: Student Support

Thurs 6: New staff - first term debrief

Thank you to all staff

1. SADA Meetings

Thank you to all our HOLA's and HOD's who have put time and effort into looking at the data that checks students progress. There have been great discussions already and lots of positives around student achievement. This is also a chance for Learning Area's to set goals moving forward based on the outcomes.

2. Learning Walk: Monday saw our first new staff Learning walk. The focus for this was on "Creating a supportive Learning Environment".
As a group the staff met to discuss what this might look like when you go into a classroom. After the class visits, discussion was had with regards to the following:
a. What did I see the students doing?
b. What challenged my thinking about my own teaching?
c. What impact may this have on my teaching as a result?

The staff summary of 'Look fors' and answers can be found at the shared google doc if you would like to view. (Click here for doc)

Thank you to all staff who allowed others into your classroom, it was a very positive experience for the staff involved to get an idea of the CGHS classroom culture - the girls were amazing!

Feedback from Late start

Last week I asked for some feedback re our first late start and school/staff Professional Learning and Development needs.

1. Options that you would like to see available at our next late start. 50% of respondents have asked form more PD on Maori Learners is something that you would be interested in.

2. Looking at aspects of PLD that you believe the school does well. These late starts are an opportunity to work across Faculty and discuss ideas. A few staff have identified specific Faculty needs, and I will look at these in relation to Faculty Pedagogical meetings going forward. Remember these are meetings that staff can share PD they may have attended, a chance to work on new units of work, share good teaching practice etc.
The area that reflects the 'not as well' is around Leadership, so will look to offer options in this area.

Professional Reading

1.The first link came through from a recent PD afternoon for DP/APs and was referred to by the presenter, definitely a good discussion article that could be used in meetings. It only takes a couple of minutes to read and very thought provoking.

2. Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession

This OECD publication was released earlier this year. It is a bit longer.... (278 pages).

Professional Learning and Development opportunities.

1. Delving Deeper - Thursday April 6.

The program has 35 presentations from schools willing to share their practice (See link for presentationsThere is a limit of 6 delegates per school but presenters are not included in this maximum number
Registrations will close on Wednesday March 29th at 5pm with the website being closed off then
Jane Gilbert, one of New Zealands leading researchers will open the day with a presentation for all on 'Collaboration and Innovation in Schools - who what, when, where and why.

Four 45 minute presentation times will follow this with 13 - 14 offerings in each session time.

Please see BLS if you are interested.

Wellbeing tip

As we are in what is a busy part of the term for many people, take the time to stop and talk to someone, ask them how their day is going and be present in the conversation. You might not only have a positive effect on somebody else's day, but also your own.

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