Thursday 9 March 2017

Term 1 / Week 07 - EVEN Week

Ko te kai rapu, ko ia te kite

He who seeks will find

Don’t sit back, have a go and experience it

Week 7
13 Maehe - 17 Maehe (EVEN)

13GRA Bealey Trip - Mon 13 - Tue 14

NZCT Cricket Qualifying Tournament - Tue 14 - Wed 15

PD Late Start - Thu 16 (School starts at 9.50 for students)

Peer Support - Thu 16

Rowing Pre-Maadi Camp - Fri 17 - Sun 19

Volleyball  - Canty Champs - Fri 17 - Sun 19

Week 8
20 Maehe - 24 Maehe (ODD)

Rutherford's Den Visit - Yr9 Science - Mon 20 - Fri 24

11DRA Assessment - Tue 21 - Thu 23

Canty Triathlon - Tue 21

Summer Sports end - Wed 22

Peer Support - P5 - Thu 23

12GEO Trip - Wed 22 - Fri 24

Dragon Boating - SI Champs - Lake Hood - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Touch - SI Champs - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Water Polo - SI Champs - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Volleyball - NZ Champs - Sun 26





Tues 14: Learning and Teaching

Thurs 16: PLD Late start morning (8.30 - 9.45)

Thurs 16: New Staff to CGHS - Library at 3.30pm

Tues 21: Learning Area

New differentiation and grouping feature added in Google Classroom
This is a new feature and has helped solve one of the drawbacks of Classroom because it allows you to assign work to individual students and small groups. You can check off which students need to get the assignment — any number of students, from one to all but one in your class.
After it’s assigned, when you click to grade the assignment, only those students assigned to that assignment will show up. The assignment will only be displayed to students to whom it is assigned.
You can either watch this  Screencast tutorial   that guides you through the whole process OR follow written instructions below.

How it works:
1. Open Google Classroom and go to a class. Click the “+” button in the bottom right corner and click “Create assignment”.
2. You’ll see a drop-down menu that says “All students” next to the name of the class you’re assigning to. That’s where this feature comes in … click it!
3. If you want to select a smaller group of students than your entire class to assign to, uncheck “All
4. Add your assignment. (Remember to do the instructions part. If any students are absent or when they return to an assignment later, they’ll be lost without them.) Then click “Assign.” (There are also options to schedule it or save it as a draft with the drop-down triangle button next to “Assign”.)
5. Your assignment is now assigned to the particular group you selected. Later, when marking (click on the “Done” or “Not done” area), only the students you assigned it to are displayed.
So, what can you do with it? Well, it opens opportunities to set group activities - assign an activity to an individual group. Then, all the group members are all together in one place. You won’t have to check and double check who is in which group OR providing extra practice if some students are struggling and could use some extra work (or some suggested sites for practice) simply assign it just to those students OR differentiate an activity by creating two, three or four versions of it. A more basic version of the activity has less steps, less detail or less rigour and so on. Assign as needed OR if you have a set of activities students will do over days or weeks, keep assignments simple by assigning just the one that group is working on. So, for example, if students will rotate through four different activities, assign one group just activity #2 until they’re done with it. Then assign them the next one. The “reuse post” feature will make this quick and easy once you’ve assigned all the activities once.

From MWL

Heads Up:

1. CGHS is bringing back the walk-throughs for new staff only. This gives staff a chance to get a broader picture of the culture here at school, enabling them to reflect upon what they have seen and how this may impact their own teaching. This will happen on Monday 20 March during period 1. Please be supportive of this Professional Learning Experience. If you class has an assessment on during this time please let BLS know.

2. Academic Colours Assembly: This will be combined with our Easter Assembly on Thursday 13th April during period 4.

Late Start Options for Thursday

Link to sign up to your option is:

A reminder again that there is no period 1 on Thursday 16th, school will start with period 2 at 9.50. Each session will start at 8.30. If you are not here on this day, please let BLS know.

Late start options to choose from are:

1. ‘Who’s the Driver?’ The whys and hows of student - staff collaboration. (DXS) Room: A207

2. Moodle and Google - for new staff, and those who want time to work on existing spaces in these domains (MWL)
This session is designed to show staff how our Moodle site - Onstream - can be used collaboratively with students. We will look at different activities within Moodle and how Google Classroom or docs can be used (and linked to your Onstream courses). While this is designed with our new staff in mind, others who want a refresher, or time to work on their Onstream course or Google Classroom, are also very welcome. Room: Library with own computer

3. Pastoral Systems at CGHS - Teacher collaboration on ideas of possible programs - Establishing a CGHS Graduate profile - what do we want our students to look like when they leave school. (HAT) Room: 219

4. Teaching as Inquiry - establishing the next cycle, finding staff needs and establishing the question. Collaborating on best practice (BLS)
This session will allow teachers to discuss the outcomes of their TAI and share best practice. We will look at different ways to use data, establish a focussing question and start looking ahead to the next TAI cycle beginning in Term 2. Room:218

5. The Māori learner in our school (TRA)
In this session we will learn some basic Māori language and tikanga concepts that may be woven into classroom programmes. We will also briefly investigate the visions and principles of ‘Ka Hikitia - The Māori education strategy’  as we explore the Māori learner in our school. Room:Te Rongopai

And finally - something as a teacher to reflect upon.

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