Thursday 31 May 2018

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2018

Titiro whakamuri, Kokiri whakamua
Look back and reflect, so you can move forward

Week 6
Pipiri - 8 Pipiri

Queens Birthday - Mon 4

LEF2 and Estimated Credits due Wed 6 June at 12.55pm

12PED Boyle River Camp - Tues 5 - Fri 8

Year 10 Eng, Lilia Tawara talk - p3 in PAC

Big Sing - Wed 6 - Thurs 7

13BUS Young Enterprise - Thurs 7

UC Classics Day - Year 13 - Fri 8

Rock Quest Heats - Sat 9

Week 7
11 Pipiri - 15 Pipiri

11/12/13 Music Performance Week

Schools Chamber Music - Wed 13 - Fri 15

Cross Country NZ Champs - Sat 16 - Sun 17

Assembly - WED

Year 13 Assembly (PAC)

Year 11 Assembly (Gym)

Assembly - WED



Learning and Teaching


Staff Meeting - Note Change in Day to Thursday 14

Information for Staff

1. Thank you for your efforts today, a chance to learn new knowledge as well as a chance to reflect on practice. A reminder that Ako feedback sheets will be up in the staffroom for a few more days next week if there is anything else that you would like to add.

2. This week has seen the release of the first discussion document around NCEA review. It is worthwhile read for all secondary teachers as there are quite big changes that have been put into the proposal.
Link to document

If you would like to give feedback on the proposals (Big Opportunities) that have been outlined you can complete either a survey, or a more detailed submission. The links can be found HERE.

3. Ako Teacher Job Description: In term 1, Ako teachers worked with the year level Dean to discuss the expectations of the role of Ako teacher here at CGHS. When compiling the information, there were a lot of similarities bought up between the different year levels. The job description is now available. If there are changes or suggestions, please pass these on to BLS or PWL by the end of week 6 (8 June). Job Description - Final Draft can be found HERE.

4. Thanks to Jason for this weeks little gem - if you would like to look at or manage sound levels in your class - check out

Thursday 24 May 2018

Week 5 - Term 2 - 2018

He rau ringa e oti ai

Many hands make light work

Week 5
28 Haratua - 1 Pipiri

11DRA Assessments - Mon 28 - Thurs 31

13BIO Wainui - one class per day - Mon 28 - Fri 1

Anne Frank Exhibition Training -Tues 29

Cross Country - Canterbury Champs - Tues 29

PUM 8.30am - Tues 29, School starts with p3. 
(Non PPTA members to check in with MHL on arrival to school)

New Course Proposals Due to BLS - Thurs 31

Teacher Only Day - Fri 1

Week 6
Pipiri - 8 Pipiri

Queens Birthday - Mon 4

LEF2 and Estimated Credits due this week.

12PED Boyle River Camp - Tues 5 - Fri 8

Year 10 Eng, Lilia Tawara talk - p3 in PAC

Big Sing - Wed 6 - Thurs 7

13BUS Young Enterprise - Thurs 7

UC Classics Day - Year 13 - Fri 8

Rock Quest Heats - Sat 9

Assembly - WED

Full School Assembly - Colours for Sports and Cultural

Assembly - WED

Year 13 Assembly (PAC)

Year 11 Assembly (Gym)


Learning Area - Pedagogical


Learning and Teaching

Information for Staff

1. Teacher Only Day - Outline of the Day

Please be at the staffroom by 8.45 

9am - 10am - Speaker: Janina Konia. Janina is a Mana Whenua Education Facilitator and will be helping us as a school, as well as teachers, consider Culturally Responsive Practice here at CGHS moving forward. This directly links to STP1, and our Strategic Goal 2.4, 2.5 and 3.2.

10.00am - 10.30am - Morning Tea break

10.30 - 11.30am - Grow Waitaha and Positive Education principles. (STP2 and Strategic Goal 2.4, 2.5 and 3.2)

11.30am - 3.00pm - Department Time

The Positive Education component is an opt in choice session, run by our Deans who attended the Positive Education Conference. Please sign up to two sessions that you will be able to attend. Go to the following LINK

2. What is the difference between Teaching as Inquiry and Spiral of Inquiry? If you need a refresher as to what the different types of inquiry are about, there are a number of professional readings that you can refer to. A big reminder is that both of these types of inquiry relate to student outcomes, you need to focus on improvement of the learning and achievement. Therefore if you are using a specific tool for the first time, for example use of OneNote with a class, think about how the inquiry itself will be about how the tool impacts on student learning, as opposed to the teacher's experiences of how the tool works.
As part of the process, take time to talk with others about what you plan to do, as this helps to refine what you would like to achieve.

Check out the following links for clarity:
1. Teaching as Inquiry - a refresher (Education Gazette)
2. Reflective Practice and Inquiry: Let's Talk more about inquiry Earl and Ussher (2016)
3. A framework for transforming learning in schools: Innovation and the spiral of inquiry. Timperley, Kaser and Halbert (2014)
4. Two frameworks for teaching as inquiry - TKI and the NZ Curriculum

Thursday 17 May 2018

Week 4 - Term 2 - 2018

He aroha whakato, he aroha puta mai. 
If kindness is sown then kindness you shall receive

Week 4
21 Haratua - 25 Haratua

Technology Week

Open Day - Tues 22

School Cross Country -Thurs 24

Raw Cooking Demonstration - 3.30pm in Staffroom for those who have signed up - Thurs 24

PAC Opening - Governor General - 1pm - Fri 25
(see email re set up of the day - no p.4 class on the day)

Week 5
28 Haratua - 1 Pipiri

11DRA Assessments - Mon 28 - Thurs 31

13BIO Wainui - one class per day - Mon 28 - Fri 1

Anne Frank Exhibition Training -Tues 29

Cross Country - Canterbury Champs - Tues 29

PUM 8.30am - Tues 29, School starts with p3.

Teacher Only Day - Fri 1

Assembly - WED

Year 12 and 13 joint Assembly - Gym

Peer Support leaders in sessions with Year 9.

Assembly - WED

Full School Assembly - Colours for Sports and Cultural


Student Support


Learning Area - Pedagogical

Information for Staff

1. Information has gone out to staff regarding the opening of the Performing Arts Centre. Just a reminder around the structure of the day and class times (+there is no period 4 class):
The period/break times for the day will change to the following:

Period 1        8.50   -  9.40
Period 2        9.40   - 10.30
Break 1          10.30 - 11.00
Period 3        11.00 - 11.50
Break 2         11.50 - 12.40
Ceremony    12.40 - 13.30 (P4 cancelled for PAC opening ceremony)
Period 5        13.30 - 14.30 (Period 5 roll must be done for school afternoon attendance)

2. All staff need to start thinking about their inquiry for 2018/2019. This is a good chance to consider whether the inquiry you are considering could be done collaboratively.

Collaborative inquiry is when teachers work together to identify common challenges that they might face with a specific class, or within a learning area. It is a chance to share data and analyse it collectively, and put in place strategies that will help with student learning.

The following table from 'The transformative power of collaborative inquiry (2016) by Donohoo and Velasco, gives an overview of what collaborative inquiry is and isn't.

Collaborative Inquiry: What it is and what it is not

What it is
What it is not
A high quality professional learning design

Experimental Research Design
A cyclical and iterative process for improving student leaning and teaching practices

Linear or a checklist of actions
Based on issues related to the learning needs of the students of the participating educators.

Based on topics that determined/prioritized by someone other than the classroom educator
Driven by a central question – in which the answer is unknown to participants
Facilitated by outside experts
Adaptive in nature as new knowledge is generated among team members.
‘Cherry picking’ teaching approaches
Informed by evidence, research on practice and/or the advice of experts
More of the same while expecting different results
Using a variety of evidence – collectively examined at multiple points (not excluding pretest and post test data)
Pretest, post-test data – examined at the beginning and end of the term or at the beginning and end of the school year.

A mindset, a way of thinking, a belief that what we do matters, and that we need to evaluate the effects of our actions on student learning and achievement
A mindset, a way of thinking, that no matter what we do, we cannot reach all students.
Sometimes a muddy path
A clearly laid out path

If you would like to learn more about what collaborative inquiry is, further reading can be found at

Thursday 10 May 2018

Week 3 - Term 2 - 2018

Tangata ako ana i te whare, te turanga ki te marae, tau ana
A person who is taught at home, will stand collected on the Marae (meeting house grounds)
A child who is given proper values at home and cherished within his family, will not only behave well amongst the family but also within society and throughout his life.

Week 3
14 Haratua - 18 Haratua

Year 9 Drama Festival - Mon 14 - Wed 16

12GRA CAD2 - Mon 14

LEF1 T2  due this week (TBC)

NCEA Information evening for parents - Tues 15

Winter Sports Start - Wed 16

School Cross Country - Thurs 17 
(p 3&4)

Year 12 Tourism Trip - Akaroa - Fri 18

Pink Shirt Day - Friday 18

Breastcare Breakfast - Fri 18

Week 4
21 Haratua - 25 Haratua

Technology Week

Open Day - Tues 22

PAC Opening - Governor General - 1pm

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly - PAC

Year 12 Assembly - Gym

Assembly - WED

Year 12 and 13 joint Assembly - Gym

Peer Support leaders in sessions with Year 9.


Learning Area


Student Support

Information for Staff

1. FYI information for year 12 and 13 form teachers - There is a combined assembly for year 12 and 13 in week 4. The senior Deans and Guidance staff have invited John Quinn, the Head of Guidance at Christs College to speak to our students on the  theme  of "Balance" - specifically, maintaining a healthy balance in our lives in the context of multiple and competing priorities and demands on us - academic - sporting - family - part-time jobs - relationships - leisure & fun - leadership - exams - health challenges and so on and so on....  When juggling so many commitments and internal/external expectations, what happens when something throws us off course, or we take a 'knock'?  How do we identify the things in our live that are protective and sustain balance?  How do we pay attention to our internal state so we know when we're more vulnerable to losing our balance? If other staff (without an Ako class) would like to attend this assembly during Ako time, please feel free to do so.

2. Sticks and Stones Bullying App. This was in the media recently, also in light of the information that has been sent out to staff, from Guidance, around Season 2 of 'Thirteen Reasons Why' this is an App that you might be interested to explore.
It is a free App and Web tool, that connects victims of cyberbullying to services wherever they are. Please read the article from stuff to find out more.

3. A New Role for Teachers: 

I came across the graphic below, based on the work of Michael Fullan and summarises some of the processes around 'Deep Learning' that schools throughout the world are implementing.

The graphic looks at the three ways teachers can think about their role to engage and propel the learning process in their classroom:

From: Fullan, Quinn and McEachen (2018) Deep Learning, Engage the World, Change the world.

Interview summary – if you would like to read more about Deep Learning and can be found here

Thursday 3 May 2018

Week 2 - Term 2 - 2018

We work together for maximum impact  
Ka mahi ngātahi mō te tukinga nui tonu

Week 2
7 Haratua - 11 Haratua

Otago University Open Day - Mon 7

Antarctica Center Trip - Year 10 - Mon 7

Year 9 DIT Paparoa Trip - Mon 7

12DVC Product Research Field trip - Tues 8

Year 12/13 Careers evening - Tues 8

Whanau Hui - Tues 8 (6.30 in staffroom)

Year 13 Geo Trip - Tues 7 - Fri 11

Victoria University Visit - Wed 9

Careers Expo - Thrus 10 - Sat 12

English 2.5 Speech - Thurs 10 - Fri 11

Athletics - Canterbury Road Race - Thurs 10

Week 3
14 Haratua - 19 Haratua

Year 9 Drama Festival - Mon 14 - Wed 16

12GRA CAD2 - Mon 14

LEF1 T2  due this week (TBC)

NCEA Information evening for parents - Tues 15

Winter Sports Start - Wed 16

School Cross Country - Thurs 17 
(p 3&4)

Year 12 Tourism Trip - Akaroa - Fri 18

Assembly - WED

Full School Assembly

Assembly - WED

Year 11 Assembly - PAC

Year 12 and 13 joint Assembly - Gym


Learning and Teaching


Learning Area

Information for staff

1. Use of Checklist feature on Onstream: We have just had a new plugin added to Onstream as a feature that both staff and students can use.
This Activity allows teacher's to create a checklist/ to-do list/ task for students to work through.
Students are able to self assess against a number of Kaupapa (learning outcomes) for a lesson/unit of work. This is a great tool for setting milestones in achievement standards, and can also be set up so the teacher as well as the student can check that work has been completed.
Once a student has 'ticked' off an item, the student is presented with a bar showing what they have completed to date 

Video below from Moodle, gives further information:

2. Last month’s seminar on Assessment for Learning: Alfriston College DP Karyn White on different aspects of assessment for learning. It is always good to hear what other schools are doing in New Zealand.